My introduction in english

Very good have the whole community of steemit, today I come to present myself first of all my name is aquilina towers, I live in Venezuela, Zulia State, Mara Municipality, I am currently a university student at the University of Zulia (LUZ) Where I am studying Pure Physics, I studied at Luis Villalobos Villasmil, where I obtained my bachelor's degree from the Republic.

About me, I can tell you that I am a serious girl in what I do, I like to draw a lot, I can be a very good person with those who get it, as long as they treat me well, I like to go out with my friends, go to party, eating, I would like to know more in the area of ​​studies because despite being a student of pure physics I would like to know more about the other areas of study.

Before registering in steemit I studied a lot about this page and I am convinced that this page even though it pays for each publication, may have topics of great interest to learn more, and be aware of many kinds of news, be they political, economic, social, etc. I have also been able to study cryptocurrencies, and I am aware of how steemit pays.


Welcome Aquilina !

Welcome @aquiliatorres! Hope you find yourself at home here! :-)

Some really great content here, I would also like to welcome you to the steemit community and hope to see more from you in the future, definitely an upvote from me.

If you could also check me out, maybe give me a comment on what I've done great or how to improve and even follow if you feel the want to:)

Welcome @aquiliatorres to best community. Nice intro post. upvoted. Keep it up.

Welcome Aquilina! Nice hearing you studied pure physics. I also studied physics(electronics). Can we be friends? Please follow me @ikechi

Welcome to Steemit, @aquiliatorres! Un abrazo desde España!

Welcome to steemit

Some really great content here, I would also like to welcome you to the steemit community and hope to see more from you in the future, definitely an upvote from me.

If you could also check me out, maybe give me a comment on what I've done great or how to improve and even follow if you feel the want to:)

Welcome to Steemit. I am sure you will enjoy the Steemit Platform.

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