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RE: Expand Your Options, Expand Your Life

@Axios. First, this was a very well written, personal account that I can completely relate to. Thank you for the honesty and sharing it. I grew up in a household where alcohol, confrontation, and fighting were common place. At a young age, I knew I didn't want that in my life. I think it's a gift to be so self-aware, though, anyone has the ability to change their perceptions. For me, I've had to literally take myself out of the equation of those family dynamics, because they are still so toxic. It's not an easy decision, to cut yourself off from your family, but in terms of self-preservation, and my mental health, I found it to be completely necessary. I completely agree with you on being able to change those perceptions with thought. Though it does take work. I live far off in the woods, and have in a way, cut myself off from society. BUT, it hasn't been a bad experience, quite the opposite really. I sought out nature, because I knew, somewhere deep inside, that nature was healing. You mentioned Eastern thought in your response to my post, and I have been reading a lot of Native American writings, especially from the Lakota. They knew, as well as other indigenous cultures, that nature and thoughts, nature and perception, nature and intention were/are so inter-linked that you can't have one without the other. So, through my observance/interaction with nature, my perceptions of time, love, connectedness have been elevated, allowing me to look objectively at my life. Great read and excellent writing!


@therightsideofup I deeply appreciate what you shared here. Everyone has their own path and I fully agree with you - sometimes you have to set your boundaries and go your own way. My belief is that we have full control of our experience, and with that, if we are able to leave situations that we know are no longer supportive of who we are, then that's what we must do. If we aren't able to leave, then that's a different story and - in my opinion - an opportunity to transcend the experience. Once you do...the door opens. I moved across country from my family because I knew it was what I needed to do and that my growth required me to explore different environments, so I totally feel you there.

It's amazing that you have the opportunity to connect with the beauty of nature every day! Spending a week with the Peruvian shamans, I realized that they were having an entirely different experience. They were literally living in a spirit realm that was also deeply interconnected with nature. I experienced that for myself when I had my ceremony, but I believe they are in that state for a fair amount of that time. It's this interesting conundrum where they seem less connected to the world, yet in actuality, they are way more connected to the earth than any other person on the planet.

Awesome to hear you've been exploring and finding much elevation in embracing these ancient perspectives. Thank you for stopping by and sharing. I appreciate you!

Thank you! It's funny, because I would call myself an atheist. But when you think on that term, it simply means a lack of belief in a deity. Being out in nature, and having such profound experiences, has lead me to not necessarily believe in god, but to believe in the spirituality of nature. Nature is pure life essence. The bark of trees, the pedals of flowers, the humming buzz of bees all have life. A connection you can't ignore when you depend on it. I don't need to ascribe a supernatural entity that casts judgement, gives domain over all living things to one creature; mankind, to feel that way. Life is about all of us and the creatures and plants that share it. Nature IS us. We don't/can't control nature and we shouldn't. Anyway, I'm following and look forward to more great discussions!

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