Hello and THANK YOU Steemit

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)

These past weeks have been a total revolution in my life!

Hello Steemit! Im Alberto, a dangerous idealist from Venezuela, currently pretending to be some sort of latin Jim Morrison in Brazil. Even though I want to introduce myself, what I really want to share to you is my situation. A month of changes, the drastic ones. 

In about four weeks my life went from having everything to nothing, not even a place to live. My visa expiring, jobless, loveless, and winter in a subtropical island is just not the right environment to stay positive. As an emigrant I find myself with a nomad life and shortsighted vision of future, what makes stability a flexible concept, so I'm very adaptable but this was a new level. 

In the past years I have been traveling around just to stay out of my native country due to political and economic crisis. As a Venezuelan I don't get visas to stay for too long, so I'm always in the move. The journey has brought me around with different cultures, contexts and people that made my life a continuum reinvention process. Adapt and survive is my dogma. I have been in so many roles and suits, from so different worlds, from the MBA in Europe to a construction worker in the poorest places in Panama. Sometimes I think I kind of have an admiration for characters like Forrest Gump or Homer Simpson, I find some empathy in their multifaceted stories and the hope of always find a way to make it through. 

I know is going to sound kind of cheesy but in the darkest hour is when you know better who you friends are. A big enthusiastic and Bitcoin entrepreneur, my old friend @Chitty, told me about this interesting platform he was enjoying so much. We discovered Bitcoin and Blockchain technology about three years ago, and since is a common topic in our conversations to seek for innovation and opportunities.  He was sending me this provocative and interesting posts, and so easily I became a fan of the freedom of  writing on Steemit. 

As a form to get away from stress I started to write a few things, sketches of posts, articles, etc. But still nervous about publishing, then I stumbled upon this post from @StellaBelle and I fell in love with her words:


Oh, well, as I've been saying a lot on this site, fuck it.
I hope I don't regret this.

This gave me the courage to write, and actually showed me a way to open myself from the fear of public criticism and ego death. I'm writing about me, ideas, doubts, hopes, interests; something I thought that was just going to stay as my little hidden blog to drain thoughts. Merely because all the bills due to pay and urgent economic situation, I was too stressed to pay much attention to all the implications of the Steemit platform. 

And then, that day of the month came, the day to pay rent, and me? Totally broke. I have learnt to deal with these kind of situations in the most peaceful way possible, so I can have a better judgment on the course of actions...but this time I was freaking out! I was bursting with my concerns to my closest friends and then @Chitty came like Prometheus with the fire, 

"Hey, have you cash your Steemit money?"

I could only articulate my confusion as, 


With my head thinking about whatever other option, I forgot everything about the cash rewards here. It was such a surprise to get to my dashboard and see the funds! In only a few days and open stories about my life and ideas made the light in the end of the tunnel. I paid the rent and I think I'm still in shock. 

This is my true story of how magically, Steemit saved the day. I'm very grateful to you all. I'm entering a new world, a new passion, and it is saving my life in this moment of revolution. Little things that make a big difference. 

Now I'm hoping to become a helpful and valuable member of this community, that so far has been so nice with me. 

Truly yours, 



I am really glad you joined Alberto.... and that you could pay rent this month LOL... hoping to reading a lot from you soon bro!

crap! used wrong account.. well its me anywayz.. good to have you here!

Sometimes you have to hit the bottom before you can come up again - inspiring story!

Thanks for sharing. Just joined and I am trying to understand the platform. Your story gave me an important ingredient of life.....Hope.

Thank you Dev! And welcome to Steemit too.

This is awesome, congratulations!!!!

Thank you Paloma! Im beyond excited.

congratulation thanks for share your story man

Saludos, por aquí está otro venezolano aprendiendo sobre steemit

Que bien bro! Bienvenido!

Welcome Alberto and THANK YOU for sharing. :D

Thanks Daf, it is being crazy lately but Im beyond excited.
This is a follow up if you are interested. https://steemit.com/exit/@albertogm/exith-through-the-backdoor

Great story Alberto. I'm new here and inspired too by your hope And persistence! I've been watching what's happening in Venezuela and look forward to reading more of your posts!

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