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You are really going to like it here. This is a unique place where there is no competition. Instead, we all work to build success by helping each other out. The best way to grow is to build Steem Power and vote to reward other authors.

Best Of Luck!
Spencer Coffman
My Latest Article: Eat Right For A Healthy Life

Welcome to Steem Cat and Cat Owner. You should definitely stick to it! Nice to meet you. Good luck on the platform!

Hey, thanks a lot :D
I see you are into cryptokitties~ I lost moneys on that stuff because I bought in during that price spike (cuz I'm stupid and impulsive :D).
But what do you think about cryptopets? I believe I've been whitelisted for pet adoption day, but I'm not sure if I should spend any money on it~

In multi-cat households, cats of the opposite sex usually get along better.

Lol cat facts bot! :D I knew that one already though, how do I invoke another fact, mention cats in my comments? Cat cat!

When a domestic cat goes after mice, about 1 pounce in 3 results in a catch.

The richest cat is Blackie who was left £15 million by his owner, Ben Rea.

Welcome to the Steem World!
I have recently made an orientation video that will help you in your journey here - and will hopefully answer all the questions that took me months to figure out.
I wish you all the best here on Steem!


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