Awaken Your Creativity With These Simple Tips

Are you feeling uninspired?


Does it ever feel like you get discouraged as you try to write a creative post here on Steemit?

Somedays, you just don't feel inspired at all?

If you answered yes, your sacral chakra is more than likely blocked.

What Is A Chakra?

Chakra is an English word that is derived from the Sanskrit meaning which is wheel or disk. Simply put, chakras are wheels of invisible energy located at different points in our body. Each chakra is connected to a color depending on its own vibrational frequency. These wheels of energy correspond to several different parts in our body. Chakras regulate our nerves, immune system and major organs. Aligning your chakras allow for a balanced emotional, psychological and spiritual state of mind. When you think of a chakra, visualize a wheel of energy swirling at a point where matter and consciousness meet. This invisible energy is called Prana . Prana is vital life force which gives us a healthier mind, body and soul.

Before we continue, if you want to learn more about chakras and gain a better understanding of what they are, please click here.


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Location - lower abdomen
Color - orange

Functions Of The Sacral Chakra

  • Imagination
  • Creativity
  • Confidence
  • Sex drive
  • Emotional Stability

This chakra is an important one. First, I will share with you a few reasons as to why we should focus on opening our sacral chakra. When our sacral chakra is aligned we feel confident and it feels like our personal growth is going in the right direction. This chakra is associated with emotions, so you will gain better control over your emotions. You're imagination and creativity will take you places that you could only dream of! The sacral chakra is also associated with sexuality, by aligning and opening this chakra you have a high chance of increasing your sex drive.

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Imbalanced Sacral Chakra

If your sacral chakra is blocked than you will feel many emotions that a lot of us feel almost daily. You will feel bored, uninspired and discouraged, you may have a low sex drive. A blocked sacral chakra will show by signs of jealousy, low self worth, and even addictions. If you are an emotional wreck at times, you probably have this chakra blocked. Look out for physical signs such as increased allergies and urinary discomfort.

Opening The Sacral Chakra

Opening this chakra is a fun one. Dancing is a wonderful way to get this orange flow of energy freely moving, not only in our sacral chakra but also our entire body. Since the sacral chakra is associated with the water element, I highly recommend you gain a connection with water. For example, taking a bath, swimming, feeling the rain, even increasing your water intake will help balance the sacral chakra. Place your focus on the color orange all throughout your day . Roughly 2 inches below your belly button is where you are going to focus on this orange color. Visualize a bright and glowing orange light flowing through your sacral chakra, clearing it out of any negativity and imagine the orange light swirling your sacral chakra.

Keep Up On Your Creativity

  • Draw
  • Dooldle
  • Paint
  • Make Crafts
  • Color
  • Write Poetry

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Even when you don't feel creative, this is an important step to help maintain a balanced sacral chakra. Eating sweet fruits like oranges and melons will help with this as well. Burning an orange candle is one of my favorite ways to remind myself to focus on my sacral chakra. Since this chakra is right above our root chakra we are still closely connected to the earth, which means that nature will help balance your sacral chakra. Go outside and spend time enjoying the view of the flowers and the trees. Another great tip, repeating affirmations is an extremely effective way to align our chakras.

Affirmations To Heal Your Sacral Chakra

  • I Am Creative
  • I Am Enough
  • My Sexuality Is Sacred
  • I Allow Myself To Experience Pleasure
  • I Am At Peace
  • I Embrace Life With Passion

repeat these at any given time during your day

By following these easy tips, you will feel inspired and the creativity will easily flow from within you.

I will show you several steps that you can take to help better yourself and ways to help you manifest success and happiness. First, we need to learn all of these simple basic techniques so that our mind, body and soul are in tune with universe. Be sure to follow me so that you don't miss the lesson tomorrow! We will discuss the Solar Plexus, this chakra will help you with power, self confidence and purpose. If you missed the post on the root chakra, which is the most important chakra, please click here.


Check out what I had to say about my first month on Steemit!

Lost In The Deep Blue Sea



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