Introducemyself : Not to stalking on my wife, call me Dipo

in #introduceyourself6 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemians!


My name is Dipo, steemit is a new media for me. my wife @cicisaja who encourage me to make this account (actually, I let her do everything, so she just need my approval to post on behalf of my account..LOL). I do like photography but never have time to really do the photo hunting and I don't enjoy taking selfie for sure.

---nama saya Dipo, steemit adalah media baru bagi saya. istri saya @cicisaja yang mendorong saya untuk bikin akun ini (sebetulnya, saya biarkan dia bikin apapun, jadi dia cuma minta persetujuan saya untuk posting menggunakan akun saya..hahaha). saya suka fotografi tapi nggak pernah benar-benar punya waktu untuk motret dan sudah pasti saya ngga suka swafoto juga.---

why I joined Steemit? not to be a stalker for my wife ... the new platform of social media really interesting, now. though, I heard from my wife that the bitcoins not on its best performances now. but I'd like to learn about it. I took trading as my focus of business for 20 years. I understand how derivatives market is worked.

--- mengapa saya bergabung dengan steemit? tentu saja bukan untuk jadi penguntit istri... media sosial berplatform baru ini sangat menarik, sekarang. walaupun saya dengar dari istri saya bahwa saat ini bitcoins tidak sedang dalam performa terbaiknya namun saya ingin tahu lebih banyak. selama 20 tahun terakhir ini fokus bisnis saya adalah trading . saya memahami bagaimana pasar derivatif bekerja.---

I like gardening and doing any kind of art and craft too such as wood's craft, sculpture, painting, curving, well I think kissing my wife is not an exceptional art ...what do you think? I like football too, PERSIJA Jakarta is my favourite's club forever. I enjoy Coffee and delicious food. I used to work as journalist, activist and miner before my right knee got injured when riding the wave at Nias Beach years ago. ces't la vie.

sexy gardener (2).jpg

--- saya suka berkebun dan membuat berbagai karya seni dan kerajinan tangan seperti seni menyusun kayu, mematung, melukis, mengukir dan saya pikir mencium istri pun bukan seni yang dikecualikan, gimana menurut kalian? saya juga suka sepakbola, PERSIJA jakarta adalah klub sepakbola kesukaan saya selamanya. saya pernah bekerja sebagai jurnalis, aktifis dan penambang sebelum lutut kiri saya cidera ketika main ombak di pantai Nias beberapa tahun lalu, begitulah hidup.---

I hope that we can enjoy our time together here in Steemit, to share anything True, Honest, Inspiring, Necessary, Kind and Informative (THINK). Please welcome this mere newbie.

--- saya harap kita bisa menikmati waktu bersama di Steemit, untuk berbagi segala yang benar, jujur, inspiratif, perlu, baik dan informatif. terimalah pendatang baru ini.---

pots (2).jpg


Welcome to Steemit @dipoabasch!

I wish you much success and hope you find Steemit to be as rewarding and informative as I have.

Here are some links you might find useful.
Your stats on SteemNow
Your stats on SteemWorld
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How to use Minnow Booster
How does Steemit actually work?

Introbot is hosted and managed with donations from @byColeman to help make your journey on Steemit be truly rewarding. Your feedback is always welcome so that we may improve this welcome message.
Oh yea, I have upvoted you and followed you. Many blessings from @introbot & @bycoleman

Welcome to Steemit, Nice to met you Dipo. The plants in your photo's look interesting. Tell us more.

thank you @kandywriter, I will post about the plant and the wood pot too.. I'd love to share about it later

Saleum teuka lam Steemit bang @dipoabasch

Selamat bergabung di Steemit

Saya sepakat dengan kalimat terakhirnya bang....

--- saya harap kita bisa menikmati waktu bersama di Steemit, untuk berbagi segala yang benar, jujur, inspiratif, perlu, baik dan informatif. terimalah pendatang baru ini.---

Terima kasih

Salam kenal dari Banda Aceh

aku yang balas beuh... salam kenal kembali kata abang tu.. hahahaha

Cit ka lon duga sejak awal... Hahaha

Memang no were cut kak @cicisaja

Seip bereh kira ju....



nteuk watee ka troih watee, gobnyan keudrou yang kelola akun.. han ek takarat that meu en dua

I love your plants. Welcome to the Steemit community. I hope you enjoy your time with us!

Thanks a lot @tillysfamilyfarm, nice to be here anyway

welcome @dipoabasch and enjoy steeming .. join this fb group to promote your content:

thank you, I've joined but waiting for approval

Welcome,my friend, I wish you all the best and successful journey here at steemit. If you need any help,feel free to ask @tirke.

thank you @tirke , it's very nice of you.. I will ask you if i face any probs with steemit

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