The Good News Blog 1. Bringing you Inspiration every week.

in #inspiration6 years ago (edited)

Steemit is full of great inspiring content with out a doubt, but I feel as though some feed's are still flooded with negativity, just because it may be the truth does not mean it's having a positive impact. It's easy to get lost in it all, the corruption, destruction, unravelling the world you grew up in, and ultimately feeling hopeless.

I have been there, still am there sometimes, but I am trying my utmost best to pull my self out of that hole, because although horrifyingly much of it is true, that is not the whole story.

You can shift your perspective. The internet maybe many scary things, but it is one of our greatest tools for moving forward in my opinion. Start using it wisely!

I have been consciously spending some time, not daily, but each week for about a month, looking for positive story's, breakthrough studies, heartwarming moments, inspiring songs, which keep my little candle light flickering in the tornado! I am going to try a weekly Good News post, maybe it will benefit other people as it is doing with myself.

Swedish Scientists Develop Liquid Fuel which can store the Sun's energy for almost two decades.

This specialised fluid has aptly been named solar thermal fuel, and unlike solar power, can efficiently store the sun's energy for up to 18 years. "A solar thermal fuel is like a rechargeable battery, but instead of electricity, you put sunlight in and get heat out, triggered on demand."- Jeffrey Grossman, engineer.

The fluid is a molecule in liquid form, and a prototype of the energy system has been placed on a university roof putting the fluid to the test. The results are attracting investors, and did I mention that this is a renewable, emissions free device? They are aiming to use the heat generated in domestic heating systems- e.g water heating, tumble dryer, dish washer etc. The fluid can apparently store 250 watt-hours of energy per kg, double the capacity of Tesla's powerall batteries. All going well, the technology could be available commercially within ten years. Some very great minds are working hard to find solutions to the problems that we are constantly blamed for, progress is being made, we can still change things. Source

Documented evidence of Humpback whale Altruism- towards a Human.

A Marine biologist was protected by two humpback whales for over 10 minutes from a near by tiger shark. One of the whales repeatedly approached her and would not stop, he continually moved her towards his head and tried to push her up out of the water, she was not sure initially what was going on and was trying to get away, he then would tuck her under is pectoral fin and would rotate keeping her as close to his body as he could. This behaviour went on for over ten minutes and she noticed another whale tail slapping a little further away.

They then realised there was a tiger shark near by, and logically assumed that the whales were trying to protect her from a threat she had not been aware of. These whales are known to behave altruistically and are often seen intervening to help each other and often other species of animals, this seems to be the first documented case of them intervening this way with a human. Below is a very short 2 minute clip of the incident, there are longer clips available online. Hopefully with the emergence of more evidence of this nature the wider public will start to acknowledge that these beings need protecting, and start to make us see animals in general with new understanding.

A Doctor And His Team treat 700-1200 Patients Free of charge every Sunday since 1974.

Dr Ramana Rao has been treating people who cannot afford his services otherwise, for free in his clinic in India. He and his team of 35 people which includes his wife and two sons (who are also doctors), ten dentists, six nurses, and one skin specialist have done this every single Sunday, not missing one in 44 years, people now start lining up on Saturday evening. This is virtually all funded via crowdfunding.

Between 700-1200 patients are seen every Sunday, and to date they have treated over 2 million people, totally for free who would have been denied this treatment otherwise. "The reason I became a doctor was to serve my community," says Dr. Rao. "The Sunday Village Clinic is dedicated to help the section of society who have no means or access to quality health care." Source

Stories like this fill me with hope, there are millions of people doing good work like this. The whole team are true examples of 'Earth Angels'. It inspires me to find some way I can help, even if it seems insignificant in comparison, instead of feeling overwhelmed by the horrors and thinking there is no point in trying.

Biology student crosses a weed plant with strawberries.

This story made me giggle. A student of biology from Miami successfully crossed weed with strawberries as part of his practical biology class. His surprised teacher took it and him to the principals office, and although surprised and impressed they felt they should report it to the authorities for the sake of their reputation. The student says he has never tried it him self ( I don't believe it) but his class mates were all excited and wanting to try some! The plant unfortunately was confiscated by the police. I am not sure if you would have strawberry flavoured weed, or psychedelic strawberries, maybe both. I hope someone else tries to do this to find out! Source

A North Dakota Woman Donates 3,100 lbs Of Vegetables To Families In Need

A 67 year old woman has single-handedly donated over one and a half tonnes of veggies to families who need them this autumn. Donna Stumphf delivered the home grown veggies to the salvation army and northlands rescue mission over many weeks. She used a donated plot of land to grow all of the vegetables, and said "I decided to do something about the hunger problem, I had kids in mind, mainly, and parents who can't afford to buy fresh vegetables. I thought, I have to give myself a goal, you know, go big or go home."

She had a goal of 1,000 lbs of veggies, but was shocked to discover she had actually grown and donated 3100 lbs, and is excited for next year. Source. Such an inspiring lady! You can make a change no matter your age, and never underestimate how much impact you as 1 person can have.

Inspirational Music

I've been trying to find artists with inspiring messages to listen to, and boy have I discovered some crazy talent out there. I've never really been a fan of hip hop having only really been exposed to the main stream bitches and bling scene, but I am discovering some real gems in the rap/hip hop/horror core genres. My list is growing so I'll aim to include one each week.

This one is from the Artist Hopsin. Never have I felt able to relate to an artists lyrics like this. It's as if he is channelling the rage of the awake folk. This song sends a powerful message to young people and I think it's fucking brilliant! It also gave me the sense of not being alone with how I see things around me. It's easy to feel that way if you're not surrounded by many people who feel and think the same. Music is a powerful way to feel connected to a cause and a movement which aligns with your core. Well worth the time to watch I promise, even if you're not into this kind of music listening to the lyrics is worth it.



This is an absolutely brilliant idea. I absolutely love it and the post you share are heartening.

To be honest a lot of is a quite busy and don't have time so maybe I would reduce it to three items. You could always provide short links to the other ones. Only saying this because you asked for feedback and I was trying to think of what I could say. I really love the idea and I would definitely upvote it if my voting power wasn't on the floor right now haha. Xx

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for the feedback! Yea one half of my mind was thinking this is longer than I would be happy to read, but the other half was thinking well if it's a once weekly good news post then maybe it should have plenty to read. But another person has also said the same thing, and i was on the fence anyway so yes ill shorten the next one, i want people to engage not put them off! Ha. Ah don't worry about the votes everything is on the floor at the moment :/ i actually gave some one a pence the other day the first time my vote had been worth anything!!! haha, that was the only time though. xx

Dude, awesome!
Let’s have a chat in Discord about something.

Thank you :D so glad people are liking it. To be honest I am fumbling around confused on discord a lot, haha! new to it all, if someone sends me a message i can read it! But don't know how to do it the other way yet, so feel free to contact me anytime! :)

This was a wonderful read, thank you for putting this together! I tend to stay away from current news because it so focused on the negative aspects of reality at the moment. So reading these positive highlights has really been inspirational. The story about the Sunday free healthcare really hate my cord. I am planning on putting together a free natural medicine Laboratory when I finish my schooling in the next 10 years or so, and reading that story really showed me that it something that is possible. Thank you!

Ah im so glad it's had a positive impact on others, i thought it might it's doing my mind wonders. Ah that sounds fantastic! Here in the UK the national health service is being privatised at an alarming rate. And most people are completely oblivious that it's happening. I have always been really interested in natural medicine, food, homeopathy etc, it's very very expensive to train however, but i would really like to. May take a few years of saving up, but that time will pass anyway and i have a weird feeling such knowledge will be needed down the line, people turn their nose up whilst healthcare is free. I dont think it is always going to be that way, so what you're aiming for is awesome and you should certainly stick at it!!! xx

I absolutely love this idea! Love love love it.
You totally inspired me to write my freedom Friday post about freedom of energy and how to protect our energetics. This is a perfect example of using energetics to help yourself and likewise expand out into the world. Just awesome.

Because you asked... I agree with @riverflows that keeping to 3 would be both a great dose of happiness and inspiration but still very readable. Great suggestion. I really have nothing to add, just tossing a vote in for her thoughts!

Have an awesome weekend. 😊 🙏

Xx ToL

Ah thankyou for taking the time to give some feedback i do appreciate it. Yes i was half thinking this is longer than i would be happy to read, but half thinking if it's going to be a weekly thing then maybe it should have more than a couple of things on it. But yes people are very busy on here and so i want to encourage people to read it not deter them, hence asking you lot for some feedback :D. Ill shorten the next one.


Ps I don't know why I wasn't following you before, but you can bet your sweet indigo bootie that I am now! 😁

:-) The music is the cherry on top

I love this song so much, he's got some right cracking tunes. Yo, society's got you living for a whacked cause, you're a fucking ADULT with no skills at ALL. You don't read any books, or play ball, you don't draw, you literally do nothing AT ALL! I was laughing my head off the first time i heard it, like YESSSSSS MAAAN!!! haha

We need more of that

yes this exactly the type of news we need, we need to bring back our faith in humanity and bridge all these gaps that have been created. I really look forward to what you will post next, such a fantastic idea xxx resteemed xxx

Thank you! And thankyou so much for the re-steem that's super helpful getting some exposure. I know it takes time to build a following but if anyone is happy to re-steem to get the ball moving it's really really appreciated :D

I think this is superbly awesome. Many of these stories really touched me! Don’t change a thing- it’s absolutely perfect! I am super inspired by that veg growing lady! Light is just emanating from her! I love this idea! The humpback whales really touched me too.

Have you heard of Lyla June? She raps and has amazing lyrics, like in her Rise Up song- I love her music! Or Climbing Poetree?

Thank you @mountainjewel :) Im so happy it's resonating with people. No not heard of either, i will check them both out, sound like potential future features! xx

I really loved this post, such uplifting and interesting content! Wonderful concept - Thank you so much for sharing.

Thank you so much for the feedback :) Just posted number 2 if you want another dose!!

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