Smooth waters never made a tough sailor. Painting tomorrow today, traveling, and intro to the steemitverse!

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Like many steemians, I'm a dreamer.

First off I'm excited to be here, as a successful motivational college speaker and now New York times best seller . The tools I've given to people over the years are not only inquisitive, simple, but empowering. And now we are creating a network to revolutionize how ambitious people connect with each other to change the world!

Just kidding. But wouldn't that be great?

On a more honest note, I'm 20 years young and those things listed above are my dreams. I'm working hard to become a College speaker as my hopes for the world are modeled after one of my idols, Martin Luther King Jr. I promised myself one fateful afternoon when I was 12 that I would change the world. Back then, I thought it'd be by giving free energy and finishing Nikola Tesla's work. But- experience has changed that outlook over the years.

I see the world as it is, we have the ability to feed and power the world. What many have disconnected from in the constant quantity of information is the quality of life. Living upon a system that hasn't changed enough with the times and is cumbersome. My ultimate goal is to reconnect people with the magic of life that came so naturally to us as children.

 It's been a long road for me, as it has been for most of us. I was really disconnected from my emotions and passion for life around the age of 16 at one point I even lived out of my car so my mental state wasn't noticed by those closest to me. I needed a solution, and a tutor I had been working with recommended me to slow down and maybe try meditation. To still the mind. Before this, I hadn't shed an emotion in years, and was quite jaded. About a week after beginning daily meditation practice, I abruptly awoke at 3 A.M. Eyes wide open, and mechanically began writing on my laptop in a way I had never done before.

The experience was raw, emotion filled. Tears streamed down my face for the first time in years, and it was solidified. My first poem was written. And it felt amazing, years of baggage lifted off my shoulders through the conglomeration of expressive words on a screen. I was in shock, crying, and tasted the sweet emotion of joy that had eluded me for so long.

[near highest peak in Jamaica, solo climbed for my birthday]

But- that was 5 years ago, and now I am a traveler of life. Having been to Costa Rica, Canada, Mexico, and my last journey Jamaica! (which I backpacked alone) I vow to travel out of the country every birthday. Keep the adventure going, my goal is to take all this experience into different tools to help the average person increase their quality of life and work towards a fulfilling life!

[Dub Club, one of the best clubs in Jamaica, with a kicken' stereo system]

I hope to utilize steem as a way to share emotional content of both poetry, travels, and to show people what can be built on the foundation of belief in ones self! I didn't understand the world for such a long time, and now, I know.. It's time for us to shift, into the embrace of a graceful co-existance. I'll close with an introduction to my poetic style. 


Sound your horns of freedom,
Cause lions are in the hearts of men;
to hear them roar is to feel the end,
And see the beginning,
The whisper in your ear is the screaming blood in your veins,
Contrary to belief the Shepard does not hold the reins,
For he is same in skin,
And in soul,
Just breathes a bit of life,
And makes the heard whole.
The heart of the lion,
Comes from the soul.
So sound your roar,
And let the horns of freedom roll,
Washing away the darkness of today,
And setting the fate of tomorrow,
For when the lion roars for his pack,
It is already a day too late,
The low roll of thunder moves with their feet,
Eyes burning with flames of eternity,
Teeth sharpened with a silver tongue,
Oh how sweet the sound is when the freedom bell is rung,
The fight can be won with ease,
But the war will never be done,
Unless the lions roar the song of freedom,
Without the sound of the gun.

 Sincerely thank you for reading my first post! Let the world know in the comments whats ONE thing you want to acheive during your life?

Also, please remember to follow if you want to ride the journey of the spectrum!


this world does need some changes) welcome @enterthespectrum and good luck with all your dreams! :)

Welcome to steemit community! Thanks for your introduction and a beautiful poem. We hope that you are going to enjoy this community, so good luck and keep growing! @extremeromance

I found my man here in Steemit!!!!! (no homo HHAHAHAHAHA)

That's exactly what I want! Travel the world, and as you inspire others!!

Man I feel so identified with many of what you told that it's even weird...
(except the travel thing beacause I haven't traveled yet to another country, but soon I will start with that part of my goals!)

Welcome aboard!

Yo! #LetsDoThis together, the three of us + a billion more :)

I'm glad this post is reaching the right people! :) Adding other chat methods in bio to get in contact with me. #CommunityEffort

One thing: you have to walk, and create the way by your walking; you will not find a ready-made path. It is not so cheap, to reach to the ultimate realization of truth. You will have to create the path by walking yourself; the path is not ready-made, lying there and waiting for you. It is just like the sky: the birds fly, but they don't leave any footprints. You cannot follow them; there are no footprints left behind.

They are gracious and beautiful. Harmonious. Everything is mostly right there in front of us, for those with eyes to see and ears to listen :)

Word to you Motha.


It was a pleasure to meet you in Whaleshare's last night… I really enjoyed your introduction and I am very same phone that you were able to find the faucet for your emotions in poetry. What a wonderful privilege to be able to travel come and I hope you are able to reach every corner of the Earth that you want. Followed & resteemed.

Same to you, I will do my best! :) Rising early, sleeping late.. Oi, dreamers don't get that much time to actually dream do we? hahaha


I love how you started your post with your dreams in reality form. I love it. God bless you on your journey. Sounds like a life worth living :)

And I love how you know where I was going with it! :) glad to have met you in WS last night. Will participate in the RS if I can.

No problem. I was fun sharing in your post. :)

@dreamingirwin miss your energy buddy! Haven't been in discord much. What's your discord username would love to reconnect!

You've got lots to offer! Welcome to Steemit @enterthespectrum! Looking forward to your coming posts😊

That means the world. :) I hope to add value to everyones day and share my journey!

You have such an amazing dreams! Haven't traveled alone yet, unlike you😅 followed you 😊

Thank you :) just honesty and dedication! It is a beautiful thing to travel alone, and have nobody telling you what to do lol. You learn SO much about yourself so quickly.

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