Don't limit them just because they are disabled. Everyone has a dream, Everyone has the right to go for it.

in #inspiration7 years ago (edited)



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Have you ever watched BORN THIS WAY? A reality tv show about 7 people with Down syndromes in real life.

Down syndrome also known as trisomy 21, is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of all or part of a third copy of chromosome 21. It is typically associated with physical growth delays, characteristic facial features and mild to moderate intellectual disability.

I never thought that someone with a down syndrome can live a normal life. After watching the episode, It changed my life perception and found out that they are not special because they are lacks of something but they are special because they are full of love that they can share to us.

Someone with Down syndromes are having a hard time utter a word but when they do, they will share something inspirational, some words that can motivate you. Some words that you never expect coming from someone like them.

When the parents of those with intellectual disabilities found out that their child has down syndrome, their heart was broken into pieces (who will not anyway) realizing that these people cannot have a normal life like others. And that is what makes them sad, down, and broken.

That is also what I thought before, but after watching the show it made me realized that even those with intellectual disabilities can have a normal life. That even those with down syndromes can still do what a normal one used to do, that they can even do more than a normal one can do. That they can touch one's heart which broken by those ordinary and what we call normals.

With this post, I would like to feature the 3 out of the 7 stars of born this way. How they keep defying societies expectations. And words from them that may serve as inspiration and motivation to all (disabled or not).

The stars are:

☆Megan ☆Cristina ☆Jhon

☆Elena ☆Steven ☆Sean ☆Rachel


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A 22-year-old young lady, driven and ambitious. She has a self-imposed mandate to "save lives".

She became the first cheerleader in the State with Down syndrome. The cheerleading team went to state and soon went on to nationals. She also started her own clothing line called MEGOLOGY.

Is not that amazing? A young lady with down syndrome yet manage to have a clothing line?

She also used to work at the Mile High Down Syndrome Association where she helped them with Events.

She is a public speaker. She was noticed after creating a video entitled, "Don't limit me" and she is now spreading her message of inclusion and inspiration.

Here is a powerful message in her video DON'T LIMIT ME.

Don't limit me!By thinking that I can't learn in your classroom. Don't limit me!By thinking that I will always need someone to help me. Don't limit me! By having low expectation for me.

Include me and all of your students, in your circle of learning. While you are planning for my World Class Education. Think about how I have the same needs as all students. We all need life skills, We all need work skills

I need for you to teach me skills beyond reading and math. Teach me how to learn.Teach me how to act. Think about what I need to know and be able to do when I leave school

Help me learn to be independent in Class. Help me learn to be independent with friends. Help me learn to be independent, and safe, moving around our school.

Teach me to be independent so I can become an independent adult. I need to work independently. I need to work to speak up for myself. DON'T LIMIT ME by teaching me to depend on others.

Teach me respect because respect is give and take. Hold me to the same behavior expectations as others in your classroom. Teach me how to behave and excel in your class.
DON'T LIMIT ME by making me your class mascot.

Teach me what you expect from me. Set high expectations, Not impossible expectation.

There is a difference, you know. You will learn a lot from me. Good teachers teach and learn with their students.

I will teach you a lot about yourself. I will teach your students about people with disabilities. If you don't limit me we will teach our school how to be an inclusive community.

You, my teacher, is the person who is going to teach me power, passion, love, and independence

And I will become a powerful, passionately loving, and independent adult so, please...... DON'T LIMIT ME!-Megan

These words are so powerful that everyone will fall tears esp. If you Heard it from her video. The heart and sincerity are in her voice. After watching the video you will surely adore her, not only her but also the people with disabilities.


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A 27-years-old young lady lives in Long Beach, California.

She works during Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, in their School. She tells the students to put their backpacks in their lockers. She also helps to scan books in the library and to put them on the shelf and she gets paid afterward. During Wednesday and Friday, she works at Senior Center in Long Beach as a volunteer. For her, she wants to help people who don't have money that's why she is volunteering to help people.

This one reminds me of a beggar I encountered a week ago. You can read Beggar who has a talent but eaten by the idea of easy money. A person who has intellectual disabilities can work, how much more those who are not.

The reason why she loves being in the show is,

"I want people to see me, the real me. They can see the whole me with Down Syndrome. I am proud to have Down Syndrome. I am just like everybody else. I like having fun like anyone else I know. And people can see my boyfriend and how much he loves me."-Cristina

Her fiance, Angel, asked her to go out to a restaurant.Angel surprised her. He stood from his chair and fixed his tie then got down to his knees and popped the question "Would you marry me, honey?".

Cristina answered, " Yes, I would marry you". And they kissed and hug.

That scene melted me, I never thought that it can happen to those with down syndromes. All I know was their mental capacity is less than their actual age. But no, Cristina acts mature enough.What I saw is, impossible to the possible character.

She wants to tell us that,

"Everyone is different AND everyone wants the same: TO BE HAPPY.."-Cristina

"If you have Down’s Syndrome sometimes it is difficult to learn new things. BUT we are like everybody else. Never give up, follow your dreams and just do it."-Cristina


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A fantastic self-advocate who will melt your heart during the 1st season.

He always expresses himself through his music, writing, and dance. He is a particularly adept rapper. He started making music when he was 16. He even won an Emmy award.

After wrapping up the last season of the BTW.He then is working on releasing his second album called “Wherever You Want To Go.” His first album was called The Project featuring the single, “Shake Your Booty.”

Here are some words from him that will melt your heart.

“The doctors asked her if she wanted to have an abortion of me.”

“Even though I’m Down syndrome it didn’t really matter because my mother she said no. I’m gonna keep this child. This is my son we’re actually talking about. She sacrificed and she kept me. I could be out there dead. Your parents had given birth to you. They wanted you as their own child. They love you. They care about you and everything you have now is very special. I’m here. I’m alive. I’m human. And that’s what we need to know. We’re all humans. We have to like, just, stick together, and stay together, and be the person that we are cause that’s what God made us be.”

“I’m here, I’m alive, I’m human.”

"My message is anyone with any kind of disability, even it THEY say you can’t do something, don’t give up if it’s your dream. Keep trying. It may be extra hard but, if it’s your dream it’s your right to go for it."

I would like to share my love of people and thankfulness for their love for me. If we could all be accepted for who we are and not so much as what we look like. God, love would overwhelm the world.

With these words, you can say that they were raised well despite the disability they have, They keep defying the societies expectations. They even surpassed it. They epitomize the possibilities.

No matter who we are, We're all born this way. Everyone has the right to dream, Everyone has the right to go for it. Disabled or not, We are all HUMAN. We should not consider them as a shame in the family.



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