Hi it's me and this is my story!

in #introduceyourself7 years ago

Hi to all you people out there!

After staring at this white page for about ten minutes now, I've finally decided to start writing my introduction post and tell you some little things about myself.
I am Conny - 22 years old, studying medicine in Vienna, sports-addict, drama-queen (I prefer calling it hyper-hormoned) and trying to carpe diem as good as possible.


What is my story?

Like all of yours, my story is a sum-up of thousands of little ones. Moments. Decisions. Fails and mistakes. Thoughts and steps. But especially people. People, who make it so much more colourful and exciting every single day.
And that's where you come in! :)

I am fascinated by the idea of exchanging experiences, knowledge and thoughts with you guys ALL OVER THE WORLD. Despite all this crap happening around, I think this community is a prime example of how globalization and digitalization can unite and enrich all of us. I would love to be part of pushing these developments a step into the right direction.


What do I want to write about?

Of course, now you might ask yourself, what exactly it will be I am going to write about. To give you a short insight of my plannings and as I am a big fan of recapping and trying to improve myself and my life , I decided to share three of my New Year's resolutions for the upcoming 2018 with you:

  • Enrolling in osteopathy
    Though I am fascinated and thankful what huge affords modern medicine has put up in the last few years, I believe that there is still much to improve and learn from the past concerning the consideration of a human in its entirety. Doctors often tend to see the illness and treat it how they have been thought, but forget see the whole body and mind behind.
    I wanna be different.
    A reason why I chose to study medicine, is that I love working with people and their stories. I wanna build a relationship to my patients, win their trust and find out together how to help them. Every human is different and needs a different treatment. Taking time to listen, finding out what it is and accompanying the patient on its way to health is an often unlearned or perishing feature and should be given way more attention than it does at the moment.
    I believe that osteopathy is one way of getting closer to this integrative way of medicine. I am going to start this 6 years lasting education beside my courses in the last week of January and would love to keep you updated and also recapitulate for myself what I will learn.

  • Taking part at the Vienna City half-marathon
    As I shortly mentioned above, I am kind of addicted to sports. I even think of sports as a kind of medicine itself. Not only that I am each time stunned again when I hear about how only a bit of exercise can increase your health and lower the risk of thousands of diseases, also I believe that sports, preferred in the nature, is a balm for the soul and psyche. Talking of myself, I have to admit turning into an unbearable, nasty monster if I miss powering out myself for two days.
    Curious as I am, I have tried many different sports so far (training, climbing, horse riding, yoga, skiing, running, ballet..) and still I love to keep it diversified. What kept one of the most important ways to get my thoughts in order since I was a pubescent teenager is jogging. After a run in the woods nearly every problem seems to have a solution somehow.
    Taking part at a marathon is a new experience for me. I am excited about thrilling myself and trying some preparation methods. Therefor, I hope to get a few advises from the runners of you and maybe can exchange experiences!
    (Between, I am still looking for a teamsport but me being a catastrophe concerning every sport including a ball this is pretty difficult. Any tips from you?;))

  • Exploring Australia and the Switzerland
    I know, I know, travel blogs are pretty common here and probably you all have read your eyes off of them. So I will keep this short. Still, for me it is the first time traveling somewhere alone and I am pretty excited about this. Also a bit afraid, I admit.
    Next year, the 5th year of medical courses, we finally are allowed to practise in hospitals. These so called "electives" can be absolved all over the world. Wanting to use this opportunity I decided to spent three months in Australia (one of them traveling), attach one month in New Zealand probably and spend the last one in Switzerland.
    To process what I experience for myself and of course let you be part of it, I intend to perpetuate what brings this adventure with it in my blog.


Well, I hope I could give you a small overview of myself and my plans and maybe there is something included that could wake your interest! At the end I just want to say that I am happy to be part of this adventure :)

But now enough about me! Tell me something about you! What are your New Year's resolutions for 2018?

All the best! Yours, Conny


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Hy @co-co,
nice to meet you here on steemit! And a happy welcome. :)
You will see, this community is really great and gives a lot of support.
I am still learning how to use ist the right way. :D

I like your approach to medicine a lot! And i am excited to read more about your excperience and thoughts about it.

I am not that interessted in sport, but i hope you will reach your goals!
I did a half marathon by myself in 2003! And for me it was a hard way and a hard run too. But with a lots of engagement, help from the community and self-discipline you will reach your goal. I am sure! :D

Well, i think there can´t be enough travel blogs! :D
I love travel, and i love the storys from other travellers.
In 2017, i made a 8 week Tour in Iceland. All by myself. :D And it was awesome!
I think with your selected countrys you will be very happy.
I hope you can enjoy your adventure a lot.

At the end let me tell, if you have any questions, don´t be shy an ask the community! :D

Have fun and steem on.
@kissi :D

Thanks a lot for your lovely welcome-comment! :D
It's true everything is a bit overwhelming at the beginning and there is still so much to explore here..but the people are so nice and helpful, that's great!

Congrats to your half marathon!! Amazing that you did this even if you are not that interested in sports..respect!!

Iceland is definitely also on my list!! Have you already written something about your tour here?

Thanks again and best wishes for 2018 :D

Eigentlich kann ich auch auf deutsch antworten :D

Ich war wesentlich jünger als ich den Halb Martathon gelaufen bin.
Und in erster Linie habe ich damit meinen Stress mit laufen vermindert. :D

Bis jetzt habe ich nur einzelne Fotos aus Island gepostet.
Geschichten noch nicht.

Ich bin selbst noch am ausprobieren hier auf Steemit. Und nachdem es soviel zu lesen gibt, kommt das schreiben ein wenig zu kurz.
Ich plane aber definitiv ein paar Posts zu Island und vorallem mein Warum zu posten. :D

Ein klasse Vorstellungspost!

Na dann mal viel Spaß hier auf Steemit.
Du wirst dich sicher super zurechtfinden, hast ja schließlich direkte Unterstützung von jemandem, der sich hier gut auskennt.

Man liest sich :)

Herzlich willkommen auf Steemit! Ich oute mich als Halbmarathon-Läufer.
Wien Marathon ist doch im April, oder? Für einen HM reichen drei Monate Vorbereitungszeit locker aus. Du solltest aber einen Monat vorher mal ein einem 10km Rennen teilnehmen, um ein Gefühl für die Wettkampfsituation zu bekommen.

Bis bald!

Hallo, vielen Dank! :)
Uuh toll! Wie oft bist du schon gelaufen und wo?
Ja genau, Ende April. Plane jetzt auch mal etwa 3 Monate ein, habe allerdings heute gestartet die Grundfitness wieder etwas aufzubauen, die sich in der Weihnachtszeit doch etwas davongeschlichen hat leider
10km-Rennen ist sicher ein guter Tip. Hab mal bei einem 5km - Uni-Lauf mitgemacht und bin viel zu schnell gestartet, sodass es ab dem 3.km ein echt mühsamer Kampf war, gar nicht so leicht, sich das gut einzuteilen
Wünsch dir schöne Läufe fürs nächste Jahr!

Finally! Welcome :)

Nun habe ich den Vorstellungspost mittlerweile sogar gelesen und ich bin begeistert! Vor allem, als ich auf den Halbmarathon gestoßen bin.

Vielleicht solltest du auch teilnehmen? :)

Welcome @co-co ! You'll do amazing on this platform especially because @theaustrianguy is one of the best steemit users on here.

I'd love to know more about your experience in Australia (as I'm from there) and hopefully you enjoy this site as much as I have.

Have a great day!


Conny! So great to finally meet you and have you with us.
I am so interested in osteopathy myself, I am looking forward to your content in that regard. Please keep us posted.

I'm excited for your half-marathon, one of my goals in 2018 is to qualify for the NYC Marathon in 2019. I would like to know how you are training for it (if doing anything special)

Looks like you have alot on your plate, which means the more you can share! :D and you're in @theaustrianguys hands so you will be successful (he has helped me and many others get a kick start in this platform) I'm genuinely excited for you!

Hey, thanks for your nice comment! :)
I am also already pretty excited concerning osteopathy!
You live in the US? Is osteopathy a common practice there? Anyway, I will keep you informed about my lessons
Great you wanna join the NYC Marathon!! The whole one? :O
Greetings and all the best for 2018!

Hallo und herzlich willkommen.

Bin auch beim VCM am Start, allerdings "nur" in der Staffel (11 km). Viel Glück beim trainieren!
Freu mich schon auf deine Ausführungen zur Osteopathie, ich finde den gesamtheitlichen Ansatz aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht sehr spannend ;-) Folge dir mal, um ja nix zu versäumen...man liest sich!

Vielen Dank!
Super, Staffel ist sicher auch ein Erlebnis :) euch auch alles Gute!!
Bin auch schon sehr gespannt und freu mich, euch dann berichten zu können! :)

Nice story! Thanks for sharing. There is no doubt that I and other steemians alike have benefitted immensely from your story. Pls. Keep it up. I follow and upvote.

Willkommen auf Steemit! :)

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