Save the Internet. Today is a Day of Action for Net Neutrality.

in #internet7 years ago (edited)

Comcast, AT&T, and Verizon want to end net neutrality.

What does this mean for us? Basically, instead of all data on the internet being treated as the same and equal if net neutrality ended there would be regulations and fees to see certain content. This is clearly not how we want to live online and is beyond immoral. So today, people are banding together to send letters and make phone calls standing against the end of net neutrality.

Giant ISPs try to hide everything they are doing behind the curtains and publicly talk about being for net neutrality but it is a lie and an easily proven one. They talk about how the regulatory environment is not predictable but fail to mention that it is due to their own actions and attempted lawsuits to end net neutrality. Don't listen to the guys who have their greedy hands in our pockets with their giant information monopolies.

I took time out of my very busy, stressful day to write a letter, will you?

Sadly, I have too much on my plate to make a phone call but you can also make a call easily with the following website and even get tips on what to say. Call, leave a message, write a letter. Show that we WILL NOT stand for the end of net neutrality.

Take Action By Clicking The Link Below.

I am assuming most Steemians were already on top of this as we clearly care about the internet but on the off chance, some of you missed it I figured I would blog about it. Share the news on your facebook too for the less internet savvy friends!

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Great! :D Thanks on behalf of everyone online. ^_^

You're more than welcome.

Thank YOU for bringing this to our attention!

Great Job!
Everyone using Steemit better do it too!

As many as possible... ;)

Good job, all you can ever do is what YOU can do. You are an example.

The only thing is I was just writing a post about this EXACT thing after making sure to vote against the regulations trying to kill freedoms. Now wondering if I should finish and post it since u already wrote one or not......
Anyways GREAT job, this is surely important. I REALLY hope everyone on Steemit has done this....Sure would be silly if they didn't.

Not many people have upvoted or resteemed mine so I would say make your post!! That way more people see it. This is super important as you said. :)

I agree, very honorable words from you so I will finish mine and make it asap!
Kinda annoying that its not all over the place here on Steemit of all places....

or resteem this but I don't care at all if other people make a post about this exact thing. It needs to get out there as much as possible. :)We need our internet freedom!

I totally agree!
Well said!

Thank you for letting me know. I had no idea. I'll have to write a letter! :)

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