My Mom Claims Steemit Isn't Real - Help Me Prove Her Wrong

I'm Benjamin Miller 27, cryptocurrency enthusiast, sports over, brother, son, and uncle to three nephews, a niece born in a firestation during a snowstorm (, and a baby on the way (who according to my 1 year old niece may be an owl).    


Those are all labels and something I love about this platform is that you can be yourself and people accept you. There have been a lot of great new introduce yourself posts, and I would like to make mine as honest as possible with a little humor thrown in because that is who I am.    

  One of my biggest values is that I enjoy helping others. That is actually the reason that why my picture i am posting is so sweaty. I've been painting my sister and brother-in-law's apartment to get it ready for renting. But I really get joy out of helping people. I went and volunteered after Hurricane Katrina and both helped in tearing down old houses, and putting up drywall and repairing those that could be saved. I also went to the Dominican Republic to help build a sidewalk around a schoolyard with limited building supplies (lets just say the concrete we mixed would not be the easy kind you just add water to). I also visited Uganda a few years ago with my Mom and Dad and visited offices that are involved in helping get justice for the problems of child slavery and landgrabbing (I can explain more to those interested). It's a joy to me to be able to do things that others appreciate. It truly makes me happy.  


  Another thing about me is I suffer from clinical depression and anxiety. For me it's an imbalance of chemicals that I need to take medication for. Most people would never guess I struggled with these two as I joke around frequently and usually have a witty comment or a smile on my face or both. But this depression has resulted in my inability to work at times. If you haven't suffered through depression, I can't write words to do it justice, but it is mentally and physically exhausting and nothing seems to matter. This disease has forced me to terminate my working to be fair to my employers, but leaves me with a lot questions about my future. I hope to find work in the computer coding field, as that is my current focus. Hopefully I can help destigmatize depression and anxiety. So many people suffer from these two, yet in general it is frowned upon to reveal this to others that you don't know well. It's really no different than needing to take insulin for blood sugar in the same way that my body doesn't produce the chemicals it needs to to regulate my feelings.     

Anyway, as a cryptocurrency enthusiast I have scoured the web looking at almost every coin available and how it is mined and the features it possesses (that word looks so weird). But I didn't find anything that really caught my eye except one alt coin called Espers that caught my eye. It's development team has slowed its progress and this is when I stumbled upon Steemit. I won't post all the great things about it because we have seen so many posts doing so, but wow! what a great uplifting intellectual community. Haven't seen anything like it before on social media.

  I tried to tell my parents about it but they are very skeptical. My Mom does not believe it will actually gain any money for me and has discouraged me from continuing. (That won't happen) but I'd like to show her actual proof that content that is valued can generate user interaction and monetary reward. I would love to say nothing to her and then hand her a check with the money I have made and surprise my parents with a gift or vacation, depending on how much I earn. I'm not going to beg anyone to vote for me, but if you would also enjoy proving the naysayers wrong, I'd surely appreciate your support.      

  I might have to post a picture of my mom and the check or gift I buy with the money so other people in similar situations with skeptical parents or loved ones can show this as proof that there is no scam, simply a revolution of impassioned bloggers, trying to make social media an experience people want to engage in.     

  Here is an outtake picture (If you believe that isn't me in the post, please tell me who would take the time to write everything backwards and be incredibly sweaty in their picture to fraud you all haha)  


  Wish you all the best steemit! Should have made this post a few days ago, but I have been so engaged in conversation with other people here. (Thanks for those who stuck it out to the end I also have a little ADHD aka “quirkiness)     


YES! To proving our parents wrong! I'm in! Welcome to steemit!

Mom is about to be so happy she was wrong.

Buy her something nice with it :)

I'm planning on it. Just showed her that money goes into my bank account and it isn't some sort of scam. Planning on doing a follow up, just so busy!

Film it and post!

She is I just put some money in my bank account and am hoping to get her to agree on camera to do a post. (If you know of anyone that would like the piece I did on money, I greatly appreciate you sharing) I try to share people's articles with other's to make sure that the effort that goes into great posts doesn't go unnoticed, even though I have a small penny attached to my own vote

Sorry for this post tried to hit reply and hit the wrong button

Thanks for the pics, but keep in mind the pic thing is to limit cat fishing. People post pictures of pretty girls on here that they steal from other places on the internet and then try to pretend to be the girl. The hello steem thing is supposed to curtail that a bit. It catches the obvious fakes. But it's hardly bullet proof. Basically if you aren't trading on sex appeal (and let's face it, you, me, probably 90% of the real accounts on here aren't) then the hello steem pic isn't needed.

I did totally dig the action shot though of you doing construction. Have you looked into groups like habitat for humanity?

I appreciate your thoughts, and at the same time I would like to help my dad post a blog from my account about an organization that he supports about anti human trafficking and ending child slavery. I wanted to first build trust and a reputation as being blatantly honest before I attempted to do something like this. Because the abuse of charity scams and people just pocketing the money in the end deters people from supporting some great charities because a level of trust must be involved. So hopefully I can post what can be done with the money and have my dad show proof through a check or another verification vlog to prove to everyone that it's real. I agree I won't win any sex appeal contests haha. And I have worked for habitat for humanity, but have a special interest in Africa. More specifically Uganda.

Welcome mate..If there is something you believe in then you should follow that path. If you don't and it turns out to be gold you will kick yourself. Even if it fails, you still tried and at the end of the day ,you can only fail so many times before you are rewarded. It is the ones that smash through obstacles that end on top.

Right on! The people who leave after a few posts only earning a few cents will kick themselves for not learning what makes a great post from the many excellent posts available in many different styles and categories.

Yeah not everyone strikes oil here. You have to hit a few different keys to make the right tune so the whales sonar picks it up, but it can be by chance as well. I have seen some amazing content just go past without a look, but then some posts that seem useless are worth a fortune. But ones mans treasure is another mans rubbish i guess,lol.....i don't think there is any special equation. I just believe in creating content that i want to create, not content to try and lure the whales. If one sees it and likes it then i am sure the vote will be left, but keep doing what you enjoy i say!!

Everyone has something to offer. If you're honest and say what you believe instead of trying to be pc or seem like you are begging frequently, then people will respect you and be interested enough in subsequent posts

sometimes we got to go with our gut feelings...and that is what you did...don't let your mom down instead make her feel proud and gift her something good and keep the hope alive to all those that are trying hard to touch one another's heart..

Thank you @bhavnapatel68 and yes she has gone from skeptic to helping me edit articles and maybe wll let me interview her :)

My mum asked me about it, maybe get your mum to think about the whole concept of money. You, "Mum, where does paper money come from??" [It's printed, created out of thin air and is based on a promise] That's how I made her realise Steemit is real since it doesn't come out of thin air, it comes from value of thesis-antithesis, constructive criticism and original content.

My mom just can't wrap her head around how a digital thing could be viewed as a valuable asset. She is not at all computer literate, but I love her to death anyways haha.

I upvoted you. Buy your mother a small gift with it from the Steemit community ;-)

Thanks I am hoping to do an interview with her on video, but she is a little camera shy so I may have to settle for a written interview. I would like to show that if you just write honestly with something to benefit for the community. Hopefully people will be able to show others who are skeptical that you don't need any professional writing experience or training to be successful here

And you as well. Is @sanbir your name or a combination of a few?

You guessed it! A combination. My name is Alexander Biryukov.

I'm guessing you are not from the states? Russian name possibly?

Yes, Russian, but I am in the States right now.

I've been trading Bitcoin for years now and people still don't believe it's real. My parents only accepted it last year when I showed them a btc to fiat transaction.

It's real enough for me also, though I live in an area where it's not accepted much. (Rocky Mountains)
I talked my landlord into using it through coinbase, he paid the mortgage on the property just fine. :)
Keep it Clean!

TheCleanGame Blog Posts, Neatly Categorized

We are all way ahead of the curve just by having knowledge of blockchain technology. When more platforms come that draw people to it they will kick themselves for waiting so long to get educated. People can say what they want, but I don't think the blockchain will be dethroned for quite a while.

That's exactly what I want to do too! They think bitcoin is still all about illegal activity.

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