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RE: Hello. I Want to End War.

Hola, muy noble tu causa, pero creo que mas de uno se te opondrían, existen muchos intereses de por medio, hay muchos que se benefician de las guerras, suena cruel, pero es así. Con esto no digo que no se pueda hacer, pero mientras, la mejor ayuda comienza con nosotros mismos, dejando el egoísmo a un lado, comenzando a tener compasión, piedad, y no no solo sentir lastima, y es que los términos distan muchos, seamos mejores personas, mejores hijos, mejores esposos/as, mejores padres, mejores amigos, mejores ciudadanos, aprendamos que todos valemos, si todos aplicamos esto, veremos el cambio. Creo que allí debería comenzar todo. Gracias por tu post.


Thank you for your reply. I agree, there are some very powerful people who will oppose this idea. These are the people running the world. The problem is, when you look at it, they are running the world into a very bad place. It's not just their wars, but also their exploitation of the environment, and their exploitation of the people, (just to name a few), that is concerning. More than concerning. Threats of nuclear war are dangerous to our long term survival. I agree, they will oppose attempts to end war, but we must stand up for what is right. We may never have another chance to try.

Así es, siempre hay que intentar cuando se trata de una buena causa. Estaré siguiendo esta idea ;)

Rather than just following it, why not promote it? Best case you help bring about world peace, worst case nothing comes of it.

Edit: I have to apologise for using the word 'promote'. I'm new here, I didn't realize at the time that you can actually pay money to promote posts. What I meant by promote is the more classical meaning, telling people about it.

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