Why Am I Here?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)

Introducing The New, Improved, Emerging Me - Part 2 (of ???)

Hello, Steemit, creatr here again. And, no, "Why Am I Here?" is not the usual existential question; it's simply another installment of my Steemit introduction.

I'm labeling this "Part 2" because I've thought of a couple more things you may want to know about me (just in case you're considering following me or reading my blog entries). I'm looking back at my first little while on Steemit, and looking ahead to what I hope is to come. I'd especially welcome your interaction by commenting or writing your own posts in response to mine.

In case you missed it, HERE IS A LINK to PART 1 of my intro... ;) Since writing that,

I've been "Steemingly Surprised" by New Inspirations

In Part 1 of my introduction, I told you I like to do new things.


Background meme image is a portion of a stellar photo, courtesy of NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)-ESA/Hubble Collaboration (HubbleSite: gallery, NewsCenter) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Being on Steemit has inspired me...

Being on Steemit has inspired me to create quite a few new things to post here.

I have posted "older" things in the mix - some surfing stories (here and here), a diatribe against the "institutional church" acting as an arm of the state, a "how-to" article about Bitcoin keys, and one very old poem so far...

But I've also posted a couple of very recent, rather personal poems (Grace Upon Grace and Small Gifts) that have never appeared anywhere before Steemit. Also for the first time, I've posted a simple work of art (a surf painting that I've titled "Paddling Out"), a story about how I became fond of cats, and a philosophical essay about my longing for a special kind of "simplicity."

Paddling Out; Original Art by creatr

Original Artwork, Credit: Me -- Using MediBang

I've also begun a brand new series.

My first original series on Steemit is an account of my lifelong journey along the road towards liberty, ultimately becoming an anarchist and an agorist. The series title is "Agorism; How To Become Free in an Unfree World." There have been two entries so far:

Part 1: Pre-Agorist Days


Part 2: Tax Honesty

I'm working on Part 3: Bye-Bye Politics, in which I relate how I became progressivly less and less political as I began more and more to understand what politics actually is about.

I hope in later installments to provide some "nuts and bolts" practical observations for would-be agorists. But it's taking some time because I'm going for quality rather than speed... and the agorist life keeps me pretty busy.

As yet to appear are a couple of illustrated children's stories that I wrote some time ago, a Sci-Fi short story, some thoughts on manufacturing engineering, and various other eclectic offerings.

But I've got something else new coming up that I'm getting exited about; here's a teaser...

More than twenty years ago, I began writing a theological fantasy novel; first, a short aside:

I've made no secret of the fact that I'm a Christian - i.e. I believe that the man commonly known as Jesus is in fact the one true and living God, Creator of all things.

Now, it matters not a whit to me what your personal religious or other philosophical persuasion may be. You see, I'm somewhat of a queer duck in that I am a voluntaryist (anarchist) and I can see quite clearly that the vast majority of "Christians" are quite self-contradictory. Rather than loving you (as they profess to), most want to run your life by way of political power.

I, on the other hand, am more than willing to simply leave you alone --

provided you extend me the same courtesy. I know we can have mutually profitable intellectual exchanges, and we can learn from each other. Even if you don't believe in my God, you may enjoy my writing for other reasons.

Photo courtesy of Thomas Budach and https://pixabay.com

And so, back to this theological fantasy novel; since beginning it, I've learned so much more about God and the New Heavens and New Earth that, should I (God willing) finish the novel, it will have become something quite different from what I pictured at the outset.

I'm considering beginning my re-write here on Steemit. At the moment, my working title for this series is "Tales of New Earth." Even if you don't believe in the Christian heaven or the same future I believe in, I'm hoping you might find these stories at least entertaining as pure fantasy.

However, if you happen to be a Christian of one kind or another, you may want to fasten your seat belt. The "heaven" that I hope to portray in my stories is so far from what you may have been led to expect, it might just boggle your mind...

I am of course prepared to either succeed or fail in defending my vision of "heaven" should you care to question or comment...

I hope that I've piqued your curiosity to the point that you'll consider following me and up-voting my articles.

As you have opportunity, please check out my earlier posts. And as always, I look forward to your comments and questions!


I just spotted your comment and link today...

Thanks for this! I've been very aware of the distinction for many, many years, but look forward to reading your article when I can to see what more I can learn. ;)

Consider yourself followed by a fellow Christian Ancap.

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