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RE: IQ and EQ Cannot Measure Intelligence

You forgot the other EQ
Encephalization quotient (EQ), or encephalization level, is a measure of relative brain size defined as the ratio between actual brain mass and predicted brain mass for an animal of a given size, which is hypothesized to be a rough estimate of the intelligence or cognition of the animal.

That aside, I find your argument to be less than convincing.
If something cannot be measured then it does not exist
Obviously some people are smarter than others.
We call that intelligence.
Obviously the tools for measuring it can be improved. What cannot?


Encephalization quotient (EQ)

This has been long falsified since it doesn't correspond to many other species such as elephants (massive brains) and incects.

That aside, I find your argument to be less than convincing.
If something cannot be measured then it does not exist

No. If somthing cannot be measured then it cannot be measured so far. This is all I am saying. Pretending that it can be measured is massively false.

Obviously some people are smarter than others.

obviously some people are better in doing some tasks in respects to others. You need to read the whole thing again. Here is a summary in one picture in case you don't get it

This has been long falsified
citation please?

since it doesn't correspond to many other species such as elephants (massive brains) .
EQ is the brain size to the body weight RATIO, as is stated in the links.
The EQ of an elephant is Elephant 1.13–2.36 the elephant is indeed very intelligent but it's ratio of body size to brain size is less than man. Human EQ is 7.4–7.8 Corvids (crow family) is 2.49 strangely enough. Bird brains are organized differently.

and insects
Insects don't have brains as such.

Pretending that it can be measured is massively false
that's obviously incorrect. IQ tests are fairly accurate predictors of job performance AND college performance. The test is measuring something that's directly correlated. That something is measureable.


Q tests are fairly accurate predictors of job performance AND college performance.

you answer your own questions. task specific, cultural paradigms. not intelligence

Insects don't have brains as such.

another human-centric bias. Just because your brain function doesn't resemble the physiology it doesn't mean it doesn't apply.

btw, you don't need a paper to tell you "water is wet". The amount of neurons has nothing to do with the size.

Read no.4

Actually it does.
Crows belong to the family Corvidae, which also includes ravens, magpies, jackdaws, and jays. All corvids display a range of intelligent behaviors that not only surpass that of other birds, but most mammals as well. To the uninitiated, the idea that a bird species could be up there with dolphins and chimps might be pretty surprising, but the evidence is insurmountable.

Crows belong to the family Corvidae, which also includes ravens, magpies, jackdaws, and jays. All corvids display a range of intelligent behaviors that not only surpass that of other birds, but most mammals as well. To the uninitiated, the idea that a bird species could be up there with dolphins and chimps might be pretty surprising, but the evidence is insurmountable.

This supports my argument. not yours.

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