Introduction David Boston - A New Beginning

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)

The Almost First Post

Normally, the introduction post is the first post you make somewhere. Whoops, it wasn’t my first post, Oh well, it can still be my second post! I actually heard about the website today and since I’ve been interested in blogging for while I thought that this might be a good location as it already has an established community and it would be easier to connect with others!   A little background     


I am now residing in Southern California. I recently moved from West Texas in order to be closer to mine and my wife's family. I’m currently working as a teacher at an elementary school and I love each and every day (not saying it can’t be stressful). I currently worked with three different grade levels TK-1. Basically, students who range in age from 4 years to 6 years old.   


I truly enjoy running. However, I haven’t done much of it the past few years. I’ve also developed a couple new hobbies which include learning to play the piano and learning mandarin (so that I converse with my inlaws more effectively.) Oh, I forgot one of the most important ones. I love to cook food. But.... I always make a mess and the lady in the house always gets mad at me. Whoops! Maybe, I should work on that bad habit.


Honestly, I hope to connect with many great people here and to learn new things about others, likes, dislikes, their cultures, etc. We as people can always learn more and I want to continue to expand on what I know. This way I can continue to help my students grow every day! 


The almost first Welcome! Really nice intro, I am sure you'll do well here. Just remember not to give up.

Thank you for the kind words. I see this as an enjoyable endeavor and possibly another hobby that I can add to my other hobbies.

That's a good attitude for sure. Just remember that it has the potential to be more than just a hobby.

That is very true. I'll keep it in mind!

A big warning: Steemit is very addictive!!!
That said, welcome on board and get ready to enjoy the ride!

That is just what I need... Something else for me to be addicted to! Thank you for the warm welcome.

If you don't mind, you can check out my blog. You just might find something interesting.
Maybe check my introductory post first.
Thank you 😊

Welcome to Steemit. Stephen

Thank you for the welcome!

Welcome to Steemit, David.

Greatly appreciated twinner! Hope to see you around often.

Hello and welcome to Steemit! :))

Thank you very much for the welcome!

Nice little introduction :) Welcome to steemit David :D

Thank you so much for the welcome!

Welcome to the crew! Great introduction. I am sure you will do well here.

Saluton kaj bonvenon je Steemit. Certe estas adventura vojaĝo....
Welcome on the steemboat !

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