Introducing myself: A little girl and her story.

in #introduce8 years ago (edited)



                                              Introducing myself

 Well, hello everybody :') So as you guys can see in the title, I'm a typical 14 years old teenage girl. When my brother first told me about the website, I didn't know what was it and how its work so I've been surfing for a while and surprisingly, I've read many good articles. They make me wanna introduce myself with you guys and let us get to know more about each other.

1.This is my profile contains some of the main facts about me: 

Nicknames: Mei

D.O.B: 12th March 2002 (14 years old). 

Zodiac sign: Pisces. 

Height: 158 cm

Things I like: Anime/Manga (Especially shoujo* type); people that are ambitious, determine (I really admire them); foods;  games in generall but "Civilization V", "Shadow fight 2", "League of legend" in particular.

 Things I hate: Cockcroaches and carrots.

*shoujo: Anime/manga aimed at young girls, or anime/manga containing abundant themes and content that would appeal to young girls (urban dictionary)

2. More about my interests.

 Talking about my hobbies, I really like spending time writing English essays and fictions. Sometimes I read articles and English books in order to increase my writing skills. Furthermore, I really enjoy writing because it makes me feel better when my days turned out to be bad. Also, one of my biggest interest is watching Japanese animes and mangas. I discovered the culture of Japanese A/M at the age of 11 (thats mean when I was on grade 5). A friend of mine told me that lately she's been reading a really great manga. At that time I didn't know what "manga" means so I just ended up ignoring her :)) But like three days later, my older sister brought a bunch of mangas home and ask me if I wanna read it with her. It seems to me that the front page was quite adorable so I decided to take a closer look. Guess what? It was hilarious and sooooooo cute. The manga's name is "Maruko", it talks about Maruko-chan and her daily life stories with her little family, friends. I was really impress that right after reading it, we decided to go to the book rental store twice a week to rent mangas. 

From that time, my interest have grown bigger and bigger since I started to stay up late (even when I have classes early on tomorrow's morning) to finish the mangas/animes series. Also, I joined the otaku's community and talk with the people who shared the same interest, we even came to the Japanese festival together to buy figures and stuffs like that. I delight with myself as being an "Anime & Manga lover", but however, I'm not too addicted. I enjoy staying home finish the whole series as much as going out and communicate with people, or just running & excercising around the neighbourhood. In my perspective, life is too short to waste, so try not to focus only on one thing and discover more (such as learning a new musical instrument or go hiking with your friends).  


3. Animes and Mangas recommendations:

 If you haven't tried any cute shoujo manga, I'd definitely recommend you to read:  

  • Hibi chouchou
  • L-DK
  • Hirunaka no Ryuusei
  • Ao Haru Ride
  • Strobe Edge
  • 360 degree materials.
  • Rere Hello
  • Namaikizakari
  • Kimi ni todoke



 And this is a list of anime I recommend you to watch:  

  • One punch man (of course)
  • Naruto
  • Bleach
  • Sakamoto desu ga
  • K-project
  • Kuroko no basket
  • Assasination classroom
  • Working!
  • Haikyuu
  • One piece
  • Sword art online


4. To summarise

 I'd glad to see people who shared the same interests as mine and please comment below if you like watching animes and reading mangas as much as I do or you want to add anything on the lists :)) See you guys later and thanks for reading all along! Sayonara!

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"Linda" account created 4 months ago. no activity till today (apart from transferring steem power to whale "steemed").
wakes up today to bank on this sham post.
and "meiisheree" with the post of "a typical 14 year old" may fool some but not everyone. who's the "brother" ?

its all about the money :D

Idk mate, imo it seems like Linda is one of steemed miners...what's the issue here?

he posted as Linda (I'm not even going to ask why he has girls accounts), upvoted himself with his bots. takes 1000s$ profits.
his bots (itsascam,steemrolled, etc) were also the first to upvote the meiisheree post. (edit. he says it is not true but sure as hell was quick on this with all his accounts and bots)
Steemit would be much better without these few megawhales rigging the votings.
btw only obvious you would come and defend him as you are begging him for a job :D ass licking much?
"meiisheree" may well be one of the creative writers/marketers he's hired. if you read through her replies you'll see the faked broken english is inconsistent.

there is a discrepancy between whales and minnow atm, and it's huge that's true.
Such a toxic and poisonous attitude won't help mate.

You think any whale is going to want to upvote you when it's obvious you harbor deep envy and resentment towards them?

It's entirely possible they simply haven't noticed your post.

I'm doing a series of blogs one a day, one got 500, one got 2, one got 4.

that as I say "Is life" do you think I believe the whales are plotting some evil thing again me? no they either didn't notice my new posts, or my content quality isn't as good in their opinion as the first one.

How do I react to this? I simply get more passionate, up the ante and keep trying harder.

Acting like you're already defeated and bitching and moaning won't help anyone...keep trying to post man, switch up your content, try new things...

You have to realize, in 2 years a lot of us "minnows" will be whales due to our dedication. This is simply temporary we are in beta.

his bots (itsascam,steemrolled, etc) were also the first to upvote the meiisheree post.

You are dead wrong about that. My votes are listed first because the ordering is based on rshares won, which has to do with how big your account is and how much you vote. I have female account names like "linda" because they are going to be valuable some day.

I bet you are mad that I am able to upvote my own post and cause it to have some value. Well, don't be mad. Those are all my accounts that I legitimately mined and I choose to upvote my own posts just like anyone does by default when they use

Either way, you are just going to be mad to be mad, so keep on being mad. If you get mad enough it might make you feel better.

haters just gonna hate ...


good question ^

you can insult as much as you want but the facts speak for themselves. (steem power transfers to @steemed)

steemed & his other whale bots (itsascam, steemroller etc) were also very quick to upvote "meissheree" s post.
if whales like him continue to rig the system this way it doesn't help Steem at all.

Its too many whining ass bitches on steemit calling this girls post a sham is steemit are only politzer prize posts supposed to make money. I havnt received any significant yet but i will keep trying till i get it down and maybe i too will be a whale one day strive on and stop bitching

ma3, don't be naive. That's such a run of the mill response. $400 he says, was $40 two month ago, and it will consistently grows at 90% interest compounded, so basically 200% + interest rate annually. That $400 is what a lot of people are banking on turning into thousands. Also, it is the principle of the matter, we now have to question the integrity of steemed and ask ourselves if this person has done this in the past, or anything similar, and if so, on what scale. Steemed could be seeing some serious results, but of course, you didn't think that far into it. Steemeds response was a subtle intent to dismiss the commentator entirely by stating any kindergarten sleuth could have figured that out. Well no shit, thus is the power of the blockchain, you were GOING to get busted, why would you state the obvious other than to try and build a straw man as the term goes in Debate 101.

This is bogus any way you look at it. Powering down. Please feel free to leave obnoxious comments about the door hitting my ass on the way out and what not. I guess I still have voting power though, which is kind of weird, so I'll probably still be on here and at least take advantage of that until it's gone.

I'm sorry but I looked into this more, and steemed's accounts collectively are worth millions of dollars. Why the fuck would he risk his entire reputation to pretend to be a little girl and make 4k? makes no sense imo.

I made the graphic in the reply and upvoted it. Any kindergarten sleuth could figure that out. The top post is not mine, though. I have no idea whether that is a legit post, but I think it is. I have no idea whether you are legit either, for that matter. That's something to think about, isn't it? You could be a paid troll from facebook. In fact I'd like to prove you are not a paid troll from facebook right now.

and the first name on voters is "ITSASCAM" fishy... lol :) Flagged! unless someone explain me this...

hahaha, whale is coming, master bitcoin from indonesia is here, welcome bro

=))))))))) I didn't do that on purpose I swear to god =)))

All this money for a comment!! This is crazy, I could clear out my school debts with this! lol enjoy Linda!

Similar to SP, SMD tokens cannot be purchased directly on an external exchange. SMD are primarily earned through contributing but can be purchased by converting STEEM tokens to SMD tokens.

Actually Steem Dollars can now purchased on external exchanges !

PS Abbreviation of SBD = Steem Backed Dollars
or just SD = Steem Dollars (not SMD please edit)

Welcome!!! Good read. Keep posting.

Thank you :3

Hello and welcome to steemit and the crypto world!

Very Good Post ;)

Hello! Welcome to steem!

Thank youu :3

Steemit welcomes you here!
This a great platform, not only does it encourage people to write quality articles, but it rewards those who do with “real” internet points.

I am very glad that STEEM can help people! I believe that we can do amazing things together.

It's great that you took the time to post here.
Good luck!

thanks, you too :3
i really enjoy writing on STEEM :3

Fantastic introduction you have. You should absolutely post some of your stories here on steemit!

:3 thanks
absolutely i will :3

Not a bad payout for a 14 Year old.

welcome to the site im also a gamer and play league hope u have a pleasant stay here

Arigatou :3
It's nice to meet gamers here :3

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