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RE: I'm Just an Island Boy Living in Utah who Loves EDM :)

You're welcome buddy and you are on it with the music tag. there is so much incredible talent on here.

Here is a link for your convenience for last week's Beat Battle:

And heck yeah thank you and looking forward to reading some content from you as well. You can tell you write :)


Whoa, that is sick stuff man!! I love it! My favorite ones were 2 and 3 though :P Like obviously the first place winner was great too, I was just feeling the 2nd and 3rd place tracks a lot more haha.

O heck yeahhhhhhhh. Appreciate you taking the time to listen.

I totally agree with ya @xtetradhedron (from Norway) and @seveaux (from the Netherlands)are epic producers. It is so epic Steemit is connecting people from all over.

Glad you enjoyed the tunes bud

Definitely! I don't know too much about music production myself, but I am definitely looking forward to listening to all your future contests and stuff!

Heck yeah appreciate you.

In regards to Steemit, I have learned whatever you are passionate about is what people really love to read on here, so go with your passions ya digggg.

Yes, that's definitely the plan! I think a lot of people that decide to give Steemit a shot are drawn in mainly by the money making aspect, and that causes a lot of discouragement at the beginning as they are constantly monitoring their numbers and getting bummed by the sight of their posts not blowing up and making them money. I've come to realize that you just have to keep your passions up and write to your heart's content about things that you truly are passionate about, and the community will see that and more and more people will start to like your posts. Nobody starts out making hundreds on their posts, it's the result of a lot of hard work and dedication and PASSION :)

Holy smokes you got it man, love the awareness and knowledge.

It's like life anything easy isn't worth doing, and some people want the easy life and some people want the righteous life.

My gut tells me you are going to do great things on here. Looking forward to experiencing the rise :)

Thank you so much for your support and encouragement! And for upvoting my comments! :) I'm still kinda confused about how to spend my upvotes, from my understanding the more we vote all willy-nilly on everything the less our vote "matters" or something like that, so like when people are commenting and engaging in discussions with me I want to upvote their comments because in my mind it shows them that I truly do appreciate their input.

But at the same time if I keep engaging with people and upvote all their responses then I won't have any upvotes left for actual posts that people are I right in thinking this? How do I balance expressing my genuine gratitude for people engaging with my posts and discussing matters with me, and also having enough voting power left to continue voting on newer posts and other good content?

You're welcome buddy :)

And it seems like you are on the right path. It is all about balance just like you said between using the upvote as a means of engagement and as a means of rewarding content. I try and do what you described and also keep my upvoting to posts creating for the challenges I host and try to stimulate conversation through them. Also, epic content that I come across whether it be a comment or post I try and upvote it. It also is an awesome way to show people about the different ways Steemit works. Like how cool is it you can be rewarded for epic comments? So i guess every situation is unique but it seems like you have a good head on your shoulders and have it down pat pretty well. Like anything I've made plenty of mistakes with it and learned from it. Wish you the best bud.

God bless.


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