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RE: steemit intro

in #introduceyou7 years ago

@dheerajdj One of the interesting features about this platform that I dig is the option to view one's comments both in context and as a single comment void of any contextual information. Back in the day some crazy communication philosopher posed the idea that the medium is the message. Marshall McCluh... something I think was is name. The idea being that the medium in which content appears affects the meaning of the communication event as much as if not more than the content itself. We pick up a newspaper, we turn to the business section, we read about business. Expectations are met. Relevant local and national business news is reported. So it goes. But consider picking up that same message and reading a long fart joke disguised as a business news report. The joke's punchline may be lost in the confusion created in the disconnect between the medium and the message. We expect that particular medium to carry a particular message. And it does. Now consider this idea one step further: the context is the message. We walk into a comedy club, on the bar is a recent copy of the local business section, we pick it up and begin reading it only to find a long fart joke disguised as a business report. We recognize the punchline readily; we are after all in a comedy club.

Point: the interesting thing it seems about @steemit is this little feature. We can contextualize a comment, or we can de-contextualize a comment. And if we choose we can read entire threads without the lurking anxiety that comes from knowing that undoubtedly there are no privacy settings that are hindering our understanding of the communication event. This happens on most other platforms, for me anyway.

point point: steemit seems like an interesting platform to examine particular aspects of both intrapersonal and interpersonal digital communication.

The tell tale will of course be... who is a quick enough, witty enough, unique enough writer/communicator/participator to ensure that they will never be confused for a natural language generating, intuitive, rapid learning bot.

Style, turn of phrase, innuendo, etc... the techies make the bots, the scientists give them a digital existence... however it will be the artists, the writers, and most importantly the poets who will give them personality, style, and ultimately maybe, just maybe, the language of humanity.


ps was this written by a bot^? am I communicating with only bots? has the whole world gone mad? is this... wait... is this Terminator 5...The annoyance of the chatbots?

#arebotsbots? #thechatbotstastelikechatbots

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