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RE: We All Serve a God: Who (or What) is Yours?

in #inspiration7 years ago

I sincerely don't get why you're so emotionally triggered. You serve your god, which I assume is science and the universe. I serve mine. We have differences of what? With your constant spamming on my channel, you're acting like a childish jerk.


I have the free speech right to defend my beliefs or lack of beliefs just like you have the right to defend yours. Why did you make this post if you didn't want an honest and open conversation about these topics?

I sincerely don't get why you're so against people having emotions. Yes, ALL humans get emotionally "triggered" sometimes, but I'm not sure what your point is? Do you never have ANY emotional responses to anything? Are you trying to insult me by saying that I have emotions? hahaha :P

Playing games with definitions about what is or is not a "god" doesn't make you right just because you keep repeating it. I serve NO gods. (no matter how you personally want to define what a "god" is. That is not how words work, last time I checked anyway)

Why do you feel the need to demand that I serve some kind of a god?

submission not respect.jpg

You talk about defending freedom of speech, yet you flag my post because it doesn't agree with your world view? That's rich!

I flagged your post because you are targeting atheists with libel and slander and falsehoods. (hate speech from my perspective) Freedom of speech includes the freedom to condemn anyone else's opinions or ideas. You are obviously free to disagree with me since it's clearly obvious that you do. So should only YOU have freedom of speech but not me or anyone else that disagrees with your opinions? Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences or rebuttals.

freedom of speech.jpg

Hate speech? Now YOU are the one who libels! I would highly recommend you just leave; otherwise, I may consider cleaning up my comments section from all your spam garbage.

Did your post really have the intent to be honest about and treat atheists with any level of actual respect? Or were you just hating on atheists because they don't believe what you believe? If you were just spreading hatred of atheists, then THAT is HATE speech. How hard is that for you to understand? This is my final post to you unless you really want to discuss this further. I hope we can all learn to be more tolerant and honest in our interactions with each other. Thanks and goodbye! :)

Is this true @lundgreenman?
If so, that is bad form.

From the Etiquette Guide mentioned n the Steemit FAQ

#14) Don't flag content just because you disagree or don't like it
This is a big issue and I'm sure some people will disagree with it but I think the majority of the community agrees that the flag issue is for posts which are harmful or abusive and should not be used as a dislike or downvote button. Don't like something? Post a comment explaining why or if you can't be bothered to do that or don't have the time move on.

I'm fairly new here on Steemit, so I don't know if you can unflag something. If you can, and if you flagged this @bullishmoney post, you should remove it.

And yes, the author of the guide @thecryptofiend states

...these ARE guidelines not RULES.

  • So you are free to do as you please, but...
    • Not that you care, but if you don't, I will no longer hold a conversation with you. Sorry, I agree with the Guide on this point.

If you click on the flag, you will see that one of the reasons they state for a valid use of it is when you believe a post to be hate speech. I'm fine if you disagree with me but try to see it from my perspective. What if I wrote the same post but you swapped out the word atheist for Christian and then ask yourself if you would or would not consider it hate speech? Thanks for your honesty and I'm well aware of Steemit etiquette and don't flag things just because I disagree with something or don't like it. You can check my record and see that I have only ever flagged things RARELY so it's not like I'm rudely flagging people for no good reasons. Thanks for your input and opinions! :)

I have the free speech right ..

@lundgreenman where did that right come from?
I believe in this statement from the Declaration of Independence...

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Where do you think rights come from?

Rights come from human agreements and how we best decide to treat each other. Most of the countries back then that were Christian, did NOT believe in freedom of speech or equality. In other words, the more free-thinking/liberal founders of the USA (humans) decided to value freedom of speech and the other rights they enumerated later on in the U.S. Constitution.

By the way, the Declaration of Independence was simply an opinion declaration against England (real HUMANS had to actually fight to get independence. there were no gods doing it for us) and did not establish any of the laws of the land in the USA (otherwise, why was there still slavery which directly contradicts the all men being created equal part?) and the Constitution had ZERO references to any god or creator as being the authority for those rights listed in the Bill of Rights and the other laws/government order.

It was WE, THE PEOPLE who decided what our rights were (based in natural/socially/democratically agreed upon laws) and what we should aspire for them to be in the future. Also, if a god wanted us to have those rights, why did it supposedly wait until 1776 to communicate that to humans who also happened to want those exact same freedoms on their own? (no gods, no beliefs in a god, no priests/masters, and no need for religious faith was needed for our freedoms is my main point)

Constitutional rights is a misnomer.

  • Neither the Constitution or any government can grant rights.
  • The first 10 amendments to the Constitution (the so-called Bill of Rights) are simply limitations placed on the American Federal Government that they cannot infringe on rights.

I believe rights are natural law.

  • no government can give or take away these rights.
  • we cannot democratically or otherwise change them.

You mentioned the slaves.

  • Did they have the right to be a free man? Yes
  • Did the fact they were slaves, mean they did not have this right? No
    • Did the 14th amendment "free the slaves?" No
      • It simply made other people stop trampling on their right to be a free man.

I agree that our rights stem from/exist within the framework of natural law. I also see them as outgrowths from our human brains/social interactions.

The author of the original post recommended for me to stop posting here and just leave (he doesn't seem to like atheists much or maybe just me, which is highly understandable, hahaha) so if you feel like you want to talk more on this or any other topics, then feel free to go to and comment on any posts on my blog and we can continue the conversation there. (I mostly post art stuff but also a few other kinds of things)

Hope to see you there in the future some time! Please don't feel obliged to upvote or follow me or anything like that. Take it easy! :)

If you truly hate atheists (or just me) so much and don't want me to speak anymore on your channel, then I will stop. Feel free to mute me and I will do the same. I prefer civil and open-ended conversations (not spamming you or being a childish jerk) but if you prefer to only talk with religious people, then I'm adult enough to be fine with that. Let me know what you honestly want? Thanks. :)

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