Introducing myself and the first Steemit Podcast geared to help build, strengthen shape our growing community!

Hello World!

A bit late to the introduce myself here but I thought I would let this wonderful community know how I ended up here and how I'm finding my niche in this blossoming community.

I grew up in California where I spent the majority of my childhood and young adulthood snowboarding and traveling as much as I could in search of bottomless snow and a deeper connection to Mother Nature and all her glory. As I continued to watch exponential growth coming out of the tech world I started to think " I wonder how much of a role all this technology will play in the evolution of humans and the natural world?" As I began to shape my world view it slowly became apparent that and building community technology may be our only hope. But what technology will that be and when will it show-up?

How I was introduced to Blockchain Technology

I have to say I never saw this coming. When I was 25 I was still trying to make snowboarding my main focus, I worked numerous odd jobs to fund my passion. In the fall of 2010 I spent 2 days working on a farm that paid me in BTC. I had no idea that this job was going to change my life and didn't think much of it to be honest. My next move was to find out more about Bitcoin. Once i started looking around I became confused and more or less gave up( I know: great attitude dude). A couple months went by and I decided to look further into it. I put on some climbing gear and lowered myself into the depths of the Bitcoin/Blockchain rabbit hole. I found that this rabbit hole was equipped with all that was needed to climb back out and present my findings to the world. Since then I have spent most of my time reading about the potential of this technology while buying, selling, and trading to try and gain a larger Stash of Crypto Currencies. I learned the do's and do not's of trading and like most of my life I learned it the hard way.

Crypto and Community Projects

It seemed to me that a liberating technology like this would catch on and enter the mainstream faster than it was visibly happening . So I set out to help inform as many people as possible about Bitcoin and blockchains! You can read about the many things I have done to teach and present Bitcoin and Blockchains to the people around me Here I started to think that enough people use and understand social media platforms that a blockchain based social media platform could be the inevitable platform that introduces blockchain tech to the world! Once I found I was thrilled and I thank @ned and @dantheman for making it happen! So i started exploring the platform and I now want to do anything I can in this community to help it grow and its community members to learn share and prosper.

So, what will be my niche in this community and how can I help all members recognize the potential of where we are today?

For any tribe to grow and survive we must recognize the gift that everybody can offer to the Community . Every community needs a voice and that voice is each and every one of us. I began to think about this and also what could be done with a community podcast. Ideas of what this could become started to come at me real quick. I spoke with @ned and he thought it was a great idea to have Steemit Community podcast. I talked to a good friend of mine @jyoti who went to school for community development about hosting it with me and he immediately put his brain to work. This podcast will be used to help build community and further discuss some of the popular topics, issues, and concerns in the steemit world. We plan on interviewing content creators and curators and hope to provide a wide spectrum of topics. Goals are to strengthen the connection and bonds that we are building. We haven't yet decided on the name or logo of the podcast but I think letting the community in on helping to decide what we want is in the spirit of building community. If you have an idea for a name or logo please post it here. For those unaware.. if the community upvotes your name or logo you will get paid for your contribution! Also there are start up costs that come with this project that we will absorb as our contribution to the community but if anybody has equipment or money they are willing to donate we would be stoked to accept . We plan to debut our first Steemit Podcast in the next 2 weeks. Steemit is a perfect platform for podcasts because they can be monetized with upvotes that cost nothing to give out. Steemit found a solution to the "how to monetize a podcast?" question. This is just one of the many ways blockchains will shape our future. If you are a content creator who would like to be interviewed or have a direction suggestion that you would like to hear us explore let us know. Team work makes the dream work!


Great initiative. Feel free to join us and talk about it on the next beyond bitcoin hangout :)

Hey thank you!

I didn't realize you were doing this! I'd love to advertise your hangouts and you could direct people our way as well! We are trying to grow community here so why now work together to help each other out! I hope we can inspire more people to podcast here in the future. Build a network of helpful and informative content.

Is this the same Beyond Bitcoin that was Part of the LTB network but different show format? Were you Arthur Falls partner? If so, I like what you guys have done in the past as well. Steemit seems to be taking the Idea of LTB network to the next level.

What's the over/under on the word "initiative" being used again in the comments section after the initial use? Assuming it's 3, I'll take the over for 10 SD's. ;)

Ewww, I'll even up the ante and say the next person to use it (after me in the above sentence) will have the word "fantastic" in front of it for 1 SD.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 64669.52
ETH 3430.49
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.52