Getting Creative With Your Down Time

in #inspiration7 years ago


30,000 feet above the ground is definitely my preferred place to reflect, think, and plan.

It wasn't always that way though as you'll discover in a previous post called: I Suffered From Extreme Anxiety [And This Is How I Spontaneously Cured Myself]


Flights are great because they essentially force you to sit down and do nothing… or at least something that’s different than you would naturally do if you were experiencing another mundane day at home.

This has been the second flight I’ve boarded today and I’ve really been enjoying the lucrative amount of time I’ve spent in reflection about my progress thus far on Steemit, D.Tube,, and all in all, my creative process.


I choose to take advantage of these situations by taking time to reassess where I’m at, where I’m going, how I can improve, and what things I’d like to explore as the future of my creative journey unfolds.

If you create daily (or at least regularly) like myself, you’ll quickly find that this process is SO ESSENTIAL, yet it is sometimes ignored and often forgotten about.

The Art Of Productively "Doing Nothing"

In the content creation world, “not creating anything” is often frowned upon… or at least, it can feel uncomfortable at times.

I often find myself feeling very much at odds with myself when I miss a day of posting…

But I like to see this as a process that is actually quite productive - or at least a process that can be quite productive, as long as I'm using my downtime effective.

Although I may not be creating anything tangible, I am often still doing something.

And this something often dwells within a mental space which contributes to the overall creative essence that I represent.

Then later on, as I thrown down words on a blog post or smash that record button on an epic new blog, the productive use of my down time becomes very obvious.

Giving Yourself Space To Change

The beauty of being a creator is that your entire essence revolves around growth and expression.

Because creativity is a state of being, it means that it is always in a state of change.

As you grow, you change, and express yourself differently.


In order to be on the leading edge with your passions and purpose, it’s often a requirement to become vigilant of your creative patterns by challenging the ones that are becoming too stagnant or repetitive while continually working to develop and express new patterns.

To inspire this reflective process, I like to ask myself questions like...

What do I want to explore next?


What would be scary to try? What would be fun to try?


What things do I want to do more of?

Slow down to speed up

The words above are part of a philosophy that I like to abide by.

Especially after I’ve been creating at lightning speeds….

That speed quickly loses its steam (and Steem!) when you forget about the necessary and opposite duality of this creative mode: taking it easy.


When I have downtime such as being on a flight, I have a very real reason to slow down.

And thus, I have a very real opportunity to take full advantage of my inverse creative energy (slowing down).

As I do, I build up a new potential of energy that - when fully charged - expresses itself externally onto the paper or strip of film like a bolt of tenacious lightning!

Now obviously plane flights aren’t the only opportunities for us to slow down…

There are many spaces where this can occur.

And the more you can take advantage of these opportunities, the more you will appreciate life’s little breaks.

For when you take productive breaks it’s almost like you never stopped in the first place!

What’s your favorite place or time to slow down and meditate upon your creations? Let me know in the comments below!

Are You Creatively Uninspired?

Hm, well I may have just the solution you need. Find out by clicking the GIF below!



Thanks for stopping by!


yess, we also need the skills to do nothing and enjoy it..

Yes sir! So essential!

The art of living, i guest!

Oftentimes taking an hour to meditate and working for an hour can get more work done that working straight for three hours! Effectiveness is not measured by how frantic you're working, but rather how well you can identify tasks to do and then execute with style and grace!

Yes! I agree with this so hardcore. Every morning I embody this principle by just taking time to sort out my thoughts so that I have a better idea as to how I'd like to approach my day. This always leads to a more productive way, but it starts slow! Great points @lovecycle48 :)

Good tips. We need to reflect in our down time, and it's important to try and be creative every day. If not, life gets boring. Do you really fly that regularly though? lol

Yeah also in my dreams ;-) haha but yeah this is just one instance. Other times I prefer nature walks.

Thanks @musicman99!

Wow: you really know how to roll with the post-9/11 punch in re flight.

Myself, I sometime think things over when I drive on the highway.

Nice man, I really enjoyed reading your literary skills.
and did you notice;

But I like to see this as a process that is actually quite productive - or at least a process that can be quite productive, as long as I'm using my downtime effective.

For when you take productive breaks it’s almost like you never stopped in the first place!

You're still in touch with your inner freestlye :)
Much Love.

It's always funny how when we have too many things on our mind and we'd say it's overwhelming, but when asked to focus on one thing, or nothing at all, it is equally, if not, more difficult. I.e. Meditation. :)

for years my spirit has been of the do nothing to really get shit done mindset. doing nothing is actually an art...and art to be cultivated. most just think it is laziness, but this is more not grasping the benefits of do nothing mindset.
honestly with 2 kids shit changes as well. my recent flight times were gloriously productive..i rarely have such a prolonged time without little monkeys all up in my grill...i managed to edit 2 vids on those flights..shit..i should fly more.
to answer your question....i have a rock i swim out to at home to think and meditate...out there... i resolve so much in this life....i miss that rock...only a few months and ill be back to the trusty meditation rock.

When I was at somehwere have no access to internet and without anything to do just like in a flight. Usually I will use any note app to draft for my next blog.

You are innovative!

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