A LOOK AT THE SUNNY COASTAL MEADOW - for the : Thursday is Butterfly Day and Insect Day Giveaway- Week 49

in #insectpub5 years ago

The most important aspect of this post is its solar energy. The following pictures encapsulate a solid dose of sunshine ... still in good condition.
The sun is high in the summer sky in the world inside these shots ...
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... and many sunny, yellow flowers of the Scolymus hispanicus plant that covers large areas along the shoreline, accentuate the warmth of these visuals even more.
The abundance of flowers attracts a varied mix of insects and other invertebrates around these tough, thorny plants that grow on sunny, open spaces near the sea. Various species of bees and bumblebees, as you saw on the precedent few photographs, come here to feed and collect the nectar ...
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... and this large and colorful spider ...
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... has built a nest in the sheltered, thorny labyrinth in the lower part of the plant.
Blister beetles of the Mylabris variabilis species, are present in big numbers in this place ...
... and often get caught in spider traps.
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The versatile and resourceful Chabrier's Marbled Bush Crickets (Eupholidoptera chabrieri) are also jumping and feeding on these prickly fields ... as they do all over the coastal area ... and my house and garden too ... they are very present here where I live.
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The yellow is a prevalent color during the summer ... and this is another plant that gives a great contribution to that seasonal look of the coastline ... one of the many Hieracium species, don't know which one exactly ... and Mylabris variabilis beetles are crawling ...
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... and flying around them.
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Eryngium amethystinum ...
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... another thorny, resilient coastal plant ...
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... adds a bit of blue to the summer mix ...
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... and also ... like the plants that came before it in this post ... attracts a colorful invertebrate's fauna.
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Here you can see a bunch of small brown butterflies ... they are very common here ... but I don't know the exact species.
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The wild carrot (Daucus carota) is another typical plant that creates vast and beautiful meadows near the sea.
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On this photograph ... on the wild carrot flower ... you are looking at the shield bug of the Graphosoma lineatum species ...
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... that just exited her old skin.
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A fly ... of some species still unknown to me ... is resting slightly above the scene.
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Many various shield bugs ...
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... can be seen crawling around this habitat...
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... and on the dried out plants now at the peak of August ... some species have a very good camouflage.
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Lovely red dragonflies ...
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... are watching this world from a high position on the tops of the plants ...
... and the ants are patrolling the territory down below ... in search of seeds ... and various edible stuff.
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Here is a fly ... caught on photograph somewhere in the middle ... on not very tall dry grass.
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In the zone very close to the coastal rocks ...
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... the vegetation is different ...
... looks almost alien at time ...
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... the plants ...
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... like this endemic Limonium cancellatum ...
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... or the more widespread Crithmum maritimum ...
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... are growing and spreading near to the ground ...
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... on hard soil. And now ...
... with this beautiful grasshopper camouflaged on the lichen - covered rocks ... I will close this window with the view on summer ... turn off the light, and go to sleep - good night, my friends ... good night :) ... the post is over, as always the photographs are made by me.


Awesome, as usual!

Thanks :)

The spider looks like a woodlouse killer, they specialize in eating roly polys. The big fangs are able to get past their armor.

Yes, looks very much like that one … the colors and the long fangs are there ...

Photos of insects are so amazing and high quality!
Really Great post!!!

Thanks :)

Wow, a lot of butterfly and insect pretty photography.

Thanks :)

Hello sunshine! How exciting to see that shield bug shed her skin. The red dragonfly is gorgeous and the 3 butterflies adorned the flower perfectly. And of course, the spider made me gasp and I felt sorry for the blister beetle stuck in the web. I can't say enough about your posts and photography but you must know that I feel like I am there with you, looking at the scenery in real time with my own eyes so thank you for that. A spectacular post @borjan! : ) : ) : )

Thanks :) glad you like this little slice of summer.

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Terrific shots.. Enough for 6 posts 😊

Thanks :)

Amazing photos and atmosphere!

Thanks :)

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