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RE: Give A Man The Power, And He'll Tell You Who He Really Is

in #inspiration6 years ago

Everyone wants to be in the giving group. I hope I can be there too. I hope I will not chicken out when I am in a higher position :D

This just reminded me of someone from work before. It took almost forever for her to be confirmed as manager. When that time came, that power went to her head. She even went on to say that there is a bridge between us and her and that we can never cross that bridge, meaning she is god and we are just mere pests.

I appreciate the people here who help newbies especially. They always think of ways on how to help.


hahaha - Your short story about the woman who finally got that manager 'chair' she was apparently craving for made me laugh and reminded me of some individuals very alike her.
That 'bridge' thing, on the other hand, reminded me of something opposite that happened to me several years ago when one of the cleaning ladies in the company approached me by saying, "You know, you are not a regular and normal CEO!"
I was like - What? I didn't know what does she means by that, and my first thought was as they were always (when things were going smoothly) accusing me of being too strict and demanding (and over a sudden change the opinion at stormy times), so while I was thinking, "What the heck did I do now to become additionally irregular and abnormal?" - she continued, "On any of my previous jobs, I have never met a CEO who truly listens and talks to everyone equally, willing to help as much as he/she can, but you do!"
I really didn't see that coming but I felt like I just received very unique and entirely unexpected beautiful present.

It just shows how humble you are and how much importance you give to people around you, above you and below you. Respect begets respect and that is what makes people succeed. To me, those are people who are the true leaders. I hope everybody can be that but even if the world will end, that can never happen.

I think you are too kind to me, while on the other hand, I believe she just had a very bad luck and quite ugly experience with her previous bosses and company managers. According to what she has told me, some of them were even mean.
Disregarding those who were not able to "cross the bridge" just to reply to simple, "Good morning! Good evening!" or, "Hello!" with the same or similar at all, by that showing the luck of some essential good manners, she was hurt the most by those who were purposely, e.g., dirtying the floors or toilets just after she cleaned them and stuff like that.
And I'm not talking about something that could happen by accident once or twice by one or another person. The stories she told me about few of them really were on the edge of horror from my point of view and nothing else but psychological maltreatment from some frustrated mean bastards.
I'm always wondering, don't those people know that the wheel of life is constantly circling, as well as everything we do to others will come back to us as a boomerang (with 100 times stronger force sooner or later), or those people just chose to ignore that fact!?!

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