Satu Terobosan Terbaru, STEEMIT Untuk Kemanusiaan - STEEMIT For HumanitysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #indonesia7 years ago (edited)

Halo Steemians...!!!

Apa Kabar Steemians ? Saya Do'akan Semoga Hari Anda Menyenangkan.
Selamat Menikmati Postingan Saya, Saya Berharap Anda Untuk Tidak Bosan-Bosannya Melihat Tulisan Gado-Gado Saya ini, hehe.

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb Steemians..pada postingan kali ini saya tidak banyak menulis kalimat pembuka, saya hanya berharap Anda untuk dapat membaca postingan ini sampai akhir.


Indonesia sebagai negara yang terdiri dari 34 Provinsi yang jutaan penduduk dengan penghasilan dan otonomi daerah pemerintahan yang beranekaragam, tidak banyak kebijakan pemerintah yang dapat mencegah kesenjangan sosial. Saya mencoba mengambil beberapa data untuk membuktikan hal tersebut, misalnya di tempat saya tinggal di kabupaten Aceh Utara.

Indonesia as a country consisting of 34 Provinces with millions of people with varying income and autonomous regional governments, there is little government policy to prevent social inequalities. I tried to take some data to prove it, for example where I live in Aceh Utara district.

  1. Kemiskinan di Aceh Utara Melebihi 17% angka dari keseluruhan jumlah penduduk.

  2. Dampak dari kemiskinan : anak-anak yang putus sekolah, menikah usia dini, hingga terlibat kasus pidana;seperti pencurian,dan asusila.

  3. Lebih dari 6300 rumah di Aceh Utara tidak layak huni.

  4. Kemiskinan merambat hingga kepada masalah sulitnya mendapatkan perawatan kesehatan yang baik.

Ketika melihat 4 poin di atas, tidakkah hati Anda tersentuh dan merasa iba ? Itu hanya beberapa data tidak baku yang saya peroleh secara instan, saya yakin juga data yang sebenarnya melebihi dari pada itu.

Saya sangat termotivasi ketika melihat beberapa elemen masyarakat yang tergabung dalam berbagai macam lembaga sosial masyarakat (LSM), Perusahaan, Media Televisi, Atau Tim Kemanusiaan lainnya yang melakukan berbagai projeck sosial (kemanusiaan). Misalnya, Dompet Dhuafa, SCTV Peduli, Kasih Indosiar, Kemanusiaan Untuk Umat, atau beberapa organisasi pemuda lainnya dimana dengan jerih payah dan kerja kerasnya mereka merelakan pendapatan mereka sendiri untuk saling berbagi dengan orang lain, atau berbuat suatu hal positif untuk kepentingan umum demi menuju perubahan dan perbaikan dimasa yang akan datang.

I am very motivated when I see some elements of society that are incorporated in various social institutions (NGOs), Companies, Television Media, or other Humanitarian Team that perform various social projeck (humanitarian). For example, Dompet Dhuafa, SCTV Cares, Indosiar Love, Humanity For the People, or some other youth organizations where with their hard work and hard work they give up their own income to share with others, or do something positive for the public interest in order to change And future improvements.

pemuda peduli pasee.jpg






Gambar di atas hanyalah sebahagian saja aksi nyata yang dilakukan oleh beberapa lembaga rekan-rekan saya yang saya kutip melalui akun media sosial mereka. "Meski tidak banyak namun dapat mencukupi dan sedikit mengurangi beban", itulah kalimat yang sering saya dengar dari mulut mereka. Kemudian, Anda tau dari mana mereka mendapatkan modal/dana untuk melakukan hal tersebut ? Itu adalah jerih payah, dan hasil keringat sendiri dengan tidak mengemis kepada Instansi pemerintah manapun.

The picture above is only a part of the real action performed by some of my colleagues' agencies that I quoted through their social media accounts. "Although not much but can suffice and slightly reduce the burden", that's the phrase that I often hear from their mouths. Then, you know where they get the capital / funds to do that? That is hard work, and the result of sweat itself by not begging to any government agency.

Lalu bagaimana dengan Anda atau Kita yang berada dalam komunitas ini, Apa yang bisa Kita lakukan ? Steemit adalah sebuah media yang sangat mudah untuk menjawab semua pertanyaan saya di atas, saya rasa Anda pasti paham, dimana disini Anda dapat memperoleh penghasilan dengan mudah dan dengan jumlah yang sangat fantastic. Jadi, Apa yang harus dilakukan ?. Saya akan mencoba menjawabnya dalam poin dibawah ini :

  1. Menyumbang sedikit perolehan Anda (Steem Dollar SBD).
  2. Membuat Akun Steemit Untuk Kemanusiaan.
  3. Iuran pendapatan peserta komunitas untuk kemanusiaan.
  4. Memanfaat akun yang sudah memeliki Rating dan Power yang tinggi sbagai pemasukan.
  5. Mengembangkan Akun Steemit Untuk Kemanusiaan melalui akun yang sudah memiliki Power besar.

Then what about you or us who are in this community, What can we do? Steemit is a very easy media to answer all my questions above, I think you must understand, where here you can earn income easily and with a very fantastic amount. So, What to do? I will try to answer it in the following points:

Donate your earning (Steem Dollar SBD).
Creating A Steemit Account For Humanity.
Community revenue contribution contribution for humanity.
Use an account that already has high Rating and Power as revenue.
Develop a Steemit Account For Humanity through an account that already has a large Power.

Saya rasa sampai disini tulisan saya sudah mampu memberikan sedikit gambaran kepada Anda. Dan pada akhirnya saya berharap setelah Anda membaca tulisan ini akan ada satu tindak lanjut kepada arah lebih nyata. Saya hanyalah manusia biasa yang sedikit memberi saran kepada Anda dan berharap jua supaya saran ini bermanfaat. Saya menginginkan tanggapan dan saran dari Anda, Saya tunggu Anda di kolom komentar saya.

I think until here my writing has been able to give a little picture to you. And in the end I hope after you read this paper there will be one follow-up to the more real direction. I am just an ordinary human being who gives you little advice and hopes that this advice will be useful. I want your feedback and suggestions, I'm waiting for you in my comment field.

Jika Anda merasa postingan saya ini bermanfaar dengan sangat kerendahan hati saya mengharapkan supaya Anda meResteemnya.

Jangan Lupa Follow, Komentar, dan Upvote.

Semoga kita akan berjumpa dipostingan berikutnya.

Salam Kemanusiaan



I think until here my writing has been able to give a little picture to you. And in the end I hope after you read this paper there will be one follow-up to the more real direction. I am just an ordinary human being who gives you little advice and hopes that this advice will be useful. I want your feedback and suggestions, I'm waiting for you in my comment field.
Jika Anda merasa postingan saya ini bermanfaar dengan sangat kerendahan hati saya mengharapkan supaya Anda meResteemnya.

Jangan Lupa Follow, Komentar, dan Upvote.

Semoga kita akan berjumpa dipostingan berikutnya

Worth reading...upvoted

Thanks you..

Inspiring act @ponpase. I resteemed it.

oh no problem ,
so, thanks you very much..
Glad to see you present dikolom my comments, hopefully we can continue to establish good communication both in steemit.

Do you understand and understand with the intent or purpose of my posting this, please give your response!

I liked your post a lot, it brought back memories of the time i got to visit and enjoy the well known Selamat datang

however the alternating Bahasa and English made it very difficult to read and follow.

Maybe you can make it one language at the top (with a line close to the title in the other language telling it is in that language at the bottom or something like that.

Presentation impacts quality

Keep up the good work

Thank you for responding to my post,

a very useful suggestion for me,

I will try to fix it in the upcoming post, hopefully you can enjoy it.

I have tried to translate it into English with the maximum, however, maybe it is not perfect.

I made the writing in Indonesian, maybe you can translate again.

the aim of the paper is that steemit users can use steemit as a tool to contribute steemit dollars in steemit income to social humanitarian activities.
Thank you, glad to see you present in my comment field!

Tolong ditulis

About this:

is a tool to contribute steemit dollars in steemit income to social humanitarian activities.

We are in the same boat/page! I'm just doig it to raise money for humanitarian causes in #Venezuela

Sadly as per your request to help you translate your post, my Bahasa is limited to dua lagi, sama sama, terimakasih, selamat pagi/malam ...

I was lucky enough to visit for my work a few years back and found it is a beautiful country full of really nice people.

On a different matter, do you know what is the value of comments?
How do one gets to have the comments up voted so hard ?
I see my comment has 0 upvotes, yet your reply has 8 already

I hope my post gets much attention from other steemit users. Until finally they will agree with my opinion, I hope fully that through the charity activities in steemit we can help each other and share with others.

Oh, do you work in any of the humanitarian agencies or humanitarian organizations?

What happened there?

I hope you can share my story with me.

I am happy to carry out humanitarian activities, where we will be able to reduce the burden of suffering experienced by others.

There is a very easy way, I reply to your comments via my mobile phone. I installed the Esteem app on my phone. You can download it, any posts through the app will be rewarded automatically or automatic upvote.

good luck !

great post ponpase! keep it up! and thanks again for following!

Thanks you.

Best of luck with what you do, i welcome your initiative.

Thank you very much, I need your advice to get a response from other account users regarding the plan I am writing.

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