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RE: Writing and How to Get Out of Your Own Way — A Message from Your Limitless Self

in #inspiration7 years ago

Interesting! Your comment makes me think that maybe I'm thinking my way out of things. What sort of mindset do you go in with when you decide to just move on something? I find I sit down to start writing sometimes but then I think myself into a standstill. And then even when I don't do that I often write some stuff but then do nothing with it because it's not "usable" yet (i.e. too far from being a finished product). I think I could learn a lot from your style of doing things since it seems to be way more prolific than my current style, lol.


So if I have a desire such as writing, usually the intention is to start a conversation. So I'll start having a conversation with myself! This literally looks like me turning on the webcam and talking. I'll start chatting with myself about the idea or just talking about how I feel or what is inspiring me at the moment. This dialogue typically leads to a spark of thought which I then focus in on and use as my energy to write. Since I'm already talking, I'll use the voice-to-text function on google docs and begin talk-writing my article!

Hope that helps :)

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