Intro: Being a young, female Entrepreneur, my experiences, views on life & more!

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemers!

I’m Josy (Josephine), a 21 year-old Entrepreneur and Businesswoman.

I might not look like it, but I was actually born in Germany and I’m still living there! I’m half-chinese though – a very interesting combination which I’ll talk about in a later post eventually. I’ve experienced quite a few culture clashes in my life, but I love that and actually think it make things more interesting :)

So here are 5 words that I associate with my life, to quickly give you an impression of who I am:

#kind : I chose this to be the first one because I think kindness is one of my most important strengths. In this world we live in, sadly kindness has become way too rare, so I’m trying to change that by sprinkling as much kindness around me as possible ☺ 

#business: I’m actually a young Entrepreneur (though I may not look like it^^). I started making money passively online when I was 16, and continue to learn and grow until this day. My passion lies in social media, marketing, and videography! I’ll dive deeper into this topic on a later post! I just learned from an early age that hard work and passive income are much more rewarding than a 9 to 5 Job, and knew that I wanted to pursue my own dreams - outside of the system!

#spirituality: although I’m not a strict follower of a religion, I do think that spirituality is a very important factor in life. For me, this doesn’t only include religion, but simply reading and researching about self-growth, buddhism, and other deep, inspirational topics. I love deep reads and conversations, as I feel like they have become far too rare in this hectic world.

#food: I love food and I love to cook! I recently moved out of home and now I can decide what (and when) to eat at all times – it’s amazing! I’m excited to share some recipes I created/tweaked myself if you steemers are interested.

#travel: yes, this may sound very stereotypical, but who doesn’t love traveling? Well, I’m not actually talking about JUST going on holiday  – I just love exploring different cultures, their foods, habits, religion etc. I’m very open and interested in the different people on this world. I was fortunate enough to have traveled many countries with my parents (especially in Asia), which I would be happy to share.

 What else is there to say about me? 

I quite like to think that I’m different from other girls my age. Different in a good way. Nowadays, too many young girls are only concerned with their looks, posting on snapchat and instagram, following dolls like kylie jenner, getting boys’ attention and partying. Believe me or not, but I’m not like that at all and I love it. As cheesy as it sounds, I really do believe that personality is far more important than looks. What I care for in a person is humor, kindness to others, and intelligence – not money, fame or looks. Now don’t get me wrong, of course I like to wear makeup and dress nicely and do my hair from time to time. But the difference ist hat I know that this is not what defines me (thanks to my strict upbringing!). It’s nice to alter your outer shell, but it will never change the inside. You just have to set your priorities, and know what you want – only then you’ll get somewhere. Nowadays, it’s too easy to just get lost in the mainstream opinions and habits!  


Last year, I spent over 4 monts in LA by myself – I went abroad all alone without knowing anyone - it was a great adventure and I learned a lot about myself and this world we live in. I’ll write a separate post about this life-changing experience!   

Another thing that I actually love is writing – creative writing has always been my passion and when I was a kid, I always thought I’d end up as a Journalist one day.  Fun fact – when I was in primary school, I actually started writing my own boook (a story about 2 girls at a horse riding centre), I wrote it on a typewriter (didn’t have my own computer obviously!!) And I continue writing this story for over 3 years! It ended up having more than 60 individual pages, and the first ones are written when I was 6 years old and could barely spell. It’s the cutest thing ever! Well, my passion for writing grew and in school I always loved having an essay as homework or exam task. I was always that annoying person who had to write OVER the maximum amount of words ^^ hey, I just had a lot to say!   

Anyway, now I’m glad that I found steemit and a way to write all the stories and topics down that are running through my head, and to express myself creatively. 

What I’ll be writing about? I dont know – stuff that interests me, related to those 5 keywords above. So it will be a mix between Business, Inspiration, Spirituality, Recipes, and maybe even a few girly topics here and there.  

 Who knows? I just want to use this platform to have fun expressing myself, and see how it goes.     

So how did I find Steemit? 

I actually read an article on a website for crypto news, and was instantly hooked on the concept! I’ve known about Bitcoin since 2011, I’ve invested in it myself from early on and even owned an Avalon Bitcoin Miner way back in the day. I love cryptocurrency and how easy & quick it is, and how no government can control it. This is the freedom that we need in the world! 

Other than cryptocoins, on the techy side I’m interested in Video Editing, Design, Social Media, Marketing and Swift Programming. I’m always interested in learning new things and expanding my horizon.  

 I’m excited to be a part of this movement, and to see where this is going.  

 If you have any questions, or suggestions for future posts, I’ll be happy to hear your feedback! 

Until then, all the best   



You are so interesting! I absolutely loved your post!
I'm also a business woman Living in the U.S. though and I'm 23! I don't party either it's nice to see someone similar to me! I think we need more business women in the world!

Cool! :D
#1 Lektion aus "Ratschläge des Herzens"?
Schön einige ähnlich denkenden Deutschen hier zu treffen.

Hey, gleichfalls schön einen Deutschen hier zu treffen! Lektion 1 - an alle :) Hast du das Buch auch gelesen? Hat mir sehr gut gefallen.

Ah nee, meinte was das wichtigste war was du gelernt hast als du es gelesen hast :)
Hab ich, ist definitiv ein gutes Buch. Ein guter Einstieg um sich mit weiteren philosophischen Gedankengängen zu beschäftigen. Das sollten sie mal in der Schule lesen.

welcome to steemit @agent


Sorry I don't speak German. I heard you guys are kinky. #NSFW

"I actually read an article on a website for crypto news, and was instantly hooked on the concept! I’ve known about Bitcoin since 2011, I’ve invested in it myself from early on and even owned an Avalon Bitcoin Miner way back in the day."

My mind is blown. This is quite rare if not unique (based on gender and age). Yes, you can say with pride that you are definitely not one and the same with "the rest".

Welcome aboard!

Looking forward to hearing about more of your adventures and your writing. Congrats on ditching the 9 to 5 and being an authentic individual. You are very lucky to have jumped on this band wagon at such an early age.

Thanks for your lovely comment! I'll be sure to post continuously and tell you guys more about my story.

"I love cryptocurrency and how easy & quick it is, and how no government can control it. This is the freedom that we need in the world!"

It feels so nice to stumble on people who feel the same way about cryptos! Awesome! Welcome and enjoy your time here! :) also, I love german, too bad I haven't been able to use it for many years.
PS. Are you an undercover agent? :D

Thanks for your kind words!! I love meeting likeminded people from the crypto community as well. Where did you learn german? You should polish it up if you get the chance :)

And yes.. I'm an undercover agent ;)

I learned it by watching a lot of satellite TV and the german channels had the best Anime, haha.
It flows a lot better when I'm a little drunk I've noticed when meeting tourists, should maybe visit Germany for a week or two again and see how fast it'll come back, haha.

Here's my upvote to hoping you can work less and play more!

thanks for your comment, best wishes to you!

The whales are coming :O

I hope so hahahah ;)

I hear them in the distance

seems like you were right after all ;)


Just kidding, it was a total fluke.

Hi, cool bio @agent - these other comments are bots lol I'm a real boy ;)
The Channel Islands look cool

haha nice GIF! thanks for your comment!

wow such a beatiful girl! welcome @agent to the best community over the Internet! 8]

@agent, welcome to Steem! This is a very interesting article about yourself! It seems I known you already in just a short time! ;-)

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