
in #int5 years ago


The #XStar9ThreeSkipModFounderGoldTokenCardEdition
is the first #Edition of #GoldTokenCards issued by @tokenindusty.
It was triggered by fourteen Transfers of 11.11 #STEEM
done by seven #STEEMNameAccounts.
The #XStar9ThreeSkipModFounderGoldTokenCardEdition
is a #PrototypeProject beeing develloped during execution.
@tokenindustry tries to couple industrial work to smart media token.
For each transaction of 11.11 #STEEM done by #STEEMNameAccounts a #GoldTokenCard is produced and documented.
The accumulated capital will be burned ( burnt ) into the creation of a scot-token, booked by a #STEEMBASED scot-application #STEEMNamed @steem-engine.
The created scot-token-shares will be given out to each #STEEMNameAccountWallet having made a 11.11 #STEEM transfer to produce a #XStar9ThreeSkipModFounderGoldTokenCard .

The design-phase resulted into this #GoldTokenCardDesign :

The #GoldTokenCard is meant to be dedicated.
The #XStar9ThreeSkipModFounderGoldTokenCard contains an amount of ten Minutes worktime having been produced.
The price of ten #STEEM ( 11.11 ) represents an equal of the ten minutes of industrial worktime having been consumed by the process of production.

There are three options to convert
undedicated design into dedicated design.

The normal dedication contains the imprint of a #STEEMName this way here.
The normal dedicated design will become a shippable product availble exclusively by transfering #STEEM.

Founder dedication adds a line and imprints the founders #STEEMName twice and vice-verca, here :
Founder dedications are made an unmistakably unique product, shipping options are not worked out.

Doubble or tripple dedications can be done like this.
This dedication can be used to invite or include low liquidy participants to the project and is induced forcefully into the project, if a transferant transfered the max #STEEMNameOwnershipLevelAmount.

Doubble :

Tripple :

The worktime consumed for the dedication process contains a testwrite on a failed card.

Purposes of uniqueness are beeing considered because the identity of a card could be defined pecisely by high resolution scans.

Die folgenden Links beschreiben die Herstellung der Schablonen für #XStar5 , #XStar7 , #XStar9 , #XStar11 und #XStar13 .
Brauchen wir einen Kreis ?

Schablonen um Schablonen herzustellen .

Brauchen wir die Dreizehn ?

Alle Möglichkeiten für Sterne.
Thoe following links describe the production of templates for #XStar5 , #XStar7 , #XStar9 , #XStar11 and #XStar13 .
Do we need a circle ??

Templates to make templates.

Do we need a thirteen star ?

All possibilities for stars.

Wenn Dich die ersten Arbeitsschritte zur Herstellung einer #GoldTokenKarte interessieren, folge diesen beiden Links.

Aus Müll wird Grundstoff.

Schritt 2+3
Reinigen und glätten.
If you are interested into the first steps producing #GoldTokenCards, follow theese two links.

Making rubbish valuable.

Steps 2+3
Cleaning and smoothing.

Wenn Du mehr zur #GrundIdee von @tokenindustry erfahren möchtest klicke die folgenden Links .
If you want to know more about the #BaseIdeas of @tokenindusty follow the links below .

Die #Industrie zurück zur #Welt bringen !
Bringing back #industry to the #world !

Was man verdienen #muss .
What you #need to earn .

#Theorie 1
Wie wollen der #Kuenstler und der #Emittend ihre #Handlungen begründen .
#Theory 1
How are the #artist and the #issuer going to justfy their #activities .

Kann man so etwas überhaupt #umsetzen ?
Wie weit soll man gehen in seinem #Perfektionismus ?

! ! ! !
Is there a possibility to #realize it ?
How to cope with #perfectionism ?

! ! ! !

Bilder Urheberrechtsfrei verfügbar !

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Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 64535.04
ETH 3462.08
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.49