Greetings, Steemit, from the Alchemical Mage!

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)

Good day to you all! My name is Ypyskypo Skwyrl (yes, this is my real name) and I am a Discordian High Priest and Episkipo of the Temple of Appled Thought. I am here today to introduce myself to the world of Steem after a dear friend , @kennyskitchen, invited me to join the site yesterday. To get to know who I am and what I am about would take much more than any set of words, simple or complex, could ever imagine achieving, but we will give it a go regardless.

I am a 28 year old disabled veteran of the US Army living in Portland, Oregon on my own. I am beginning school in September to begin down the path of education as a Biochemist which will enable me to open up my own non-profit laboratory to offer holistic medicines to our communities for free to low-cost. At the current conjuncture in life, I have a simple laboratory set up in my home to produce Alchemical medicaments, such as tinctures, ens, oils, and other potent extracts. I am a practitioner of the Spagyric Alchemical Art, currently working strictly with the plant kingdom as the mineral realm is far less forgiving if a process is done incorrectly. I have been working under these guides for nearly three years and continue my studies every day.

My entire life has been comprised of studying esoterica and the laws of nature. Over the past several years I have taken deeply to Alchemy and the path of Discordianism. Discordianism has its bases in exactly what it sounds like - Chaos. Disco's premise is that the natural prevailing energy is that of Chaos, and that Order only appears ordered because we are pattern seeking creatures. There is creative/destructive Chaos, and the same of Order - but that labeling either of these as creative/destructive/order/chaos is inherently, in and of itself, destructive. It goes on to say much more, but these are the basics. As I stated earlier, I am an Episkipo of the Discordian faith, which means that I have branched from the two main bodies of Discordianism to begin to manifest and create my own sect of the school of thought.

As an anarchist, nature is the only governing body of which I allege my body, mind, and soul to. No borders, no nations. No flags, no masters. I spent the better part of a year in my life organizing protests and community actions, garnering the support of hundreds of beautiful souls seeking change and ready to implement their ideas.

I have reached a point in my life where I have begun to focus fully inwards and begin the necessary healing that I require in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Having recently been diagnosed with the Fibromyalgia experience, I have made many drastic lifestyle changes and choices. I am beginning to feel a lot better about my health, my state of awareness/consciousness, and my emotional well being.

Before moving to Oregon in 2012, I began a company as an artist collective called Forgotten Arts. This collective presents arts from writing and painting to wire-wrapping crystals and other items. Art is astronomically important to me and my life. Artisanship - [Art-is-a(n)-ship] - art is a vessel used to expel energies that have found home inside our minds and bodies. I use many different forms of art to express myself and to help balance my thoughts, though writing/hip-hop is where my heart lies. I have been writing poetry since I was about ten years old, and I began recording hip-hop at 14.

My plans here on Steemit are to provide the community with as many avenues of learning Esoterica as possible as I go through the stages of my own personal education. I will be sharing updates with my Alchemical processes as I create and advance forward through each step. And of course, I will be sharing my arts.

So now that you know a little about who I am and what I am about, here is a quick synopsis of my goals.

  • Purchase ~20 acres of undeveloped property and open a Discordian temple as a safe space for the odd and eccentric to learn esoteric techniques of improving one's life.

  • Finish my Masters in Bio-chemistry and possibly go for Med school.

  • Open a non-profit Alchemical laboratory which will provide holistic medicines at no more than the cost of production, and free whenever the option is viable.

  • Travel more often and to more destinations outside of the US.

  • Teach and heal any and all that are willing and open.

I hope that you have learned a little something about who and what I am in this world. If you have any questions, if you would like to learn more about Alchemy, if you would like to work together on an experiment, or if you would simply like to talk, feel free to email me at [email protected]. I look forward to continuing my contributions to this platform, and to the world. May our paths cross with wonderment and delight, raising our consciousness and awareness upon each passing.

Blessings Eternal.

PALPABLE POPE Ypyskypo Skwyrl - the Y'sas
High Priest of Temple of Appled Thought
Alchemist for Trades


Hi. I beleive we met on steemit chat. I was also informed by people from discordian circles, namely some guy named @discordian
Welcome to steem! Oh. And subscribed,

Yes, I remember meeting you! Thank you for the welcome. :) @discordian has great articles, and you are the one who shared the first one I've read with me; thank you for that as well!

I assume you chose that name yourself and were not born with that name. It reminds me of something similar to Uerdruis Taranucnos Esugenos. Similar to muslims taking a name, or cultures where adulthood is a new name.

My name was unsual enough I didn't need to do this. If it had not been very unusual I suspect I would have likely gone this route myself.

Yet my biological father was very much into esoterica, and many other things. I was born in 1970 so I can say my name was influenced by the hippy nature of both of my parents as well as the interest in esoteric arts and knowledge.

I was actually born Deva Atkarama Bryson, but I was adopted by my step father who raised me and I consider him my father. My name became Deva Bryson Winblood at that time.

I skirted the esoteric arts many many times in my life. I can say with a certainty I never took the deep dive in like you have. I have some hypothesis, and ideas about the subject I'd like to share with you at some point and get your opinion on. They are things I don't usually encounter anyone that can grok what I am talking about.

You know from prior discussions that I absolutely believe in the scientific method.

Yet I have also stated I believe there are many things that tool is unsuited for at this time simply due to a lack of being able to measure things.

That does not believe they don't exist.

So esoteric things could easily fall into the category of interesting things I have had experiences and observed occurrences, yet I could not readily apply the scientific method to them (yet). Yet I did observe something so I know there is something there, it is the WHAT that thing is that is a hypothesis.

You would be correct in your assumption, my born name is something I reserve for my intimate relationships, my family. It wasn't that I did not like my born name but that I felt the need to take on my own title as I have been in the process of "taking back" my life and transforming every aspect into my own conscious creation. Also, having the true name of a thing gives you a certain connection to it - so this title also works in a similar fashion as an avatar, a representation of the "real" thing.

Wow, that is a beautiful name! The esoteric influence is certainly noticeable. ;)

For many years, I too skirted the edges of esoterica/exoterica as it relates to philosophy and religion due to being forced into the church system by my parents at a young age. I've always had a deep interest in these topics, and when I had a several month experience of extrasensory and inexplicable experiences (some on psychedelics, some totally sober) I began to study in-depth the experiences I had. Many of them are still unknowns, though a very large amount of my ideas about the experiences, the words I used to explain them, began to line up with teachings in cross-disciplinary schools of thought - ancient and neo. These experiences took over my life from the beginning, and since coming out of the madness I've devoted myself to learning as much as I possibly can and share the knowledge with those wanting the information.

I would love to discuss your ideas at some point in the future. :)

As far as testing esoteric ideas, there are ways to do so and many are underway. Here is one that was completed many years back that proves that other planets have an effect on materials upon our planet, chiefly the test lines up with the metals of each planet the ancients attributed to them.

That is a bad ass name by the way. My name is Deva Winblood (pronounced Dayva Wineblood) and I've had an interesting name like that. Getting called Deeva all the time or something like that. I am a male. Yet your name hands down beats mine. I likely would have made a Pen and Paper RPG Character and named it something like your name.

Heh - that is somewhat of the idea. I believe that life is very much like a RPG and we get to consciously create our character with the environment we are based in, with the freedom to change such at will.

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If a man takes no thought about what is distant, he will find sorrow near at hand.

If one is to stare at the distance, one would happen to miss that in front of them.

I enjoyed your introduction. Thanks for sharing. I look forward to learning more about you and your school of thought.

I have a friend who also suffers from fibromyalgia, and recently found some good tips on the subject, as far as what to eat and essential oils that can help. I will get that to you ASAP if you are still having issues! Try that Panaway Rub! It should help for now.

Much love!

Glad to have you around!

Thank you, I'm glad to be here! :D

Welcome to the community!

Thank you, I'm very excited to have a new platform to share my ideas and experiences.

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