Greetings Steemit, from a simple mother with a hope on Mother’s Day.

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I write this with some trepidation as I simply do not know what interest someone would have in this stay-at-home mother’s life. My husband, @Bluerthangreen, counseled me to just be me. So here goes…

My life is like so many other mothers out there who week after week care for their children. It is made of a million pieces of love showered on sweet babies, who become curious energetic youngsters, who become the sturdy men and women of our world tomorrow.

It is my hope that those countless acts of love together add up to something lasting. It is my hope that the sacrifice I made to stay at home with my children will mean something to them, and they can carry it with them when I am no longer there to comfort and counsel them as I do now. And then one day, they can give that same kind of love to their own children.

I am a mother with a hope that Steemit will be part of my dream: That my husband (@Bluerthangreen) and I can be together pouring ourselves out to create a legacy for our quickly growing children (ages 8, 5, 2, and 2 months). I have a hope our family will be free enough from the ongoing demands of debt and bills enough to do this. Presently my husband travels for work and there is much of our day-to-day life that is lived separately.

I can clearly picture us slowing down enough to work our land in the Ozarks of Arkansas, building our home, tending our garden and our animals, and simply doing life together.
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I believe you can be a part of this simple mother’s dream. I don’t have a great many skills to share, nor am I riveting storyteller, but I would like to share a part of my heart and life lessons with this Steemit community. I anticipate making friends with many of you along my journey and look forward to reading your posts and comments as well.

A few words about myself and things I plan on posting about: when I’m not actively caring for my curious energetic youngsters, I enjoy reflecting on life over a good cup of coffee; making and remaking schedules to bring peace to my busy family; cooking up healthy recipes in the kitchen and natural DIY goods for the bathroom; tending my garden, and most especially creating meaningful art and graphic design.

In fact, in honor of Mother’s Day and my first post on Steemit, I’m sharing one of my prints from my Etsy shop, AllfortheGood. Feel free to save, print, and use as you wish.

She opens her mouth_8x10_Prov 31_26.jpg

If anyone is interested in purchasing anything from my Etsy shop, I’d like to offer a special coupon for any Steemians. Buy 1 Get 1 free, anything in my shop. Just put the code BOGOSTEEMIT in at checkout.
Thanks again @allforthegood.


Welcome and thanks for posts you have made!

Another great mind to join the likes of @steemitblog @good-karma @furion @kingscrown and all of the other un-named blockchain theorists and builders that exist out there in the wild today. Who else am I missing? We've got a great team here.

  • I am pretty glad that I joined Steemit, looking forward to more!

I wish you the best!

If I could give you more than two cents with my vote, I would. Welcome to Steemit. Your husband gave you good advice, just be yourself and you'll do fine here. I hope you had a most excellent Mother's day.

I certainly did. My most amazing husband @bluerthangreen gave me some time to relax and make this post on Steemit while he had his own adventures with the children.

Welcome to the Steemit community!
I am another stay-at-home mother who likes to blog about my family. In fact just today I posted about the birth of my first child in celebration of mother's day.
I am now following you and wish you all the best here.

Thanks for the encouragement! I just read your description and look forward to reading your posts. There's so much to learn out there in the area of natural health and wellness.

Yes, motherhood is a journey where you learn a LOT along the way.
I look forward to future discussions with you.

I just followed you. As I was reading your interests, I thought, "Wow, this sounds like me!" Except for the cooking. And writing is my art. I'm really looking forward to reading your future posts and learning your thoughts on parenting, gardening and whatever else you choose to share. Welcome to Steemit!

Thanks redhens, I love your DIY approach to life. As I've been beginning this homesteading journey, I've had a lot of trial and error, but it's all progress as long as we don't give up!

Proverbs 31 women are the best!!
Welcome to Steem it!!

Thanks paradise-found. I took a peek at your posts and found them very interesting. I have family in Wisconsin and have seen that same Bell Tower you were describing. Also, I'm always interested in tree and plant identification. There's so much diversity out there and I have no clue what 90 percent of it is and what it is good for.

Welcome to Steemit @allforthegood
Reading your post sounds similar to our dream also, your way ahead.
Congrats on starting your dream's.

I know there's a lot of work to be done, but I'm trying to enjoy the journey. Thanks :)

I wish you well. I was a homeschool mom as well. We homeschooled back in the day when it was rarely heard about. My kids are now grown and I miss those years, although at the time were challenging. We too lived on a small farm. We made a garden, had a few farm animals. It was a beautiful time in my life. Enjoy your time with your young children, because before you turn around they will be all grown up and the McGuffey Reader will collect dust on the shelves and the house too quiet.

Thank you for your encouagement suziescorner! Small farms are so peaceful and beautiful. I can't think of a better environment for a child to grow up in and learn from.

Welcome to Steemit. Stephen

Thank you. I appreciate the warm welcome and am interested to watch as well as be a part of Steemit growing.

Welcome to steemit @allforthegood!

I've been blessed by your friendship and wanted to get you a fantastic gift for Mother's Day, so I'll resteem this post for you!

Thanks for your encouragement :)

Hello @allforthegood ! Its great to see you here !!

Thanks! It's great to finally be a part of what's going on here. I had an account for a while but never actually posted.

thank you !

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