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Hello Steemit Community, We're The Con Artist Collective


Hello, My name is Brian Shevlin and I help run The Con Artist Collective, an Artist run creative community located in the Lower East Side NYC. Back in 2010 before I ever heard of the term coworking, I opened a shared creative workspace out of a basement at 119 Ludlow street, in the heart of NYC's Lower East Side. This shared creative workspace and community has grown to 500+ members who organize shows, events, projects and more internationally. We currently still operate out of our original location but we've expanded, and now rent about half of our building, over 3,000 square feet across 3 floors. You can learn more about the community anytime from our website


About The Collective

After 8 years, we are still 100 percent artist run. With over 500+ members, we have every type of creative person involved from painters, sculpture, illustration, to sewing, graphic design, programming and so much more. Our 3,000 square foot shared workspace is available to any member who would like to apply for a residency, typically from 30 to 60 days long... although we also organize unique 1 and 3 day creative residency sprints as well. The idea of the entire collective is about Connecting Artists, which is also where are name comes from, and creating an easier organized system of creative opportunities for everyone. We're also quite social with regular weekly parties every Wednesday from 7-11pm, social events, game nights, crit clubs, meet ups, skill shares and so much more. We are open to new members joining anytime, just check out our website or get in touch.


Drop A Line & Say Hi Anytime!

We're stoked to connect with fellow members of this creative project, and we look forward to being active with our contributions. We have a small content creation team, typically a revolving group of members and interns, who are interviewing NYC creatives, creating videos and so much more. We look forward to sharing these with steemit and connecting with as many creatives as possible. Please reach out regarding any questions, or ideas!


Thank You! +Brian Shevlin & Brandon Wisecarver, The Con Artist Collective


I'm a new yorker and kind wait to see some of your stuff. welcome to steemit.

Thanks @raybilson! Stop by anytime, we're here and open Monday through Saturday 11am to 7pm.

Hello And Welcome To Steemit!

It is a platform like none other. You can get to know people from all over the world. If you continue to post great informative content you will grow a following in no time!

Start following some authors that post good content and upvote them as well. Follow Me! Make some friends and you will be well on your way to earning some nice curation rewards and growing your following.

Best Of Luck!
Sam Billings

Awesome! I've been hearing the same things from many others! I look forward to exploring and sharing more...

@conartistnyc That's wonderful! I am looking forward to posts from you.
Happy Easter

Welcome to the community, enjoy your stay here and good luck!

Welcome aboard @conartistnyc! Great to have you here. Enjoy and explore! :)

Welcome to steemit ..
I invite you to visit my blog

Hey, welcome to Steemit!

Wow, what a cool community, 500 members! And all artist run? Congrats on that! I ran a for-profit youth theater for fifteen years, so I know a lot of what you're up against, but what a team!

**I'm @markrmorrisjr, I work with a lot of new users. If you haven't yet you're probably going to be dealing with some bandwidth issues. I just wrote an article on how to overcome it herefollow me and @dolphinschool for lots of free training on how to get started!

Congrats @markrmorrisjr on your youth theater project! I think for profit for good businesses can sometimes be better than non-for-profits... We've been blessed with some passionate people, and I hope you'll get learn about more of them here soon.

Welcome to Steemit, I'm sure you will be able to inspire others on this platform, I won't be able to come to in the near future though ...

Feel free to check out my blog @maxdigi. This way we can support each other.


Thanks Maxdigi. You can follow a lot of what a community of 500 creatives is up to, here on our steemit blog. We're also active across all social media with the same @conartistnyc Thanks!

hola.. welcome to steemit :)
upvoted! following
You may visit my profile too

Happy Steeming! :)

welcome to steemit and cant wait to see more post!

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