Human Sovereignty in an Ethical Solutocracy

As the Ones who have been following My work know, I seek to make Humanity aware that We CAN create a vastly better foundation for Human society, one that allows a truly free and healthy society to emerge from. To create this foundation, here on OUR planet — stolen from Us by the psychopaths in control through "trusts" (Unum Sanctum and the Cestui Que Vie "trusts") and deceit — that gives each Human the sovereignty We all who choose Our behavior Ethically deserve, there are specific things that need to happen:

  1. Enough of Us need to withdraw consent from the systems We presently are consenting to (top-down controlmind systems, ethics-thwarting legal systems), the systems that promote psychopaths to power, and consent to Our sovereignty within Ethics. Rather than passing "laws," choose to govern by solving problems Ethically locally on the web on open-source site code/software — with an emergency section All who care can monitor and respond to, and an area where less immediate problems are reported, and where Others can decide if it's a problem or not, offer ideas and help for a solution, and if enough think it's a problem before a solution is found, bump it up to wider awareness. Even breaches of Ethics, breaking one or more of the three Laws (see for what they are), is handled as a problem. The One(s) who created the problem(s) is to be solved for Ethically by Ethical consensus amongst All who care. Have tiers of awareness such that if a problem is big enough, and no solution can be found, the whole planet is aware and active in solving for it.

  2. Free free energy. As I have often mentioned, I KNOW We have technology that can extract energy from the aether, the pool of energy all matter swims in. It's called electrogravitics, and was pioneered by T. Townsend Brown. Look into it. The reason We do not have free energy now, though I can attest personally that We have had it since the late 1950's, is because of the intimate link between money and energy. Money accounts for Human energy. And the psychopaths in control's only tool for controlling Humanity is money. So They have hidden and suppressed free energy avidly. Yes, oil would go the way of the dinosaurs, and indeed would set Them back in that category, but with robotics to do necessary work no One WANTS to do, and free energy, We can remove the need to account for Our energy — remove money in all its forms; trade, barter, work exchange, shells, beads, sticks notched and split, coins, bills, electronic bits. (We also can give full freedom of movement to All. This means, if You care, think You can contribute, and hear of an emergency, You can respond. If You have good knowledge of how to handle the emergency, expect to emerge as one of the leaders in solving the problems the emergency is creating.)

The useless ELiters', the psychopaths in control's solution to the overabundance of Human energy sources is coming, killing off the bulk of Humans here, and corralling the remainder for what energy They want, as servants, slaves, sexthings, and sacrifices. My solution frees Humanity from Them. May I prevail.

It is a revolution in ideas, not blood, that I seek to inspire. If I had money, I would be having things built and giving it all away, like free energy devices, servers around the globe for the governance site that mirror, no central backbone. I would have a contest for the best open-source ideas for the governance site. I would be advertising it, and saying, Your choice to use it, consent to it. I would be advertising the fact that We can free Ourselves to true freedom, justice and the ability to pursue happiness on this, Our planet - things the corporation, THE UNITED STATES, masquerading as "Our" controlmind, says it stands for but really it's a sick (psychopathic) joke on all indoctrinated into believing any of that can be supported in a top-down system and then consent to such.

And it is Our planet. We all were duped out of the ability to partake of the abundance of Our planet by the "trusts" I mentioned, and We are never told We are the "beneficiaries." We are not told that at age 18, We are no longer considered "incompetent" under these "trusts" and may claim Our share of this planet. We are also not told HOW to make claim. Nor are We told that, after a short window of time (I think it's 3 months), We are considered "dead" if We have not made claim. All that is Ours is taken by the trustees. Meanwhile We Humans must pursue money, not happiness, to survive on what belongs to Us to begin with. But... Ethically, the "trusts" are invalid. We have been defrauded with them.

It is Our planet, and is vastly abundant. It could support easily 1,000 times the number here. Even without new tech like vertical farming, of the food that makes it to market, We produce 125%ish of what We ALL can eat. 30-40% spoils before sale. If this food was distributed by need/desire, instead of profit, no One would be underfed, let alone starving. The "food shortage" is an artificial scarcity.

What matters now is not whether the useless ELiters are of some faith, in some named club, of Human or other origin, from this dimension or another... What matters is that, whatever else They are, They are psychopaths, and the only tool to influence beyond Their personal affect that They have is money. Add top-down controlmind, and We have the twin towers to psychopaths in power. Why would We want to consent to THAT?!? What matters now is what We consent to, and I suggest something better. I consent to it Myself. What matters now is that We can solve for psychopaths in control.

And so... I ask You, the reader, if You see value in My work, and can shift from the scarcity paradigm built on artificial scarcity to the abundance paradigm, please share My work widely. For as I point out in short stories and articles, THEY concoct the world stage "by the numbers," no matter what We may think of such a practice.

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