Preparing to time travel..steemCreated with Sketch.

in #introducemyself8 years ago (edited)
I got set up here over a month ago, what with all the newborn baby stuff it took a back seat.. Now things have settled a bit, I'm actually really excited about sharing more.. I think I'm gonna revise my intro blog and add some more backstory now that I've figured out how to post videos..

Wow the illusion of time really does fly by doesn't it? Yet another month has past since the above post. One thing I have loved and perhaps hated about life blogging is that it has forced me to be ever more accountable for my life. That is to say that through blogging I've come to practice honoring my word (the absolute expression of who I AM) much more specifically. Accountability as a reason to blog or journal is of it's own an incredibly worthy and empowering life lesson.

The future enlightened self would say to honor ones word, is exactly the definition of I AM and that whenever we fail to re-cognize ones self we may HONOR that too. We do so simply by creating new words in our infinite moment, all is self and all is now. New agreements and new intentions for ones ever evolving, ever expanding self and life path will emerge. Honoring my word as self and expression is my first tool of creativity. 

"Honor your word Keni, honor your word". It's something that had rung around in my head for many years since leaving the temple. Grow up, keep it real, be real, real recognize real.. all those big man sayings I kept hearing around me in this so called real world, would be easily upheld by honoring my word. I knew in the absolute that this non-physical vibration is a mantra of manifestations, and I be life this lead me to live many lives in joy.

Ok so jumping forward from that slightly existential tangent, let's get back to blogging shall we? I AM currently in some timeless love loop; a bliss bubble of joy with my partner and 2 month old son. My words before were in some ways dragging me away, a voice about having to do other "things". However listening deeper and following my heart has helped me remain right here in this infinite now.

Here is to be fully present in love and adoration of every precious moment the little guy is experiencing. It's just incredible watching him grow, figuring things out with such speed and evolving on a daily basis. I AM so very blessed, to be fully out of the matrix and literally sharing each of his first moments with him and his Mom.

So here's my plan for time travel.. From the next post onward I will be steemifying my Kenicamz vlogs. Kind of like Ruffus and the telephone box bringing the steemit community up to speed with where we are on our baby bliss timeline. The ease of cut, paste and post will allow maximum cuddle time with the young master and for all sense and purposes it's not likely to confuse anyone but me. Unless it really matters to a future someone who were to read this?

Of course the blockchain will ultimately leave a faint trail of these early parallel steemit experiences. However trusting that most modern humans are so engrossed in instant gratification; very few will likely trawl all the way back to these early posts and realize that this whole blogging timeline they're following is out of sync! Then Marty and the Doc will have to appear out of now where and take me back to the future; where I will simply have had some awesome alone time with my family and we can all pick up where we left off.

Hopefully this post is completely confusing to you and makes no sense at all, if so don't think about it too hard. Carry on and please feel free to follow and up vote LOL! Those of you maybe following more closely let's just have a good laugh from our future selves as huge steem whales, reminiscing on how we all got started on this incredible, time bending, freedom fighting platform.



Yes I know what your going though with a new born. Welcome back.

Haha yes and thank you. New challenges every day isn't it? Just when you think ah I've got into the swing of this.. then the upgrade to projectile sharting!

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