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RE: Daily Inspiration #57 - Michael Landon - Tomorrows

Og Mandino, one of my favorite inspirational writers, said frequently that he had seen many calendars, looked over the names of the days thoroughly, and never saw a day named "tomorrow."

Less than two weeks ago I attended the funeral of a close relative. Events like that remind us that tomorrow might not happen for us. Carpe Diem!

Who cares if we act on an idea immediately and friends and relatives accuse us of being "impulsive"! While they accuse. . .we achieve!


Very well said! I completely agree!

I have some good quotes from Og that I will share in future posts.

You know another day I never see in a calender...



Yes indeed, there is no "Someday."

Nor is there a "When the Time is Ripe" day.

Daniel Webster: "He who waits until the time is right often waits until it is rotten."

Nice quote, and so true. The time is never "right". The time is now.

A related favorite saying:

Benjamin Franklin: "Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, because that is the stuff life is made of."

a great quote! I really like that one!

I have a few Ben Quotes.

That one is getting added to my collection.

Ben Franklin's autobiography is well worth reading, even though the reader has to wade through some archaic language.

How did my interest in time management start? In the early 1980s time management caught my attention when I heard a program about managing our time more effectively. The changes I made in my habits were so beneficial I started writing articles on how to maximize our hours.

The very first paid presentation I ever made was for the Macon, GA Chamber of Commerce--giving time management tips. The Chamber paid me $50.

Fortunately, my speaking engagements after that included a substantial increase in speaking fees!

Fortunately they did! lol $50 per talk would hardly pay the bills. :)

I have still to read his autobiography.

Time management is such an important thing. Something I am still learning to be good at. Getting better at it each day.

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