Hi Steemit, this is Harmony with an intropost of what I'm all about

Hi Steemit, this is Harmony with an intropost of what I'm about.

Last fall the world I knew for most of my life, came crashing down around my ears. My picture of reality was blown to bits and my mind along with it.


Like a whole load of others, I awoke to the truth. We live in a kakistocracy. That is to say we are being governed by the worst elements of society (You can check out @dana-edwards excellent post on psychopaths and hierarchal systems and  James Corbett's "Our Leaders Are Psychopaths" ). 



But I'm sure a lot of you will not need any convincing. To those who would--I know where you're coming from. For most of my life, I fully believed that only crazies thought the government posed a real danger to average law abiding citizens. And that all sane people agreed on certain norms, stayed within certain boundaries of believability. Now I realize that we were staying within boundaries designated by those in charge, and that THOSE IN CHARGE ARE USING AND ABUSING OUR TRUST IN THEM WITHOUT CONSCIENCE. 

With the internet at our fingertips, we don't have to take CNN's or NYT's word for anything anymore. Dig a little deeper, do your own research. STEP AWAY FROM THE MAIN STREAM MEDIA. The fact is the condition this world is in suddenly makes a lot more sense, when you realize the truth about those who are running it.

But this account is not about convincing people they really should wake up and learn what their "leaders" are up to. There are already incredible researchers who offer this important information, covering a huge variety of issues. I would suggest journalists like: @Corbettreport, and @Lukewearechange. Both are giants with years of courageous journalism under their belts. Take a good look, but remember that although the Truth can set you free... 

It can also blow your mind.

I also won't be writing about prepping, anarchist communities or dealing with financial meltdown.  Again people like: @marketreport, @Dollarvigilante, and @dbroze,  are excellent sources already available on Steemit that are far more qualified guides than I am on those subjects. BTW these guys had an incredible influence on me last fall when I first waded onto YouTube to find out what the hell was going on with our crazy elections. I owe them all big time for my own awakening, (even though it wasn't very pleasant), and for helping me deal with my new reality, (which is gradually getting better...Honest, it does get better.)  

But what I would like this account to be about, is what happens once we've learned the truth. I'll do future posts dealing with the emotional meltdown that can ensue 

and ways to handle the initial exposure. 

I would also like to move beyond the immediate experience, to creating a new narrative. The one being broadcast by our political leaders and on MSM, is falling apart.   

The large and ever growing number of people that are waking up to see what's going on worldwide is a huge shift in our collective consciousness and it is the light of consciousness that will bring an end to their reign of darkness.

That is more than just hyperbole. Thing is, the dystopic future that the psychopaths in power are planning requires our blind compliance and that's something that's changing rapidly, drastically changing the balance of power. It's only a matter of time before all their plans come crashing down around us. 

We need to focus on the underlying  evolution taking place and on where we want our world to go. I will be introducing a framework for expanding of our current world view and offering some ideas that could take us in amazing new directions, but I don't have all the answers by any means. A new collective consciousness can only be a product of the collective and can only come about through discussion and collaboration.

I'm hoping to connect with people that can contribute open minds and new ideas to crowd source our future. A future that will break down barriers the current power structure is trying desperately  to maintain.

Steemit is the ideal platform for us to raise up a new model of the Universe as the old world gets blown away. 

So that's what I'm all about. I know I'm just another minnow in an amazing big-ass ocean, but with your help, our collective power can be a wave to help sink their badly battered boat.

Hope to hear from you soon...


nice intro welcome to steemit

Great post @heretolisten and I applaud your intention to not cover already well covered material in this community but to carve out a niche in the area of hand bolling those who have just gone through the emotional awakening journey, likely at the copay of social penalty or internal turmoil.

Following and resteeming as I think this will be valuable to others and I look forward to hearing your view on the psychological aspects in particular.

Best wishes.

Thanks so much, I find psychology in general fascinating. Reading Jung had a massive impact on me.
But yeah, during the course of less than 6 months my mind did, what felt like a back flip somersault with a twist:/ So I can totally empathize with those going through it. I learned techniques that really seemed effective for coping, and I think they could be helpful to others.

But I'm not quite sure what you mean by "copay of social penalty" if you'd care to enlighten me.

Thanks again for your support


AH! My apologies! I do most of my posting on my phone and despite me re-reading there are sometimes errors that slip through. That seems to be one of them.

That was meant to say "likely at the cost of social penalty".

It's little wonder that you feel like the rug was pulled out from you. That tends to happen when fundamental truisms are questioned. It takes personal fortitude to make it through such times. It's similar to processing a divorce or separation when such a thing was never on the radar. It's a fundamental shift in what the mental outcome was pictured as so it hits like a freight train.

I've done some amateur studies in psychology and find the varied approaches and techniques that have come into being over the years interesting in themselves.

Looking forward to interacting with you more!

Me too, should be fun:)

Great post!

i know all of your posts are wonderful, and i read them @ronaldmcatee

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