RE: Introducing Myself
Oh, I really look forward to your blogging about Chinese Shamanic Medicine. A couple of decades ago, I was introduced (and converted!!) to the different perspectives to healing available in Oriental Medicine. It made a lot of sense to me. I experienced many of its benefits first hand ... and it did a lot to change my view of the world.
I think it also offers hope for an alternative to the Big Pharma monopoly and its approach to "treating" diseases for a lifetime (and by the way, creating new ones!!) rather than curing anything outright. Under its current for-profit model, our Western medical / health care system has made me very wary of what they have to offer. I anticipate reading what you have to say in your posts from another point of view. Srsly.
Awesome! Yes I feel strongly connected to some of the Daoist healing methods that have finally been available for the rest of the world to learn in the past 30ish years. Many believe as the western medical system finally breaks, (which I think is coming very soon along with many other shifts) that things like Qigong and other healing modalities will even surpass yoga. But as we know western yoga is just that. I will be putting together some more on that soon I hope! I have completed my practitioner training in medical qigong and will be following that up this year with the therapist level. I have seen nothing like it before in almost 20 years of looking within and without. Blessings! Lunar and Solar eclipse coming soon! Gonna be a great 2 weeks ahead, we are also having a baby in that time :)
Marvelous!! I hope to learn a lot from what you have to say! To quote Paul Simon ... "These are the days of miracles and wonders ..."
My next posts will be on the eclipses. And joyful congratulations on the new baby! A little Leo ... how awesome. They are the best. I have a real soft spot in my heart for that sign. I bet you can hardly wait ... but get some extra sleep while you can. Lord knows there won't be much afterwards for a while.