Let me introduce myself...

I am a truth seeker and I am on a mission to awaken the masses from their slumber. In my quest for truth I have discovered that we have been lied to about nearly everything! It is no theory that there is a conspiracy among the powerful elite that govern this world in the shadows. A conspiracy to enslave us all through the creation of the monetary system which has become our God, through science, which has blinded us to our true power and significance, and a conspiracy to keep the masses dumbed down, indoctrinated, hypnotized through television and other media, and sick through the manipulation of our food, our water, our air and by pumping us full of pharmaceuticals and vaccines.
We need to open our eyes and see what is really going on here! Every major issue we are seeing in the world today is due to the agenda of a Satanic cabal that has been oppressing and enslaving the people for millennia. We are viewed by them as cattle; ignorant slaves that are here merely to serve them. We are sent to school to learn how to become obedient robots, to be programmed with their version of reality, their version of history and trained to defend the illusion at all costs. With most people it is a case of Stockholm's syndrome, where the victim develops compassion for their captor and even defends them! We could be free in the blink of an eye, if people just woke up to the truth. Shame people love their slavery so much...
We have been sold the illusion that we are free, made to believe that we get to choose, when the truth is either path chosen still leads to the slaughter house. We wake up every day and do things we don't want to do, go to job's we hate, chasing money, chasing the "American Dream", poisoning our bodies with their genetically modified food, their water tainted with neuro-toxins, their vaccines filled with heavy metals, and we believe we are free because we get to choose what mind control propaganda we get to watch on the idiot box!
It's time people! Time to see that we are merely free range slaves! We are indentured servants. The 14th Amendment didn't free the slaves, it made us ALL slaves! Your birth certificate is a bond. Your parents unknowingly signed your life away making you a shareholder in the Corporation of The United States. Your name in all CAPS represents a corporate fiction (CORPSE) not a living human being! In exchange for the bail out our government received by the Central Banks the signing of the Federal Reserve Act meant that every person born and labeled a U.S. citizen would become the commodity used to pay back this debt. It is your blood, sweat and toil that goes to pay for this debt! Because money is worthless. And yet you spend your whole life chasing it....

JOIN ME! The revolution is NOW!


Nice meeting a fellow truther. I try to remain optimistic through all this - it can be tricky sometimes. But once you get past the five stages of grief, and you put your trust in the eternal, life isn't so bad. @ironshield

Good job on your introduction post. I am on the same mission as you. A mission for change and freedom from the small elite that control the world.

Thanks Jenn! It's not a task for the faint at heart. Glad to connect with someone else who shares the same kind of passion. Keep up the good work !

Yes some of the stuff I've seen will blow your mind. A lot of people can't handle it or even capable of wrapping their minds around it.

Welcome to Steemit. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do. :-)

Thank you! I think this is just great! Loving it so far!

Great post @flatearthchick. I hope we can stop Monsanto from controlling our food and stop GMO completely.

I know....Me too! When enough people stand up to them, we will end it!

Such an enjoyable read.

Lots of brutal truth there.

Eager to see where you go with this.

Wishing you all the best.

Thank you so much! I am passionate about sharing the truth. I spend a lot of time researching the topics I share about. Thanks for your support!

Hello there @flatearthchick and welcome to Steemit! I just upvoted you!! I hope you enjoy your time here and make lots of $$$. If you're interested in lotteries, please check my profile out @steemitlotteries. I run FULLY TRANSPARENT LOTTERIES with promotional posts where I issue FREE TICKETS for those who help me curate my promotions. All the best! :)

Thank you for the warm welcome! I will check it out! Thanks!

Welcome to the platform, I wish everything work out for you. It’s not easy here but not difficult neither but just ask an extra effort, engagement is the key good luck I’m @mohit Start by following people and they will do the same.

Thanks for the welcome and the advice! Nice to meet you! :)

Glad to meet you Too Looking forward for your Content on Steemit :)

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