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RE: Funny is here!

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

To each their own, and hot or not is subjective. Black and gold colors are smokin' hot in my opinion! Welcome to the future of social media my friend. You have other accounts, yes? Please link back to this one from them, so we can be sure you are the real Anarchyball.

Oh yeah, and eff FascistBook. I left that content filtering hell hole and G+ long ago. Collectivism can be funny, but it's funny in a sad way. I laugh and cry a little at the same time. A small piece of me dies while I smile nervously. You get the idea I'm sure. haha


There are a ton of other webpages to help you with Steemit. Here are some of the best for beginners: (This site is used to keep track of your voting power and other stats. You do not want to run out of voting power, and you only get so much per day. I keep my voting power around 80% for example.) (This site will tell you who follows you, who unfollows you, and who mutes you. It is great for meeting new people too. I regularly check it to see who has followed me to see if I should follow them back.) (This site is the official chat webpage for Steemit. There are Discord channels too, but I usually stick to the official site. Come in to network and meet new friends. You can directly message people there too, so it makes it easier to communicate with your closest friends.) (This site is a comprehensive list of valuable tools.)


There are a lot of bots on Steemit. Some are useful and good, and others are not. If you see a cookie cutter reply, especially to your intro post, it is almost certainly a bot. Check the account's reputation. If it is low, I would recommend just ignoring them. Everything is public on Steemit, so you can go look at an account's comments and replies. Are they all the same? It's a bot.

Sourcing and Adding Photos

Adding photos to your account as a new Steemian may be confusing at first too. The easiest way it to click to "Submit a Story." Once in there, use the built in Steemit tool to upload an image from your computer. Below the posting window, you will see "Insert images by dragging & dropping, pasting from the clipboard, or by selecting them." Click on the blue text. Once the image is uploaded, you can copy and paste the link into your account settings.

Here's a link to a Google Document I made to help with the coding:

Account Verification

Verifying your identity is very important because it will get you more support and people will trust you more. The best way to verify is to link back to your Steemit account by using another public social media account.

For example, I share my Steemit posts on my @finnianGC Twitter account. Another way would be to add your Steemit information to your Facebook account. Some people will even post a video of themselves writing out their account information since that cannot be Photoshopped.

The more famous a person is and the more valuable their content is, the more important it is that they verify.


Do not use your owner key to log into to post. Use your private posting key instead. Keep your owner key offline as much as possible, and only use it when you must.

Per the advice given by Arcanage, you should only use your owner key to:

  1. Recover your account.
  2. Change the other keys.
  3. Give a present to your children a few minutes before dying.

There have been some scams in the past. If you click a link to a site that prompts you to log into it, be extra careful. Double and triple check the address to make sure it is really A recent scam was using "lsteemit" as the domain name, and people were entering their owner keys to log into it. That allowed the scammers to take those user's accounts, empty the money from them, and then ruin their reputation by using the newly hacked accounts to further the scam.

If you find or suspect a scam, please report it in the #steemitabuse channel on

Don't Lose Your Content

Make sure you are copying and pasting your post content often as you write it, and put the data into another document to avoid losing it. I'll copy and paste my content into a Google document as just one example. Some people use Markup editors to do the same.

Definitely keep a backup copy right before you post it too, for some people have come back the next day to see half or the entire post missing even though the day before it displayed correctly. Make sure you copy and backup your long replies as well, for they can vanish immediately after clicking to post them.

Again, welcome! If you have any questions about getting started, look me up on the chat site or reply to this post.


Thanks. I had read about the verifying thing and made sure to share back a couple of times already;

Perfect, thanks! Yes, that works well.

As for the losing content issue. That's not an issue. I mainly make memes and comics and that's always saved before it goes anywhere. It's the only way to upload it, actually.

You seem to be pretty knowledgeable about how this site works... What say you about me posting pretty often, let's say every hour or so... In order to increase the number of followers since I really don't care about how much money I'm generating at the moment?

It's a tough call. Sometimes quick and simple posts will do well, and then other times they will not.

A lot of people frown upon "shit posting." Even the definition varies, but basically it is posting quick and easy content without much effort behind it. Your situation is different though since your content is not meant to be long and detailed. It's specifically the opposite (not suggesting little effort goes into it).

I'd say to go for it, and see how it works. You already have a popular following on fb, so you should pretty easily transfer that success to over here. Popular people on here always do well. The reason is how the site works. People with lots of money in their accounts will support you.

That gets you more of the daily piece of the pie. The more Steem Power an account has, the more of that daily mined crypto the account controls. A new user with no SP will upvote you for a penny. A whale with a million SP could potentially give you $1,000 in a single vote.

What a whale finds valuable varies too, so you never really know. But one key to success here is grabbing the attention of the whales. People follow the money of course as usual in life too. The more money your account has in it, the more followers you'll tend to get. Then it just builds and builds from there.

Some people market well and get 10K followers, and all those pennies add up quickly. You shouldn't have that problem with pennies though. Some whales will definitely find you, support you, and make this place wildly successful for you!

Remember me when you're rich, uhmkay? LOL Steem on Anarchyball! The money you'll make here will make your head spin. I've seen Acidyo, (he's great and a friend of liberty and I'm not complaining), post a simple video game streaming video with two short sentences that makes hundreds.

That happens because he has whales upvoting him. Some of them are probably auto upvotes too. :)

I wouldn't worry too much about getting more followers either. Your posts will naturally end up in the trending and hot categories, and then more and more people will see them. The system works very well to make more highly valued content go to the top of the stack of things for everyone to see. There are tons of liberty lovers, Liberty Professionals as I like to call us, here too. Many of them are whales also, and the founders of this place are, at least in a majority of ways, on our side as well. They are in the fight to tear down control systems--regardless of what type.

I definitely gotta do more research on how this works. Cause I'm so used to getting lots of laughs simply because of the amount of followers we have on Facebook.

You are saying the people getting to see the content is not due to how many followers one has?

Nope. No one has to follow you if your post ends up in the "trending new hot promoted" list to the top left. See the other reply I posted too. You can easily share your memes in trending popular posts by other people as long as they are appropriate for the post's conversation. You'll gain a lot of positive exposure that way.

Okay... That's beginning to make some new sense I was missing. So the goal here is to make it on trending new or hot... And promoted? So I can promote my own post?

I never look in promoted. You won't need that service. Some users pay to have their posts promoted. I figure if someone has to pay to promote their content, I already have no desire to look at it. :)

Cause I noticed, we don't have the equivalent to Facebook's news feed... So where do we go to see what's happening?

I guess trending, or hot? And new obviously... But one can get on new by simply posting a lot?

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