Steemian Interview Series #3 - Guest: @spaingaroo Part IIsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #interview7 years ago

I am proud to re-present @mehbibcas post here with part two of his interview of yours truly.

If you missed part one...

It was a lot of fun for me, as I hope I transmit, along with my really heavy nature. lol

so, here we are again with part two of my interview with @spaingaroo, I hope you got some value from the post yesterday, and today we are back for the second and final part


If you remember, we left him yesterday describing his recommended books

so straight in with the next question

What are some of the best movies that you’ve ever watched?

oh here we go again,
equal favourites

table with several vids including the wrestler and volver

"The Wrestler", with Mickey Rourke, specifically made for me I think.

"The Big Lebowski" and every other movie by the Coen Brothers.
Maybe "No Country for Old Men" comes especially to mind.
And "Fargo" too, of course.

few Coen bros including the Dude

"Lost Highway" by David Lynch, and also "Eraser Head".
However I warn everyone not to try and sit through "Inland Empire", it's the closest I have ever gone to turning a movie off before the end and only a extreme act of willpower allowed me to finish it.

"Pulp Fiction" (needs no intro I am sure Quentin Tarantino) is in my opinion the most "technically" perfect movie ever made

"Spirited Away", Japanese animation by Hayao Miyazaki

Almost every Pixar film, probably "Toy Story 2" is the best single one, although there could be an endless debate in my head alone over that selection.

"Charlies Country", and every other Rolf Van de Heer film too. esp "10 canoes", and "Bad Boy Bubby"

"The Matrix" series, although the third one was a bit of a disappointment for about thirty minutes, or maybe completely.

"Alien" by Ridley Scott, famously with Sigorney Weaver was a masterpiece

"Mad Max", "Dogs in Space", "Idiocracy", "Peter's Friends",

I mentioned the movies by Charlie Kaufman and Spike Jonze earlier
Maybe add "Synecdoche New York".

"The Butterfly and the Diving Bell", by Julian Schnaebel

"Million Dollar Baby", or "Mystic River" or "Unforgiven" or any other Clint Eastwood film.

I remember how much I enjoyed "Every Which Way But Loose" at the time.

"The Wall" was probably the single biggest impact that any film ever had on me.
I first saw it on VHS, loaned from the video store, and I watched it back to back ten times in a row. The whole weekend.
No wonder I can still hear it now, just thinking about it.
I suppose that'll do but later I'll be kicking myself for having overlooked one that needs to be on the list.

silver linings and the wall

"The Artist" comes to mind, as does "New York Stories", which makes me think of "Forty-Eight Hours" which makes me think of "Beverly Hills Cop" which makes me think of the "Blues Brothers" which makes me think of "Neighbours". (not the Australian Soap Opera, but rather the eighties movie with John Belushi and Dan Ackroyd)

That'll do pig. Which makes me think of "Babe". which makes me think Of "Pruscilla, Queen of the Desert", which I recently re-watched and enjoyed immensely.

I was in love with all of Peter Greenaway's films too.
However I recently saw "A Zed and Two Naughts" with an unbeliever, and I found myself agreeing that it was pretty damn slow.
Always said it was one of my favourites though.
But "The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover" remains a masterpiece of the seventh art, and the story of our trek to the big city to see it is worthy of a post in itself.

"Moon" was great too, with Kevin Spacey and Sam Rockwell

oh and Spain has some great films.

Take "Volver", from Pedro Almodóvar for a recent(ish) one, or "El Verdugo", by Berlanga from 1963, as another.

Also the famous Luis Buñuel made a film called "El Angel Exterminador" which is tremendous.
Oh and Los Santos Inocentes de Mario Camus from the book by Miguel Delibes

And last but not least, for best documentary film, I nominate "Darwin's Nightmare" although "Utopia" by John Pilger is very close too. Two more different ways of looking at a related problem it's hard to imagine.

Bombon, el perro (the dog) by Carlos Sorin is a really nice film, that a lot of people probably don't know. It's from Argentina, las pampas I think they call it


Now I have been to my shelves to take these photos, I realise that there are a few films, that I also want to mention, now I have been reminded of them

precious is an extraordinary film, and if you are hard enough to take it, it will blow you away.
with stand out performances from each and every cast member, inc Mariah Carey and Lenny Kravitz


and the funny thing is, the film was based on a book called Push and was so successful that the book was republished under the name of the movie, so now the book is called precious, based on the novel "PUSH" by Sapphire.
Even though it is actually the novel "PUSH"
(I don't know if that last link is any good, as It says Screenplay, but it's actually the book. I am not too keen to put any links from the Amazon monster but oh well. The world is not exactly perfect)
and Little Miss Sunshine somehow got missed out, but I don't know how. Because the neighbours have my copy I


precious book

and Baraka
I feel bad about not having mentioned Baraka yet.
It is made by a guy called Ron Frike.
This is probably my most must see recommendation here.


and then you will want to see the other films with cinematography by Ron Frike although the are actually films by Godfrey Reggio, Koyaanisqatsi and Powaqqatsi

ron frike films

no words in these films

What is something that tons of people are obsessed with but you just don’t get the point of?

Almost everything that tons of people are obsessed with.
All of the big popular sports.
Football of every kind
the idea of not being able to live without music playing.
Turn to the left
Television, drug of a nation, breeding ignorance and feeding indoctrination
Game of Thrones, although maybe it's pretty possible that I would like that if I gave it a go.

Where is the most interesting place you’ve been?

Another dimension when I smoked Salvia Divinorum.

It was scary shit.
but I would do it again right now, if I could

If you want a place in this dimension, I would say Kata Juta near Uluru in the center of Australia.

screenshot google images Kata Tjuta

We camped illegally on aboriginal land so we could experience Kata Tjuta at dawn, which we did and it was a highlight of my life.
That was with the Spanish twins and Lucas from the Check Republic.

Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?

I am a mixture of both, I am great with people as long as I get to spend most of my time alone working.
When I am in the mood, I am able to take a small crowd with me but in general, you will always find me in the kitchen at parties.

What personality trait do you value most and which do you dislike the most?

In other people? or in myself?
I value honesty and straight forwardness more than anything else.
I like people to be nuanced but simple at the same time.
It's ok if they like me or if they don't like me, but they should be brutally honest with me, and in life in general

What do people think is weird about you?

haha, there is nothing that people don't think is weird about me.
I am known to be insane, although I am a very friendly and harmless insane, but a bit full on sometimes, and fools rush in, where angels fear to tread.

but if you want a few specifics,

  • walking at night in the bush with no torch
  • working instead of relaxing (apparently)
  • having more animals than I want just because they are there
  • caring about the truth
  • trying to be vegan
  • not spending money when I can avoid it
  • not carrying money
  • not having money
  • not carrying my mobile phone with me, unless it's turned off
  • continuing to make art even though I have no real success after all these years
  • looking for suffering, not trying to avoid it anyway
  • lol
  • everything

If your life was a book, what would its title be?

"Life in the Vast Plane, surely make you lose your mind."

or maybe "I Bark, Therefore I Am"

What inspires you to write?

I have never written before Steemit. So Steemit I suppose. But I would like to throw in my favourite quote from Chuck Close here.

“The advice I like to give young artists, or really anybody who'll listen to me, is not to wait around for inspiration.
Inspiration is for amateurs; the rest of us just show up and get to work.
If you wait around for the clouds to part and a bolt of lightning to strike you in the brain, you are not going to make an awful lot of work.
All the best ideas come out of the process; they come out of the work itself.
Things occur to you.
If you're sitting around trying to dream up a great art idea, you can sit there a long time before anything happens.
But if you just get to work, something will occur to you and something else will occur to you and something else that you reject will push you in another direction. Inspiration is absolutely unnecessary and somehow deceptive.
You feel like you need this great idea before you can get down to work, and I find that's almost never the case.”
― Chuck Close

I don't believe that the artist is inspired, but rather, as Salvador Dalí once said the artist inspires
So I started writing here on Steemit because I seemed to have to, but am loving being able to write. The hard part is stopping.

What gives your life meaning?

I am love

Art! and sex. and drugs, but mainly Art.
If I have a long enough period in which I don't make art, I start to seriously question my sanity and my existence.

this is literally my vision board / door, I blame the choice of magazines I had.

my vision door


I have many things written on my wall, hasn't helped much, but I like the

I love accept and forgive myself

begins with a decision

If a genie granted you 3 wishes right now, what would you wish for?

  • A big farmhouse in the country somewhere closer to Madrid, with space for all the animals and space for me to make art really well.
  • A modest but sufficient income to be able to work without worrying if I will be able to sell the results.
  • Then more income so I could start to employ assistants and make more ambitious Art.

What’s your biggest regret in life?

Not having grown up Spanish and therefore realised that cycling was a professional sport.
I would have been a professional cyclist I have no doubts. I may not have won much as I would have been a domestique.


And if that's too far fetched, then it's not having taken the offer of an apprenticeship as a signwriter when it was offered to me after work experience in grade ten.

high school prize

too good for that they told me.

What’s on your bucket list?

not much.
I try to just do things if I want to do them.
More sexual adventures. some threesomes.
Maybe, be a big star, and have a major retrospective of my work.
That'd be fun, but I sometimes fear it won't happen, while I am still alive at least.

What is your idea of a perfect vacation?

the concept doesn't make sense to me.
I have never had a vacation, although I have taken a few trips.
I would like to go to the Amazon and have shamanistic experiences.

What’s the one thing that people always misunderstand about you?

Everything usually. I rarely feel like I have actually communicated with people.

Do you believe in second chances?

My life has been an enormous series of them, and third and forth chances too.
I tend to give people second, third and forth chances too, depending on how they crossed me.
The times I haven't I have lived to regret it.
I fell out with my best friend, who I had shared a few years with, and I never tried to see him again for several years, and then when I decided to track him down and make amends or however you want to describe it, I found out he was dead.
I never felt so bad.

What’s one thing you did that you really wish you could go back and undo?

Saying what I said to the future mother of my child, which made her throw me out of the house, and I never came back.
(I didn't know she was to become the mother of my child, as this was the very morning after)
(and she never told me)
long and good story about finding out, but this was many years later.

con francis

What was the best compliment you’ve received?

Multiple orgasms always make one feel like it's been a job well done.

What is your philosophy in life?

try hard, too hard usually.

orby chained up

Who inspires you to be better?

me, see above for the quote about inspiration. I don't really believe in inspiration.
I strive everyday to be a better person, but according to my very warped idea of better and so forth.

What do you wish you were better at doing?

Cleaning and being organised. By far my greatest shortcoming and it robs me of large amounts of my capabilities and resources.

messy dvds

close up top end

the wasp factory and things I didn't know with dust

mess of room

What do you spend the most time thinking about?

Steemit lately, and before steemit, Art and pussy.
And Peak Oil, and 911 and vaccines, and animal rights and the destruction of the biosphere.

someone on the internet is wrong
image source, the original

I am the original Man Who Knew Too Much

What song or artist do you like but rarely admit to liking?

now this is a good question. I don't know if I have a suitable answer.
Maybe Michael Jackson. I was a pretty big fan, I had a copy of Thriller within days of it's release and I was the most popular kid at school for a while.

If life is a game, what are some of the rules?

  • be kind
  • be real
  • be nice to dogs
  • be kind to all animals
  • I judge people on how they treat people with less power than themselves.
  • maybe see next one, take risks!

What risks are worth taking?

most of them.

What’s something you are self-conscious about?


What makes a good life?

work, and sex.

What do you hope your last words will be?

"oh man, what a trip"

What could you do with a few million dollars to impact the most number of people?

I would try and impact the most number of animals first, and hope to lead by example.

What were some of the turning points in your life?


Monday Tuesday Happy days
Wednesday Thursday Happy days,
Weekend comes,
I go on,
ready to wait for you.
these days are ours
every day.
So far.

bicho niño

  • Turning down the apprenticeship offer,
  • Touching the drink
  • Seeing my first Spanish Girl
  • Walking out on the mother to be (remember I didn't know)
  • Leaving my life behind to come to Spain.
  • Taking my first trips
  • My first drug experiences in general.
  • every move to a new town.
    I lived in five towns before the end of school and since then in dozens. I think I reinvented myself in each new place the first half of my life, and later that was forced on me by emigrating.
    I don't envy those who do it forcedly.

What’s the title of the current chapter of your life?

Steemit is as Steemit does
or maybe
Confusion!! Steemit is thy name, Discord is the same, maybe drugs could be to blame


What’s the hardest lesson you’ve learned?

Steemit, and I haven't even learned it yet.

How do you get in the way of your own success?

How don't I?

If today was the last day of your life, what would you want to do?

fuck and then go for a long dog walk and hug all the dogs one by one for as long as it lasted.

What is the difference for you between living and existing?

Taking life by the horns, as they say.
Making artwork mainly.

What do you want most out of life?

respect as an artist who tried to make art that means something, often by trying to make artwork that doesn't mean anything.

What terrifies you the most?

that all my work will be destroyed after my death, and I will not be contemplated from the future.
Seems super likely too, really, as things stand now.

my sister and me

If you could choose just one thing to change about the world, what would it be?

The money system

What one piece of advice would you offer to a newborn infant?

suck that tit for all it's worth!!

Where is the line between insanity and creativity?

Somewhere behind me.
I remember every time someone has tried to insist that it is not necessary to be insane to make good art, and I don't believe that to be the case.
Sorry all those who think you are sane and making good art. You are not.

What is true happiness?

The only time I even come close to happiness is when I feel like I have achieved some good art, or even just when I have worked for many hours in a productive way.
My father is always asking me on the phone if I am happy, and I always scoff at the question.
I am not sure if I am designed to feel happiness.
Sex is good, if you hadn't already guessed I like that.

What makes a good friend?

I know not, apparently.
I have rarely had one.
It must be the ability to put up with all my shortcomings and see right through my tough exterior, right to the gooey centre.
And they have to be able to able to cope with non-communication, even for long periods without taking it personally.

What makes a good steemian?

for me it's someone who is always kind but tough too.
I hate people just saying they love something when it doesn't seem true.
Seems to especially plague the whales. (or dolphins really)
That's why I am especially tough with them, and it probably doesn't really help my chances of success here.
well makes it a lottery that could have me out of here in a jif
I find they are pretty defensive, but I am undaunted.
I say what needs to be said, if I think it adds to the sum total of humanity's achievements.
But I am convinced I will soon enough find one who appreciates it, and decides to support my blog and me and my animals anyway.

Well, that concludes the interview for now.

I have thought of more questions after reading his answers, so maybe there will be a part three too

If you want to see more of @spaingaroo and see some of his artworks, his website is
he gave me this footer to use

If anyone would like to see a more extensive, although unfortunately by no means complete, collection of SpaiNgaroo artworks, they can visit my main domain

There is some work for sale at Saatchi online gallery
and a Redbubble print on demand shop
and a fabric and wallpaper shop on Spoonflower too although many of the designs are still not available for sale.

Blame it on the sunshine,
blame it on the moonlight,
blame it on the good times,
now blame it on the steemit.

video bicho hmmm... sometimes
don't really use twitter, but robots do
the facialbook, if you must

Well, as usual thank you for coming by to anyone who is reading these words, if you have gotten this far, and don't be afraid to show your love


Probably the first question,

Tell me something about yourself?

You must be the change you wish to see in the world.

- Mahatma Gandhi

yes, but he didn't think to try it himself, unfortunately for his wife.

Como son todos tus post, muy trabajado .
No te limitas a contestar las preguntas de una manera escueta, como suele ser lo normal.

Me ha encantado la información adicional que nos das de tus películas favoritas, algunas lo son mías también.
Por cierto te recomiendo leer los libros de "Juego de tronos" y ver la serie.

En el plano personal, has sido como siempre muy sincero.

Enhorabuena al entrevistador y a ti.

Una imagen es un poema sin palabras.-Horacio.

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