Different Types of Intelligence; Which One Are You?

in #intelegence8 years ago (edited)

In 1983 an American developmental psychologist Howard Gardener described 9 types of intelligence:

Naturalist (nature smart)
Musical (sound smart)
Logical-mathematical (number/reasoning smart)
Existential (life smart)
Interpersonal (people smart)
Bodily-kinesthetic (body smart)
Linguistic (word smart)
Intra-personal (self smart)
Spatial (picture smart)

taken from: www.fundersandfounders.com

If you are of Naturalist Intelligence;

Then you are more than likely that type of person that will take extra care when it comes to animals plants and all that is held withing the natural living world surrounding you. You will be much better suited in a career or life path as a farmer veterinary field or somewhere where your ability to embrace and absorb up naturalist knowledge flows freely.

However those of Musical Intelligence;

Hold the ability to gather differentiate and set pitch, rhythm, timbre, and tone. It comes as second nature for them to reflect on music and can with ease reproduce or even create music of their own.
According to the study of Howard Gardener they often share a common thinking process with those of mathematical intelligence.

Logical-Mathematical Intelligence Persona;

Normally the first to the strategy games and experiments, logical-mathematical intelligence embodies the ability to calculate, quantify to a much greater extent that the other types of intelligence. These are the type of people that you want around when you are left facing propositions and pondering hypotheses as these are just a few of their strong points.
Their logical side enables them to be immaculate at reasoning as well as deductive thinking ( as well as inductive as a matter of fact),


Existential Intelligence

This is normally embodied within your philosophers deep thinkers and so on.
They maintain the sensitivity to leave undisturbed whilst unveiling the answers of inner self, and take delight in delving into subjects such as the meaning of life, reason of death and everything before, after and in-between.

If your Intelligence is Interpersonal of Nature

Then you have probably managed to find your way to a career or life-path of working with others, as you have a natural given talent for understanding and ability to sum up the emotional needs as well as the current emotional state of those in your company. You pick up very easily on the temperaments as well as moods and have the ability to deal with them as such.

Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence

This is your more active type people, those whom obtain a variety of physical skills throughout their lives. More than that these people develop the skill of timing and their body and mind is more often than not synchronized to the fullest capacity.

Linguistic Intelligence

These are your story tellers your readers and your word farmers. Among humans this is the most widely shared type of intelligence, and you will very easily be able to distinguish them as poets, novelists, journalists, public speakers and so on.

Intra-personal Intelligence

This of course is the knowledge of self. This also allows the use of such knowledge in advanced life planning, or future planning, they are normally very self motivated and remain the better option for spiritual advisers as well as life coaches.

Spatial Intelligence

These people are blessed with that ability of three dimensional thinking, they are normally your dreamers, builders and artists. They have the enriched capacities include mental imagery and are great at image manipulation. Sailors, pilots, sculptors, painters, and architects are normally those whom posses a strong sense of spatial intelligence.

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