Get Your Well Deserved Rest Sometimes Steemians! 🙈 🐒

in #insomnia7 years ago (edited)

No Rest For The Wicked!

Money is NOT all WE need, except STEEM! 😂

"I wanted to make money writing because I liked to drink at night and I didn't like to get up in the morning." - Charles Bukowski


Image source from Pinterest

Thanks for RE-Tweeting this one @stellabelle

A quote what made me laugh out loud today! I need more giggles and sleep for sure!

I am not drinking but eating 🙈🤣🤣🤣 way too much at 3am and have many sleepless nights, since I am on @steemit, as many others here I meet at late night hours on various social platforms.

Crazy place 😂😂😂

I thought I am a “loner”. Haaaah Yeah right!

“The writer's curse is that even in solitude, no matter its duration, he never grows lonely or bored.”
― Criss Jami, Killosophy

Yours @mammasitta


I laughed at that Bukowski quote too! He really found what worked for himself.

Steemit is definitely messing with my sleep schedule too. I'm trying to get up early to write articles but I'm not an early riser at all hahaha.

Steem On ! You just started hahahaha! Don't complain yet .....It gets more intense over time. Actually it became my work & fun.....passion these days.

I'm sure it does get more intense! It doesn't feel like work though there are so many great people here like yourself. After I've done a lot of steeming i feel exhausted but satisfied hahaha.

Love that quote @mammasitta just about sums it up perfectly. :) or as my illustrious countryman once said.

"Work is the curse of the drinking classes" Oscar Wilde

No No No ...I don't want to turn into a "Zombie" :)

BUT THEN >>>>>

“The writer's curse is that even in solitude, no matter its duration, he never grows lonely or bored.”
― Criss Jami, Killosophy

I had to add this quote to my article. Now, my thought is complete.

True, you are never alone or bored as long as you have a pen and some paper. Boredom spurs inspiration.

Don’t drink 🍹🍸 And drive! Call an Uber!

Since i joined the Steemit i feel sleepless :P Actually steemit is so addictive My mom told me i was murmuring Steemit Steemit in my Sleep :P :P

Yes, I need to take some rest as well :D That image though :D :D

Steemit has been the only thing that has succeeded in stealing my sleep so far. Being a loner is well taken care of as a writer... and a blockchain writer is never lonely.

Hah thats a funny saying :D Steem is really getting addictive... That wasnt written in the terms and conditions when i signed up ... :D

Finding community in the solitary confines of our homes...

i am one of those , u always have les sleep since i started steemit . lol. it's like you really arefewling sleeping but your hands seems to have magne ton steemit , like right now it's already pass midnight here yest i am still trying to keeo my eyes open to check on blogs , oh no!!! 😀👍❤️❤️❤️

Haha :) And I thought the eating was just me!

hahaha! oh noooo! I start stuffing when I see how many comments I have to answer to :)

Loooool! 😅 This is the story of my life also

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