Consciously Directing Intention To Create Reality - My Daily Struggle

in #intention6 years ago (edited)

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The Sacred teachings of Old. At some point in your research, if you have not already, you'll come to Wisdom of the Plants and Mushrooms. My Forte. Esoteric teachings along with Astrology and the Spirit Sciences have always been of great interest and teach us the way to Know Thyself. Good Post @flauwy.

I seem to be something of a master manifester and also teach some of what I do to others to great effect for them. What I've seen most consistently is that there is never a need to follow any particular sect or methodology, unless that is the only way we can accept an approach enough to consistently apply it. If so, then it works to pick whichever one that acceptance is there for.

Ultimately, we are God. That's it.

As God, we make our beliefs true. But we're overwhelmingly unaware gods, so we have to trick ourselves into believing the things that are useful to our intent to live happy lives. All of manifestation work is just this, different ways we trick ourselves.

I have lots of games I play. I play them until they stop working, and then I make up a new one.

So resonantly true... We really are overwhelmingly unaware gods who have to trick ourselves into believing the things that are useful to manifest in our lives; and often being so unaware, we manifest what we don't wish to experience, simply because we don't even realize the power of manifestation we possess and thus focus so much on those outcomes. Bashar calls them "permission slips" that we create/manifest for ourselves to use kind of like crutches, because of this state of being so unaware. Things like what we need to heal ourselves or a specific "teacher" or "path". We are just so unaware and wired by this world that's generally they way we manifest for ourselves.

Yes, and I love that term for it. "Permission slips."

It's like we are in school and need "permission slips" in order to exert our true power and the funny thing is that it is us ourselves, our (awakened) higher self, who is the issuer of them too.

Wow, thank you for your insight. I agree with all that you are saying. There are many paths and in the end we are the creators of our creatrix. Nevertheless, it feels sometimes like a painfully slow process of growth.

I love this post, @flauwy. I especially love the way you mention sending the intention into the food and drink before you consume it into your temple like a prayer of thankfulness. I've done that many times like just feeling a deep sense/vibration of thankfulness, knowing scientifically the very positive effect on the body itself, but I never really thought of actually focusing that moment on a specific intention too, which seems brilliant. I totally relate to how easy it is to forget and/or remember halfway through. Now that I think about it, I suppose one could add the intention also to remember to do it before every time they drink or eat too.

I still need to go reply to your other post too of the Free Thyself... as I only had time to upvote it before.

Yes, the intention is super charging the food and it is actually part of some hermetic excercises. It should be repeated for a while before you start another intention. I am glad that this post found so much positive feedback. I was just writing a few thoughts down and did not put as much effort into the post creation itself this time. So I am glad the content resonates well with others.

Yeah, it has been a decade or more since I last read the Kybalion. This month in particular this particular topic seems to be in the air. I read a few days ago on the background of one of the 30,000 or so Vietnamese being persecuted by Facebook and their government who have migrated over to Minds the last few weeks that says, "The obstacle is the path" - Zen Proverb. I felt some resistance on that and realized just how much the resistance itself plays a part... :)

Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?

John 10:34

We are made in the image of God. This is why we are considered little gods and powerful beings. We weren't given this gift to manifest material wealth into existence but instead to do His will (e.g. Healing others, Loving, Helping).

We have an Enemy that doesn't sleep nor slumber hence why we need such a gift.

Right, the power to create with our mind is something that we abuse easily (without knowing it most of the time) to follow low vibrational desires. To direct our thoughts to create out of love and selflessness is certainly the way to go and I believe much easier to manifest than something thath only helps ourselves. On the other hand, that doesn't mean we cannot attract wealth and power IF we are aiming to use that entirely to elevate others.

Do you believe that low vibrational entities whisper stuff into our ears to manipulate us to experience what they desire? I often enough think about stuff that is not really my own thoughts or has anything to do with my values and believe system. If that happens I just let those thoughts pass and focus on who I really am. Then those thoughts disappear.

Actor Jim Carey said he visualized getting handed a check for a a very specific amount, like 21 million or something, for years while he was poor. When he made it big he got that exact amount for a movie and they handed it to him and was just like he visualized it.

Great story. I love Jim Carey. He has become something else in the past few years. Not sure what happened but he seems like a different, more humble person.

he took mushrooms!

Important post - 2 days in a row. :) "Directed intention" is everything. Now if you can add JOY into that intention, it manifests almost instantly. I too, have been working with these teachings for a long time and am only just learning about the intersection of joy and ease with intention. Life changing stuff!

Interesting. Joy is certainly something that I should add more to my thoughts although whenever I am humble and grateful then the joy aspect comes automatically.

This excellent interview of Dr. Joe Dispenza applies here too...

and part 2:


I am open to your intention of writing this interesting post.

I have not had any experience with gnosticism and hermetism

To listen to the audio version of this article click on the play image.

Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvoting this reply.

Great post here @flauwy I'm really sorry I missed this before I had a chance to upvote it .. I'm so busy at the moment, plus I'm moving so life is hectic.

For now I focus on healing my body, mind and soul.

Because if your wish does not fit into your soul purpose of this life you are currently incarnated then it cannot work. I don't really claim to know what that exactly means.

The former is the journey that must be undertaken in order to discover the latter, personally (it certainly was for me) I feel it is also a personal journey and the lessons/wisdoms are already within you and all around you .. indeed there are certain things that can't be read or taught, they must be found and known as opposed to learned and believed. ;)

As time moves on I will certainly be revisiting and writing about gnosticism and hermetism. Thank you for sharing your thoughts my friend.

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