Introducing...Your Steemit Movie and TV Reviewer!

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)


Hello Steemit!!

I’m currently on YouTube doing movie reviews, and it’s going okay. It’s a slow climb but I’m managing to improve in view counts and subscribers. I don’t have a lot of either at the moment, but I’m happy that I’ve met the monetization threshold (even though I won’t get paid out anytime soon) and the subscribers that I have are very supportive and show a lot of love.

Check out my very first Steemit/Dtube video, a review of Star Wars - The Last Jedi:

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I tried Vidme but I had a hard time getting noticed there and figuring out what to do to grow my presence on the site so I spent more of my time and effort on YouTube, but I was definitely not going to give up on Vidme. Then recently Vidme announced they are shutting down the company, so that took Vidme out of the vlogging equation.
I came across Steemit while researching cryptocurrency. I was watching a video on YouTube about Bitcoin and someone in the comments suggested to the creator to move over to Steemit. I got curious to see what it was about and now here I am! An official Steemian!

One thing that I really like about Steemit is that I can do both blogging and vlogging; I love to write so I was thinking about the best way to supplement my recorded movie reviews with written out reviews where I can go more into detail. Steemit seems like the perfect place where both my videos and my blogs can exist in the same space.
My main goal in life right now is to quit my office job and make a living as a full time content creator. I believe that Steemit has a part to play in realizing this goal.

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If you’re thinking of following me to see my reviews, I’ll tell you a little bit about my style. I’m not the type of person that thinks movies only fall into two categories: 1)The WORST movie ever, or 2)The BEST movie ever!!!!
I take the approach that film is art, and as such it is completely subjective, open to interpretation, and a scale of one to ten stars is not a great way to evaluate art or to compare one piece of art to another completely different piece.
I also realize that people have different tastes; some fit squarely in the rom-com set, while others like big, blasty popcorn movies. Some people love a really good well-acted, well-written, well-shot drama, while others want the s*** scared out of them with a good (or really cheesy) horror flick.

Because of the nuance in the tastes of filmgoers and in film, and also because I have rather eclectic tastes myself, I like to think of myself as a curator. When I started looking into Steemit and saw that curators are a big part of the community, it was like a sign telling me that I have found the absolute right place for me.
I am the person that you can come to and ask, “Is this film for me? Should I waste my time and/or money watching this?” I want to curate your movie watching experience (and I’m pretty sure I will do a better job than the “Suggested For You” section in your Netflix account).

I have a good time in my videos and I want my viewer (hopefully it’s you) to have a good time, too!
On top of film and TV reviews, I want to talk about everything going on in the entertainment industry, from sexual harassment allegations toppling major players, to movie subscriptions services disrupting the well-established, largely unchanged theater-going experience.

That’s pretty much me and what I do in a nutshell. I’m excited to be a part of the Steemit community and I look forward to see what is to come in the future. I still need quite a bit of education when it comes to cryptocurrency and Steem specifically, but I’ve already found quite a few creators here already that I’m following and I’m ready to expand my knowledge!

The part that I find that I like the best about Steemit is that it is a real community. Everyone is helping everyone else and the focus is on the value that each person brings to the community. In the little time that I’ve been here I’ve already found people that have contributed to my life in a positive way and I hope that my contributions here do that for others as well.


You sure should switch to @dtube with your movie reviews :) But I guess you are already thinking about that :)
Resteemed you via @welcoming, my account for sharing promising newbies like you! Greets!

Thanks for the resteem! Yeah, I’m trying to upload on dtube but I’m having some issues...will try again tonight. Thanks again!

Maybe use a different browser? Otherwise ask someone at @dtube! Whats the issue?

I tried a different browser and it worked! Thanks for the tip! Here's the link to the review (which I'll also add in the post):

Feel free to join on the DTube discord, you can get helped or report bugs if you find some!

Just joined. Thanks!

Gave you 100% upvote! WELCOME to the site! I'm glad I could bring you onto the site, I love it so much here!

This post has received gratitude of 1.00 % from @jout

Welcome to steemit. I hope you wll enjoy your stay here. If you need help with anything at this platform please do not hesitate to ask me or anyone in the community. Everyone here is eager to help one another. Have a wonderful day!

Thanks! The support is one of the things that I love about this platform :)

Hey @chickwithflicks ! Congrats on your new blogpost! I see you review movie a lot and lets rock the #moviereview tag if you keen (or not). I see u Vlog too, steem has its own vlog apps called dtube maybe u can check that out too. Maybe also i can learn a thing or two from you!

Keep posting you have a fan already dear.. ❤️❤️

Hey Jen! Video review of The Last Jedi is up! Enjoy!

Yes saw it. Will have a look at it ^_~

Welcome to steemit!

Hope you enjoy it!
Please do not hesitate check out my blog posts as well if you like playing indie games. :)

Thanks! I'll definitely check you out!

Welcome to Steemit! Glad you decided to move your videos here! It's a great platform. Look forward to the reviews! Feel free to tag me when they are out!

@diezeldiddy I actually JUST NOW uploaded a video! Check it out, let me know what you think:

Thanks for the warm welcome!

Welcome aboard Cap'n. You'll find some quality stuff here and it's a very giving place. "Get out what you put in" kinda deal.
I look forward to seeing your movie reviews!

Thanks! I’ve definitely been feeling the love.

Welcome to Steemit. Found this post over on Reddit. :)

For some additional support, check our group the #steemitbloggers. We always love having new talent! :)

Cheers! @inalittlewhile

Thanks for the resteem! I’ve also followed you back ;)

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