
Forever in love with Harry Potter. But I've also enjoyed books like A Thousand Splendid Suns, Animal Farm, Night, The Celestine Prophecy. A variety!

Well if you like Harry Potter you are clearly open to the fantasy genre, I'd be happy to suggest a few others if you are ever in the mood. Pretty much the reason I signed up here, to have liked minded folk to talk to about the books I like.

I am a sucker for that genre. I loved Hunger Games and Divergent series too. Please, lay them on me!

Well I would start with either the mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanderson or the Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss (although only 2 of the 3 books are currently out)

@fingolfin I'll hunt those ones down. I love anticipating books releases too! You're a gem, thank you.

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