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RE: Robert David Steele's Earth Intelligence Network is NOW ON STEEMIT!

Your comment responses sounds like a robot. Please bring a personal touch or you might fall out of favor. #justmy2cents


Thank you! There's a lot of work to be done behind the scenes.
Your continued support is VERY appreciated and needed.


The Robert Steele: Memorandum for the President
Is an important warning to the President of a violent American Spring!
Eight Actions for Donald Trump to Make America Great Again

Robert David STEELE Vivas

I have upvoted your post as it's good to see new people on Steemit. However I'm downvoting these bot responses.

I really started to think that THIS ^^^ Comment above was the Stupidest thing I could read, but then I went to your page and saw some of your posts... I was wrong.

These are not Bot responses and BECAUSE of Obnoxious replys like this one, I'm beginning to think that SteemIt is NOT a good platform for Intelligence.

Either comment about the ACTUAL POST or don't comment. I'm allowed to answer these comments however suits my needs. They are not here for YOUR Feels Sally!
Grow up or get lost!

You know what, you're right. I apologize for the downvotes. It was your top-level post so you should feel free to respond to comments in whatever way you see fit. I was definitely in the wrong here.

Unfortunately it's too late to remove my downvotes. I would suggest not getting too upset about downvotes on this platform though, they are a core part of the concept and you will get plenty of them while you're here.


That's a pity, I hope you reconsider. Again, apologies for the inappropriate downvotes.

It's probably not going to matter...
Robert Steele does not have the time to manage a site like this,
and the amount of BULLSHITTERY about comments is absolutely ridiculous for the small amount of followers. This was an experiment and will likely END soon. There is no intelligent work being done on SteemIt. It's a constant Sh!t fest of obnoxious snobs whining about robots and Feels... What a pathetic platform. No different than a Twitter or Facebook, which is shameful.

The whole point of Robert Steele mentioning SteemIt on Alex Jones was to open up and join the open source movement using Blockchain solutions.

Your apology is recorded, but Im afraid the process has started...
This experiment was a big waste of time.

This article parallels very well, the kind of ridiculous SH!T that goes on in this Community...

The Earth Intelligence Network (EIN) is about using holistic analytics, true cost economics, and if desired, open source everything engineering, to create open ethical intelligence (decision support) in support of strategic, operational, tactical, and technical decisions, courses of action, and investments. This platform is very important in our mission. An open and uncensorable platform for distributing intelligence has never before existed. These are amazing times.

But sure... if YOU think the comments are too robotic, you're welcome to make YOUR point. But please, move on. Un-Follow, Block, Hide... DO WHATEVER to just stay away and let the adults here do their work. There are MANY other posts out there who need your obnoxious comments. THIS ONE DOES NOT!

~The Management

Don't get caught up with the "politics" it's just draining, making other change their mind is impossible, I'm rethinking my strategies too :D The facts are that there isn't much of a user base. 130k users out of who 5k are active is what we have at the moment. It's truly decentralized so nobody knows where they are going :D and people are blind so they bump heads anyways :D so it's like a big fenced up ecosystem with blind decentralized people inside :D

I have to say your comments aren't helping with the engagement in those topics. People need to grow up and be able to handle those concepts, maybe not triple down put thirty down on your "personality" there are many different people most care about crypto and blogging trading would be the next and all the jazz follows after that. Have to say your expectations will be shattered at least 4-5 times before you get it right.

If you want a community engagement, do that, really your copy paste doesn't help a thanks i better, Thank you! @phibetaiota for the interesting topi and the posts I've missed :) Thank you @brindleswan for the Re-Steem so I could see it ad Thanks to the Steemit's @ned @dan for making the platform and the many active participants, pushing their hardest to make something decent come out.

I would argue you are judging too harshly and pushing your ideas too strongly. I love it but this takes a LOT a TON of work. and you can' do it alone, nobody will help you unless they believe you and they do, they find it interesting then it's like the Mark Passios and the Alex Jones, vitrial is good an all, spill acid to the reptiles :|
It's nice to see you've mentioned krnel he did a better job for me explaining the concepts brought forth by Mark before, without the side talk and the hate for government officers and such, conversation REQUIRES participation, ACTIVE engagement and sometimes even a CONSENSUS. Currently you don't stand to gain much. I will tell you how it is for most people. they make 2$ a post ~ 10-20 views and 100 votes, that's it unless you bring in the big guns like you have with your highest earning posts. Anyways don't expect anything and you will constantly be surprised, expect people to care and they will, they will care to defend themselves :D
Bringing people out of misconceptions and trained patterns would take as much time as making that open open open open world you like to see.

Reason and evidence coupled with calm and sometimes even emotional responses will produce much more for you. The platform is going through a tough time, the price has dropped by 10 times :D there are some problems as you've noticed. Either take it is at is and stick it out for a few years while the beta is over. Or leave us become the FB,YT,RDit,Insta,TWatter people so dearly want to make here :D

I came for a escape from all that jazz even saw a glimmer of hope and a way to "reform" those broken ideals, but it won't happen overnight. If it happens at all.
so either work your ass for a peaceful open world, which can only be sustained by clear minds, and peaceful interactions. Or be disappointed like the many that have tried, just don't respond with a wall :D I've had the appeal of spending 15 hours a day on here. Try to incorporate everything and constantly learn and iterate. Be the change you like to see :)

I'm one to go all out on the philosophy, aaaaaaaaaaaaaand I'm hungry. :D
Need to get some blood flowing :D

Welcome to steemit, any questions feel free to ask, there is a chat, many interesting topics and on and on :D Might give you a follow if I grow to trust you enough :D

Hope I didn't bore you with the introductions :D

Cheers, Kind Regards, Best Wishes!
~ :D

People need to be on par with the concepts you like to see. First invite them second let them understand and learn third show them again and you're done :).

My two Cents... Why don't you help PBI out and resteem the post instead of Nagging the account like a Troll?
Just a legitimate question : /

... MY personal touch ; )

because robot copy pasting comments is silly and low quality. Why would I Resteem a post full of the same replies with a giant photo of someone I don't know? If you don't want to alienate your audience I would take the feedback from coming them. (which @phibetaiota seemed to have acknowledge)

You sound overly sensitive and possibly in need of a hug or something.
I'm not seeing what you're talking about with the Robots either.
@cheetah is a bot, is that what you're talking about?

Never mind...
I don't want you blowing this out of proportion.
I'm gonna drop it and move on.

Kind regards.

This is really absurd! WTF?
Have you read an article on PhiBeta or are you just Trolling around looking to get offended by something... because it sounds like you're just trying to be offended.

"Alienate your audience?" are you for real? Do you even know ANYTHING about the people who run Phi Beta Iota? Or do you think SteemIt is a Dating site? Cause you're not making any sense and it looks like Harassment of an important member of this Community.

You're not posting "Feedback," you're being overly critical. And it's obvious.

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