Change and Challenges: Inspiration for February

in #inspiration6 years ago (edited)

Hello friends! It's the first day of a new month and I thought of you. To some, the motivation that the new year had brought may have already faded away. Others may just be waiting for a nudge in the right direction. You may be feeling a little bit of both, don't worry. I got all of you covered.

Let me start this post off with this little slap of reality:

The path.png

"I thought you were here to cheer me up, Gail?"

Well, I want you to take comfort in the truth. It may not always be pretty, but you can rest that it will not mislead you. When you decide to tread the path to greatness, accept that you have to compete to stay there. I personally think that the essence of competition should be to step your game up, to reach great heights that you've never been able to before. Man survived up to this time amid the threats to his existence because he was fit. He fought for his survival. We survived because we rose to the competition. This isn't to say that we won't help other people along the way. Helping other people when they need you is also a way of ensuring the survival of our species. This also isn't saying that greatness is all there ever is to life, there certainly are other important things that we should concern ourselves about. Just that, when you decide that being great is the only option that you have, know that when you encounter difficulties, they are tests that you have to surpass in order to be great.

"Gail, I don't want to be great. I shudder at the thought of challenges."


Fair fight x.png

Whether we like it or not, we don't always get to choose the challenges that we face in life. Battles may arise in forms that you never expected: health and financial problems to name a few. But remember this, you have the power to decide to give the challenge a fair fight. Some challenges deserve to be fought for. When they involve people or things important to you, by all means, fight the crap out of them. You will never know how strong you really are unless you're fighting for what means the most to you.

"But Gail, my strength is finite."

Of course, you'll get weary especially in the middle of your journey. Remember that

Gorgeous in the end x.png

Set your mind to the end that you wish to achieve. Things may start out all good in the beginning but pretty soon, they'll get ugly. Just because things aren't looking good, it doesn't necessarily follow that you should quit. You can always choose to believe that the ugliness is all part of the process. Nobody really knows when the end of their journeys are. But somehow, almost everyone agrees that the end will be worth it. Believing this won't guarantee that you will get what you want. What it does is help you weather through the difficulties. Nobody ever reached their destinations by stopping permanently in the middle of the voyage, right?

"I don't even have the energy to think positively, Gail."

Then, just keep this in mind

Like a show x.png

You get to work late, forgot to brush your teeth, wore the wrong outfit... You try your luck out again the next day to make sure everything's perfect. But it doesn't. You look forward to the next day, then the next, then... you don't even want to get up anymore. That's okay. Days will always pass, they end. There really are some days when the only work that you can do is the bare minimum. Just do it. You don't need to have a reason to love your family everyday, right? They can still screw up and you have no choice but to go on and be there for them. The same goes for living your life. You don't need to have a reason to live it everyday, sometimes you just have to go through with it.

"You're making me all confused, Gail. You started with an unsettling thought, then you lift my spirits up, then you wanted me to hope only to bring me back to where I started?"

Easy with the accusations, now. My friend, that is how it goes - we all go through the peaks and troughs. One moment, life takes us to the highs we've always wanted to reach. The next, it drops us to the lowest of lows. These can even happen so fast that you can't keep up with them anymore. During these times, you will find it helpful to

Smell the roses x.png

Because no matter how big or small you've become, they will always bloom - that's their job. And sometimes, they wither too.

The highs and lows might confuse you, but I'm always here rooting for you;


All the photos and words were edited by @thegaillery for the purpose of this post. Original background images are from image 1 source, image 2 source, image 3 source, image 4 source & image 5 source.


I love the exchanges, Gail! It made see both perspectives: one who's always down and the other who always lift up. It's true that life is full of highs and lows, but if we are rooted to the reality, it be easy for us to accept everything.

I'm inspired! Please continue to make contents like this. This is really you. Rest assured that I will always be at your back. Char!

Yes Kim! This is me - a woman of extremes! Hahaha. Thank you for your support! Right back at ya 😁

Upvoted and re-steemed. Nicely done!

Beautiful post, Gail. My favorite part is a quote which says that "the path to greatness is narrow and difficult." I think that a problem we often meet with is the fact that we think we shouldn't have any problems. But that's not true. We battle challenges almost every single day, whether small or big. The moment we let go of the belief that everything has to be perfect for us to be happy, we will find peace and freedom and stop waiting for this perfect, problem-free life which doesn't excist.

I totally agree with you, @silviaturon! I constantly have to remind myself of that as well. I saw your blog, by the way, really good stuff there as well!

Very nice post you got here ^_^ this is very inspiring.

very nive post keep steeming fellow steemian

Beautifully written! I wish I can write something like this or just at least close to this. Sad life. haha. Kidding aside, keep inspiring us with your beautiful posts, Gail. Way to go!

Thank you, @glennamayjumaoas. You most absolutely can! ❤️

I have never seen a post as motivational as this one! Thank you @thegaillery!

One moment, life takes us to the highs we've always wanted to reach. The next, it drops us to the lowest of lows.

On point! Thank you for such a lovely post Gail! 💜

Thank you for your kind words, Ree ❤️ I hope this post will get you through February 😁

Weeee. February is my birth month. This post made me smile even if I don't have a "birthday" this year. Haha

Omg! Feb 29 baby? We have to celebrate sa atong meet-up, Ree!

Oo hehehe. Wala koy sure maka join sa meetup kay daghan pa school works hehe. But I'll try! 😉

I am inspired reading your post. Thank you
@ thegaillery .

Thank you for reading, @orhem! I hope this will get you through February :)

Bisag nag sunggo nako diri gwapa 😅 na inspired gihapon ko😉idola ninyo manuwat oui😍strong imong message gwapa 😉og daghan gyud mig makat.unan bah😉mag bisaya rako huh? Maikog koz akong English pinunitan sa killage gud 😂🤣,

Hi gorgeous @bonjovey! Salamat kaayo sa pag suporta sa uyamot. Hahaha, lingawa nako sa killage! 😁

Nindot gyud ni imong content gwapa, hope someday nga makahimo sad kog in.anih ka quality ng content bah!!😉

Sure ko na kaya kaayo ni nimo. Ikaw pa?

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