Frank Bacon, Authentic Daredevil - Don't be a [BLOCK] SteemIt - ORIGINAL SIMULANT


Novel Research Unlimited.

Have you heard of “They?” You know... “THEY?” It's a sort of nebulous group of stories and folklore, "Conspiracy Theories" passed about in conversations throughout any day with just about anyone.

  • I hear "They" are passing a law to take away one of the ammendments!
  • You know what “They” say...?”
  • “They" have a cure for that now.

Getting carried away am I? Well I would challenge anyone to turn their own microscope of awareness, internally, to see how often these statements or similar are uttered in your day to day conversations. “They” are just a “Belief,” and belief is simply “Faith,” and faith to me was a silly notion. I was concerned less with faith, and more with the certitude of a “Mystery” of my own obsession. “They” were part of this mystery, but it was the “Mystery” itself which led me on a journey of mythic and cosmic proportions. I wasn't at all certain what this journey had in store for me when I began and at times, when I internalized conversations about WHY I was still on it, all I could do was to look behind at the progress of my journey and see a paradox of discovery and destruction in my own life. I felt that very early on in this process, which took many years, that somehow my very soul was at stake in the journey's conclusion. I thought this was silly. Souls and talk of such nonsense was just a silly notion, a “Belief” in my mind.


To try and fold and bend so many events, experiments, observations and excursions into a few paragraphs would be foolish. But a greater folly would be in not warning others of this “Mystery” I was seeking. You see, this mystery changed me, profoundly so! And in many ways, it was a torment that I wish on no one. My warning to you my dear reader, be careful what you wish for. The “Mystery” is not for the faint of heart and will devour the timid and blind. Yes, there be dragons out there! Dragons and shadows, demons and demi-gods, they're all out there waiting for those who challenge the notion of their existance and will tirelessly oppose or transform the seeker who dares to confront them.

A sequence from the famous Lord of the Rings movies is playing in my head whenever I ponder on the monsters of the “Mystery.” There is a famous Dragon named Smaug in the films, and when he is disturbed from his slumber, he rises up in a most spectacular display of death and destruction. The scenes of monsterous mayhem delivered by the dragon Smaug in these movies is as exciting as it is terrifying. And as I remember these movies while revisiting my own intense encounters with the “Mystery,” I cannot help but whisper under my breath, my understanding of the comparison between the two. Smaug is a chew toy compared to the monsters of the Mystery!


I only wish to warn you reader, that there are things that will shatter your expectations, will decimate any notion you have of how much control you posess, and reveal extrodinary truths IF you decide to look into the “Mystery” for yourself. For me, I barely escaped intact for all my abilities. There was a jolting back and forth between ephonies and nightmares the deeper I went into my explorations. With this came the discovery of things that would astound even the cleverest of philosophers and free the maddest of the mad. I found libraries of antiquity, fountains of youthful elixirs, even instruments of spiritual signifigance and many forms of Psychic technology which could baffle experts but be easily understood and weilded by a child. The pathway of circuts and neuronal masses in my head were consistantly obliterated and reassembeld effortlessly by unseen forces of balance and harmony each time a foe was vanquished or an achievment unlocked. To compare this constant back and forth through the maze of the “Mystery” to some kind of cosmic video game would be excedingly insulting to the magnitude of what one actually goes through while trying to survive this venture.


When the “Mystery” began as my obsession, it shifted into conquest, but mutated into a torturous cat and mouse when the roles began to trade places. The balance soon left my favor and I witnessed myself as an unfortunate test subject for a radacally intelligent and diabolical “Presence” in my life. Where I began as the hunter, stalking the “Mystery,” before long IT was stalking ME. I felt like Prey more often than I care to admit. But sometimes that honesty with the situation kept me from being torn to bits by something very real, very dangerous and very much not interested in becoming my trophy. Instead “IT,” the “Mystey,” changed rules and circumstances pathalogically in ways that drove me to the brink of shear, insane terror. Until one has found themselves to be the specimen of something so detached, so cold, and so alien, one should tread lightly before reading my words figuratively. Until one has really stared into the mouth of madness, one will remain forever underprepared for what the “Mystery” is capable of.

These are warnings only. Words really. I can tell you think I'm being crazy. You might even find it amusing. I've been laughed at before. I've even been the one doing the laughing. And THAT was where it all started.


[Per Inner Notional Law, I voluntarily share
this information free of charge and with no 
expectation of subscription. You are free to 
do as you will herein. The author is licensed 
to practice poetic comparison for the sake of 
space and time. Written as Scientific Fiction 
from a CHARming ACTER. Creative Plagiarism by


Until one has really stared into the mouth of madness, one will remain forever underprepared for what the “Mystery” is capable of.


Bacon Critique.png

The most important thing to know going-in is that you have to have an anchor; HAVE TO. And it's critical that you have it established BEFOREHAND. It should not be anything complicated or convoluted, it can't be. It must be deeply personal, because once you're undertaken in this it WILL be your sole tether to the Real. In the wilderness of mirrors you must, must, test everything, absolutely everything you encounter against your anchor; your proofing-stone. It is not unlike the forge of Hephaestus, it can not be. The anchor must be your great anvil, and you Tubal-Cain: the first worker of metals, the original Crafts-man; he who was the great artificer, who proved the strength (which is the quality) of plowshare and sword alike against his black-iron anvil; it is the black cube of Saturn, it is the black cube which was throne of every pharaoh, the monolith of 2001, the Kabba stone of Mecca. For you it must, MUST be the stone that holds that sword which is Excalibur. If not.....then it will be nothing less than the carbonite slab in which Han Solo was himself imprisoned in. And what specifically was the effect that carbonite imprisonment had on Han Solo? If you recall, it was blindness...

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