Hello steemians, I want introduce myself

My name is M.Fernanda, I was born in Lhokseumawe, on 23 January 1998, I live in Aceh, Lhokseumawe. My hobbies are jogging, reading history, swimming, playing futsal, and playing soccer. I am now a student of Lhokseumawe Polytechnic, My life motto is nothing is impossible in this world.






Welcome on board, sir!

Welcome @esteemvote and join this steemit community even though new users but all of us new here also learn something new and can interact with others. This new community also teaches us new lessons with diverse writings and credible reliable information. Good luck and best regards

welcome, and how did you hear about steem?

Saleum meuturi..
Congratulations to join, I hope we can continue to communicate and share information through the community, I hope I can follow you and you will also do the same.

I have the latest information from my post, which maybe you can take a moment to see it


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