Why Has Our Culture Found It So Hard To Lose Weight?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #intermittentfasting7 years ago

Caloric deficit = Weight Loss… Yes this is true, but this is also taken way out of context by most individuals. People hear this and think that is all they need to do.

Just be in a caloric deficit and I’ll always lose the weight!… Right guys?… Guys?

SO they start a diet (all diets put you in caloric deficit thus ALL DIETS WORK AT FIRST), go into caloric deficit for too long and their bodies start to adapt leading to a relapse.

You see, you can go on diet for a month and lose “X” amount of pounds. You continue to monitor your weight and stay in a caloric deficit yet the weight-loss slows. Yeah, you can stay in a caloric deficit forever and you’ll eventually become skin and bone, but before that happens you start to lose energy and gain massive cravings.

It gets to the point where it effects your work and you cave into the cravings and have snack foods. This is unavoidable. This makes you feel bad that you “relapsed” and you go running back to the weight loss center to get a new program.

You think: “Well it must be me, I don’t have the will power, I lack the strength, I need the support.” You get a new diet with your regained willpower via the “relapse” and start to lose weight and the cycle continues. The only reason you’ll lose weight again is because of the relapse. You must gain fat to lose fat.

You go to weight-loss center, do diet, lose weight, relapse, gain weight, go to weight-loss center, do diet, lose weight, relapse, gain weight, go to weight-loss center, do diet, lose weight, relapse, gain weight, go to weight-loss center and the madness just continues as you can never achieve the body you want and you always seem to gain the weight back. This is a never ending cycle, unless you figure out how your body works, you’ll ALWAYS have the weight problems, guaranteed.

The sad part is, most of the people I’ve helped are so strong and so determined and confident. They are just caught in a hamster wheel running themselves exhausted and everyone gets exhausted after awhile…

It’s set up for you to lose, because there is a lot less money in curing the weight problem and a hell of a lot more money in keeping you over weight. You see this in pharmaceutical companies, never wanted to cure the disease just put you at ease. They keep making money off the band-aid effect.

It’s sad because the brightest minds take what their schools teach them as the bible and never question it. A-lot of doctors out there, whom are very smart, still telling over weight people to eat carbs for breakfast. And of course most people never question their doctors! You take what they say as the bible. This is how wide spread misinformation becomes ingrained into a culture… And how Tony The Tiger stays rich.

Tony doesn’t give a damn about you or your health! None of them do. It’s a profit game.

They play on your emotion caused by your lack of understanding the root of the issue in the first place. When people relapse they get so down on themselves. Some even say they hate themselves when they do it, not realizing that was the best thing they could have done.

Conversation I had with a woman:

“Dan, I relapsed, what do I do?”

I said: “You just do it.”

“Do what, Dan?”

-“You relapse for the entire week.”



“WTH??? Won’t I… I get fat?”



-“Listen, you must gain fat to lose fat. You gain a small amount of weight to lose a lot of weight. Your metabolism is “screwed” and every carb you eat your body is looking at like it’s the last carb it will ever see and grabs on to it for dear life and immediately converts it to fat. It’s in survival mode. You need to let the body think that is has plenty of carbs by shocking it. To undo the damage you’ve caused for your prolonged low carb caloric deficit, you’ll need to eat like a hungry 3 year old let loose in a candy store… for the week. You can let fear control you or guide you. Your choice…”

Week later:

“I gained 2 pounds :( :(“

-“Good job!”

“I hate you!!!”

-“Talk to you in a week.”

Two weeks later:

“OMG I lost 6 pounds!”

-“And guess what?”


-“Now you’re on the right track. I want you to do my eating plan or whatever diet you do and have one “bad day” each week where you pig out. This way you’ll lose 4–5 pounds a week consistently without ever hitting a plateau.”

3 months later:

She’s going to name her future son Dan.

Relapse = Weight-loss

Gain fat to lose fat!

Skinny family:

Over weight family (Brother, Mom, Me):

We learned the trick, so can you!


It's a bummmer our food portions have increased dramatically over the years. In my opinion the main cause of obesity in America is that restaurants have created two serving meals that are more than enough calories for an individual. When we get used to these food portions it forces us to eat more and more bringing us to a calorie surplus. Hopefully that changes.

great post! very informational. gave you a upvote and follow :)

nice post.......

followed, upvoted and resteem

Wait gain = intoxicated body. The body tries to eliminate liposoluble toxins storing it inside fat cells. It is a desperate measure because liposoluble toxins are not so easy to eliminate as the water soluble ones.

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