What’s a d00k13? introducemyself part #1

in #introducemyself6 years ago

Hello Steemit Community, I am Cam Stubbs aka d00k13

That’s my Joining Date as I have been trying to figure how to appropriately introduce myself.

Who am I?

In trying to write this post I have had to self reflect more then ever before! I will start by saying for me too fully describe myself will be a deep endeavour and I’m not quite sure where this will lead me. Deciding to go with multiple posts as I believe it will give me a better chance of explaining different aspects of my life, goals and failures.What I will say is I wish to go by the following... slogans? “Brutally honest always beats a Liar” and “As a knower on the path of knowing to discover the known I reveal to you my findings, good and bad”. Whether I achieve this is for you too judge!

Why am I here?

Well long story short(this is one of those topics that need a deep dive), for the first time in many moons have found a passion! My life over the last few years has been very problematic and frot with dispare, when by happen stance I was lead to investigate cryptocurrencies then eventually Steemit.

I Believe this for me will be a way of tracking my evolution towards the light moving away from the darkness that i was previously stuck in, reinforcing my progress by having something I can reflect on. Furthermore I intend to do as my slogan says and transparently disclose whatever it is I decide to write about. I may try vlogs but this is my first blog ever and I don’t feel comfortable “on stage”. The time I have available for this endeavour is speratic since I work 2 jobs I have been mostly curating on the go while delivering food.

This is my mobile setup(current date & time plus my face in the reflection lol), an iPad 2017 and Logitech Universal keyboard since it was the only one would mount over the massive Otterbox Defender case I have on there.

First Post with my iPad, I was so excited about this prepaid card I had to write about it!

No Really Who Are You?

Well what do I identify as is the better question! I am an individual that strives to break down the walls of my own mind, which is a new persecute of peace rather then happiness. I work for a Artisan Bakery and I do bake for a career. I have a Second Year Journeyman ticket for red seal baker just haven’t gone back to bother with the rest there is a whole story behind that one aswell!?!? I just Recently started as a Independant contaractor for SkipTheDishes, rather enjoying it so far they have a great business model.

I was a Knuckle Head for most of my life, a change started around 5 years ago and today I’d like to believe I am no longer. I don’t particularly believe in any religion but I feel myself to be a man of faith in what I am not sure, way too many coincidences in life to chalk it up to chance. My delivery career first started with nefarious things and came to an end when I changed my life’s direction. When I started down a new road I did not even know that was what I was doing nor was I intending to in the first place.

I am a Hobbiest Miner

I currently have 2 laptops, an all-in-one hp, and a dedicated mining rig. Only generating around $2-3/day but I do plan to expand and I have collected a lot of spare parts from old devices. My entire route into mining was under the pretences that i didn’t think it was going to pan out for me, so I took the cheapest route possible collecting parts.

My rig is one GTX 1050ti, run by an i7 3.4ghz with 16gb ram on windows 10. My next purchase will be 4 pci-e risers and if I can afford it 2x GTX 1060 6gb I should be able to slap in the old GTX 560ti I started out with aswell to get me comfortably in the double digits daily. I have killed a number of freebie devices along my travels since the beginning of November 2017.

Started investigating this witness situation for Steemit, so far I think i am out of my league for amount of investment it will take. Yet hopefully I am that it shouldn’t be too long down the line this may change and “running”!?! for witness will be on the agenda.

My nicehash post


(Yes we took this in the car on our way to visit family)

She doesnt want to be apart of this so far no pictures of us yet, but she is the love of my life and always will be. We are high school sweet hearts and have been together for 13 years in total. I don’t know what I was waiting for but I finally asked her to marry me 2 years ago x-mas eve. I didn’t want to spoil the actual x-mas day but I felt compelled that year with everything that happened. She does however support me completely and is as excited for me to have found a hobby that I am truly interested in. I think the line is drawn when I start the technical talk or really anything past the point of I am enjoying it, she’s my hard working simple lady who’s heart knows no limits. When will we get married? I say when I can afford to take the whole family to Hawaii via my crypto endeavour and she’s ok with that. She like I is in no rush to do anything on those lines, we are focused on trying to dig ourselves out of the whole I put us in(another whole story behind that one).

Interests in Order

  • Fiancé is an always be the most important aspect of my life
  • Crypto Currencies of course, particularly what it means for the current state of things.
  • Driving, I am in my Zen place behind the wheel NUTZ or not. Anyone need a Rally Cross driver?
  • Baking is my career path because I do it well and love what I do.
  • Outdoors atleast during the summer months, I love Camping!
  • Marijuana, fairly avid supporter of the movement but not particularly forward with the subject.
  • Vape, I was never a smoker but I have started vaping on a mild nic to help relieve my anxiety and it has been far more effective then prescriptions with less immediate side effects.
  • Scooter, recently gave it up because of a few head injuries one was on the scooter and spooked me. I’d like to get back to it and on a Motorcycle so I can join my father on a ride before he’s not able to any longer.
  • Technology in any form, nothing specific but rather the most insane ideas and creations catch my attention.
  • Conspiracy Theories, I love to read them and elaborate my own take on the meanings. Good source of facts but often the most negative take on them.

.... and ive lost my train of thought .... dang my on call job ....
That’s why this is going to be multiple post! I hope that’s a decent start.

For future reference what can I do better?
What should I touch on next, any ideas?
Should I write about the dark past ive had?

As a knower on the path of knowing to discover the known I reveal to you my findings, good and bad.

Follow @d00k13 if you wish to learn more about me or my cryptoverse journey!
If you wish too help me on my journey, Power please! Anything else will be converted anyhow, Brutally Honest Always Beats a Liar.


Hi D00k13! Welcome to join the steemit community. Steemit is a social media that rewards you through interesting writing and comments. I think you have the ability to provide interesting writing in the next post. Your good job will be appreciated The spirit of work and good luck!
Best regard @fataelrumy

@fataeltumy thank you for the resteem it is greatly appreciated! Followed, I like that you support many new individuals. If it wasn’t for the support in this community I wouldn’t be here.

Greetings From Mr. Crypto!
I enjoyed your post and I'm pleased to meet you!

Please help us grow @rehab22 Follow/UpVote/Resteem
Original Content.

Thank you, I like your gif did you make it yourself?

Welcome aboard! I, too, think of this a kind of public diary to share my enthusiasms (and trials). Wishing you success, here, as you define it _/|_

I have already succeeded by finding this passion, thank you and like wise enjoy your journey!

Good answer, thanks, and keep up the positive attitude :)

Welcome @d00k13 ! Hope you enjoy the steemit community! If you’re looking for breaking news, tips on how to profit and anything crypto related, follow us now! We do multiple videos per day. If you have any request/questions let us know - we're happy to help!

Thank you, I will definitely do that!

That's a really good and descriptive introduction buddy,i wish you got more success on Steemit, keep it up bro 😇

Thanks man truly appreciate it!

hi d00k13, it’s nice to see new face on steemit, hope you will spread positive vibes in steemit.and keep up the good work on steemit...;-) and be regular on steemit it will make grow you faster... ;-)

Welcome to steemit , upvoted you will regularly do on your good work , for newbie tips and basic information you can check my blog at @adityajainxds

some of the important website you need to now.

https://steemd.com/@ (username)
https://steemnow.com/@ (username)

This one you need a must to sign up beause you will get more followers and more upvote by everyupvote and lastly the more points the more SBD. Try it and grow yourself


You Have My Back.....
Thanks @adityajainxds

@adityajainxds thank you for the reply! Yes, I do have your back brother as long you got mine too! You have good looking content, and at a glance it is atleast worth the follow till I feel you out.
As always Brutally Honest Always Beats a Lair

Welcome to Steemit! :)

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